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When you're talking about balance between all 3 races you have to do it talking from an endgame stand point. Before endgame nothing actually matters, but at endgame the power gap is so huge you actually cannot compare humans to elves or giants, human only contribute as brio slaves, a human dpsing is better replaced with an elf or giant.
With how the game is now and in the future, the only time this matters is only in Clobber. In end-game party play, Bosses die in sheer seconds so it really doesn't matter whom has the highest DPS as long as the party has the highest Output they can provide. Which for Humans would be Lance Charge then Impale. Giants would still be using their best Single Target and Elves would be well Mag w/ campfire ofc whenever they can. My point is that humans aren't absolutely useless endgame with an LC on DM'd boss 0 prot being 100k~500k every 5 seconds, and impales at 100k~200k every x second vs FH being like 15k~40k.
At endgame they legitimately have final hit, everything else the other two races do better.
No. At endgame we have 350k~1m Lance Charge crits non ele every 5 seconds and 400k crit chain impales every x second without a combo card with SS(this is what's possible in NA). FH is, in my opinion, pure garbage as a "High DPS" skill. FH at its best is AoE DPS when paired with 2h.
With the buffs coming in G22, I don't understand why this is bad. Mobs only have x-amount of HP and player's damage are only ever going to increase as we see with the incoming passive for 2x dmg that can crit on its own as well as a skill cd reset and skill cd negate oh and at cap +1 piercing and a chara dmg buff. As it stands, Humans are decent and looking at KR's Hall of Fame, humans are the best in Single Target when all possible stacks are available for Lance Charge (which is generally the case in content that matters). FH shouldn't be relied on as the go-to boss killer when humans have other, better options.