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o p e n ❀
i'm rebeka from alexina!
i've discovered the art shop threads in the forum, and decided to make one for myself!
please be patient with me, this is my first time
… (more)doing something like this. Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ
i can accept gold or NX, and cash sent via paypal, but right now, i would prefer gold and NX.
we can discuss the details here or in tumblr or in deviantart.
first, i would like to make a waiting list with 3 slots, to see if anyone is going to be interested.
i need to note that i work very slowly!! (。´д`。)
my tumblr: lavendercrown
my deviantart: rebelhime
IGN: Ringodesu
❀ r u l e s ❀
1, contact me in one of the previously mentioned places or just write there!
2, send me a reference from your character.
3, if we discussed the details and the price, i'll make a sketch from your commission.
4, i'll send it to you, and if you are satisfied, you need to send me a check with the amount of money we discussed.
5, if everything is fine, i'll start working on that sketch!!
❀ t y p e s ❀
✽ animated pixels ✽
✽ blinking OR bouncing
✽ i can't make them do both because i'm lame sorry ( ; ; )
✽ 500k or 5k NX
✽ watercoloured fullbody with or without background ✽
✽ traditional drawing
✽ with or without background
✽ watercolours on aquarel paper
✽ with background: 2m or 20 - 25k NX
✽ without: 1m or 10 - 15k NX
✽ groups can vary the price
❀ d o n t ' s ❀
VERY complicated background
❀ w a i t i n g l i s t ❀
✽ (less)