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Greta wrote: »
I guess you guys won't be needing to decide winners for this one, you can pretty much send all the prizes to the entrees already.
Watch me enter and not win
I always laugh at the people that say its "just hype"
Meanwhile Alexina's population used to be 2x the size of the merged servers.
So if Alexina's population was 40% the other three would be 20% x 3.
Which is 60%.
60% is 66% larger than 40%.
What difference does it make if you have to rely on others?
This game is an mmorpg lol.
Just make money if you need to reforge.
You can spam all the baltane mission every 36 mins to get runestones of daring/ Inferal blade fragements
Which NPC se…
She literally tells you she wont ever go on deliveries again after you talk to her the 10th time.
This is what happens when everyone mashes space bar instead of reading. Esp after everyone was like "OH just use NPC search gg ez"
Bronzebreak wrote: »
*Giant population intensifies*
Only thing thats gonna happen.
Ez mode race take zero damage while skipping 4 years/500mil of grinding?
Everyone signs up
Elevolo wrote: »
They are trying new ideas it seems. I don't know if anyone would throw money at this, I certainly won´t. But that is a trend IRL so, I'm sure there will be people who will experiment with that look, there are tastes for everything…
Alshian wrote: »
Do you account that not everyone may reach lvl 200 as easy as many that only the highest they willing to take is 100+?
This was strictly a maximum AP allowed in an allotted time frame.
Whether or not you cant get to lvl 2…
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
Opalthira wrote: »
The maximum amount of AP gained from this event is ~2100 ap.
The Amount of AP from levels alone in one year is 10.4k Ap
6 months of that is 5200.
This event is only worth about like 2-3 months of AP f…