Although the change of moving the finals earlier by six hours has been great, and I applaud that because we see a lot more folks from Europe and the Mediterranean regions attending, it did make things worse for others. Shifting the entire schedule earlier by one day would likely see a return of some number of those jousting fans that feel that no longer can they attend. By shifting the finals to the same time but on Saturday (server date), does not effect the folks already making use of it but it has the following benefits:
1) Folks in Eastern Asia and Australia who used to be able to get up near breakfast time Monday morning for the finals now have them in the middle of the night before a work day. Moving the finals to Saturday means that they can sleep in Sunday and not miss work or school.
Some countries have their weekend as Friday/Saturday but the time-of-day for those countries is now much more reasonable for them to attend on what is, now, a weekday anyway, so changing the finals to Saturday makes no difference for them.
2) Some folks , in America who still observe the custom of attending church for example, have a time conflict, and we do have several who now can't attend because of that. It is possible that moving the time to Saturday will make attending challenging for some that are already doing so, but the net result should be on the positive side as, indeed, moving the finals time earlier by six hours was.
Please change the day-of-the-week for the jousting finals to the same time, it is now, but on Saturday, and not Sunday, by shifting the jousting week earlier by one day.