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for anyone struggling with this still i found the issue myself it was my pc was not allowing black cipher to execute
so i had to enable it under windows security > controlled folder access so if you are still have the same issue and the above di…
I agree that and a separate style tab for them so they can be geared. Also elf and giant partner options would be great. Maybe a tail slot please. I love the partner hs update and still plan to buy way more partners but personally want elves.
a guild storage system would be really nice a space for guilds to just drop items for other guild members to have at. and maybe to repurpose things like mystic pearls which u fish give 0 gold and used to be for life drain crystals and now are just t…
It would be neat if there was a system kind of similar to pet houses where u can set the partners in ur hs to be different npcs you would just have to buy the kiosk for it healer etc kiosk. I would definitely throw a ton of nexon at this.
i miss the belisha event that was really fun also looking for more homestead halloween items and i know alot of others are upset about the lack of creepy haunted gacha
Welcome to My Halloween Homestead Boardgame
Sneaky little homestead cat~
The Blood Moon Rises
your charriot awaits
A halloween themed boardgame where the pieces are my …