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Ive played Mabinogi for a while now bu7 finally have made a accoun7 for 7he forums. I loved my charac7er so much 7ha7 i had 7o make him in7o a cosplay. Also Im new 7o 7he forums please be nice 7o me as i 7ry 7o figure 7hings ou7 3:
Hello a question from several bard veterans on Alexina!
Why haven't the listed instruments below been implemented yet? and why are they only being givin out as very exclusive prizes for contests? Shouldn't this content be available in game? It been known about since the bard bulletins board was released like 5 years ago. What's the facts? Will it ever be something the community will get to play with? I would love to know more on this topic!
- Festival Lute
- Festival Ukulele
- Festival Mandolin
- Festival Whistle
- Festival Flute
i know the contest says to dress up your Mabi character as an anime character but i decided to do the opposite and dress as my Mabi character instead! really wish i could of gone to expo again this year 3:
IGN: Crazytim7
Server: Alexina
Anime: Mabinogi is the best anime!
Character: CrazyTim7
even if i dont qualify for the contest im glad to participate anyway ^)^7''