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To sum up, if I wanted to participate, I'd need to:
wake up at 4 am
click like crazy for 30 minutes (room mates sure would appreciate that)
fight not only the other team but also the unfair conditions like running speed and style tab camouflage
And after all that I could get a straw hat or nothing at all.
I've seen many events in this game. Some were great, some not so much. But this one is probably the worst one so far. Even Caravan Joe Town was way better than this.
As a matter of fact, Smash skill is what causes problems. If you use it with Wind Guard active, your character is unable to move or use any skills until you cc/log out. I've already tried it myself several times and heard about several other people experiencing this exact problem.
How about limiting the number of threads one user can create to 1-3 per day? Not only would that be a countermeasure against bots but also a general spam-prevention mechanism. Sorry if I'm not supposed making suggestion about that kind of stuff, I just want the forums to be clean again.
Seriously, what's with this game and RNG? There are so many items 90% of players will never see, because they're either rare gacha prize, ancient event reward or 0,001% chance dungeon drop.