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Well it looks like I can finally play now....I don't know why...I just kept restarting and restarting until I couldn't even count...Welp considered this case closed I guess.
I think I was a bit impatient but after a speed test it showed me a low download speed but a high upload speed, a speed test on my phone gives me high mbs on both so I think that's the problem Imma need to call my ISP and ask some questions if nothi…
Leinei wrote: »
There's an unscheduled maintenance going on right now, so hopefully when that completes, you'll be able to get it. It's doing a hotfix, but the notice doesn't say what it's fixing.
I had this problem before the unscheduled main…
PlatinaKoki wrote: »
Ugh, just sounds like you're making it more difficult.
Wut? It's still just using fingers to type on the keyboard, the only diffrence is just switching to mail address.
Can't say there will be no issues in the future tho…
Falcondae wrote: »
Huh, very strange then... Because on an alt account of mine, there are 6 classic cards on it but I didn't do their beginner quests, or at least not that I remember.
Must be a new thing I guess cuz on my main I don't remember …