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Zeo wrote: »
mochibi wrote: »
if they can't give us dark skin tones because of the pre-existing programming
can they make an item like those pumpkin crowns but instead for dark skin? i wouldn't mind using up my hat slot in exchange for darker s…
That is correct, this discussion has a much larger thread on the topic here:
Bakujio wrote: »
It's a shame really that seeing how customizeable Mabi has become with all these hairs, wings, clothing, the only thing limited for elves is skin tone. It would be nice to not have to wear this pumpkin crown for my elf on a daily …
Bloonk wrote: »
Even from a lore standpoint it doesn't make sense.
I can have an elf with abnormal colored spiky hair that defies gravity, crudefully drawn on eyes, a goatee, AND A DISGUSTING, UNNATURAL, REVOLTING CAT MOUTH THAT IS PERMANENTLY …
Zeo wrote: »
PepperLime wrote: »
TheLordofNyrin wrote: »
This summed up every feeling I have about this skin issue thing. There are a lot of things about the game that I complain about and I'm willing to even look over some of them and …
PepperLime wrote: »
TheLordofNyrin wrote: »
This summed up every feeling I have about this skin issue thing. There are a lot of things about the game that I complain about and I'm willing to even look over some of them and let it go if th…
Been wanting dark skinned elves for years. I wanted to be a chocolate elf from the day i made my main. this is now the 8th thread I've seen on this topic, yes I've been counting. I've said it before and I'll say it again. it shouldn't be THIS hard t…
Support support support support support! This has been needed forever, mainly the bug fixes id be happy with just those. all of your suggestions would make commerce fun again and I could really see it becoming a main feature of the game.
Montjulent wrote: »
Guys it's 2017 you can already be a dark Elf if you truly believe
I said i wasn't going to reply further on this thread, but heres a MOD that does it. what was it i said? something about it being possible to make in an a…
I've been trying to make my elf look like hes made of milk chocolate for 4 years, so yeah, skin/eye/hair dyes would be a massive help and i wouldn't mind plopping 20 bucks each as long as you got to the pick the color and it wasn't that random spinn…
This is the 7th suggestion thread i've seen for this. i'm here to 100% support this. no dark skintones for elves was one of the many reasons i've pretty much left mabi. that and a F-ton of glitches and lag issues. bringing this into the game is some…
I 100% support this! might even start playing again too if they added it. would happily pay 20 bucks for pick a any color you want for skin/hair/eye dye. just no random dyes, that would be horribly ugly unless you could preview and need to click con…