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She seems to be the only one in the camp to have gotten the attention :< Well atleast they picked the cutest, though I'm kind of curious at how they would have made Art and Hamelin look like
I might as well just pop up and introduce me as well since you went ahead and started it
My name is Naxos, like my forum name, I'm an oldie veteran crazy old man. I may, or may not have hidden cookie stashes, some of them may, or may not be boobytrapped.
Like Kappa, I'm a New User Ambassador with the goal of answering questions, giving advices, and providing in depth mentoring to aspiring players. I can be added, but as many people tend to do so, dont hesitate to send me a note to let me know if it is full, or you prefer punctual help to prolonguated one. As a word of warning, I'm an old fashionned player with a slower playstyle and an emphasis on inefficient, but fun tactics
With all said and done, enjoy the brand forum section, make it random, fun and inviting to all and I'm sure many will want to chime in