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The last two titles, Born Artisan and Possible Descendant of Ferghus are earned by being the first and last respectively to finish the puzzle box in a party of 5 or more.
Started with a few friends being bored after playing around in Tirs fields. We eventually decided to ride on eachothers horses and liked the idea.
So we went to Dunbarton and picked up a few people, some were friends, some were new.
We event went to Belvast to try and find more people.
Someone had some friends attempting the grandmaster stuff and we went to pick them up, all the way laughing at how ridiculous what we were doing was.
We then went back to Dunbarton to show off, but weren't quite satisfied with how big the train was.
Had some hiccups but we were able to get it sorted out. One of our new riders was a giant so we had to fix him up with a mimic instead of a horse.
But we got it all settled and continued our ride into Tir Chonaill.
Heck we even went to meet the AFK fishers at Abb "Neigh"
We finally got all 16 members after searching and finally going back to Belvast. After that we ran around city to city laughing and having a great time
We ended up back in Dunbarton, and our horses were running out of summoning time, getting tired I guess? :] So we all decided to pile up for a group photo. Thanks for doing this, guys.