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I'm going to reject this petition. I love my big boat. You can't do this to my boat. I'll park my luxurious boat wherever there is a nice fresh land of people.
These threads wouldn't need to be closed down if the community moderators/GMs would just answer our questions.
We need people from Nexon America to be t r a n s p a r e n t.
Wintermystic wrote: »
Lucky to all those who got their names. I have a sealbreaker so I can't ever change mine, and am permanently stuck with +Tarlach, and no amount of pleading with nexon support will change that. Going to find something else to …
While Nexon creates more channels on Nao to accommodate for the bigger population, they took away channels from Alexina and even with 6 channels, it still is dead on every channel.
Faithrend wrote: »
Pan wrote: »
Should’ve prepared beforehand. They listed all requirements for a smooth transition.
Pan just mad she don’t get a name change lol
I lost no names, but I gained names. Alexina players still have to s…