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To help combat the abysmal drop rates I would like to suggest a reroll system for the chest at the end of dungeons~
I feel like getting 1-2 attempts to reroll the loot in the chest would help a lot with motivation to run things, given how many runs are theoretically needed to gain anything currently useful; or worthwhile.
Maybe by sacrificing the gold we would otherwise get from the said chest as payment to reroll the items?
Please include the futon if possible c: willing to pay extra if necessary!
You can free style it as necessary with her expression, hat on or off, etc.
Let me know if anything needs clarification, or adjustment on my part~
Thank you!
Sorry for my delayed response ; v ; my pc ended up breaking on a flight out so can only access a computer at specific times recently~ I'd be more than happy to take on your commission though if you're still interested! I do have one to finish up I believe but I could start sketching yours right after if you'd like!