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Greta wrote: »
Tamisra wrote: »
Things that annoy me?
- Graphics (targeted too much to weeaboos.)
Another hater of anime games? It was created this way from very start, how did you even start to play this game if you hate anime?
Hardmuscle wrote: »
Freebird wrote: »
Sherri wrote: »
IMO, they should dump the whole VIP/Premium system or whatever they call it, OR massively update it ALREADY.
There is many features in the VIP/Premium system that should really be availab…
Sherri wrote: »
IMO, they should dump the whole VIP/Premium system or whatever they call it, OR massively update it ALREADY.
There is many features in the VIP/Premium system that should really be available for the public, offline housing being on…
Ultimately, the economy surrounding cosmetics (are Lava Cat Robes still a popular thing?) is to your benefit. It's as legitimate as any other kind of player-driven economy sector. Not properly "fueling" the player economy would roughly cause the fol…
This game was implicitly a subscription based game (with having to purchase rebirth cards and the such- free RBs weren't available until G4 or so IIRC). I'm not sure why it wasn't just a straight up sub or B2P with a free trial. It probably would ha…