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I too am looking for some people to occasionally run things. I'm a returning player so almost all my guildmates, friends, and acquaintances from years ago no longer play and I am behind on much of the storyline. My IGN is: Wolfvander. You're welcome…
Marielx wrote: »
Good luck on setting your shop up, if it interests you, heres my character for the freebie.
Freebie art for MarielX complete
Freebies: Slots Closed, setting up shop.
1. MarielX - Complete
2. Phirecry - Complete
3. x
Sketches Slots: Slots closed, setting up shop.
1. x
2. x
Chibi Sketches: Slots closed, setting up shop.
1. x
2. x
Full Color: Slots closed, se…