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  • Dan 3 Healing Test

    Can We Talk About This w/ Beardo:

    So far 7m into the hole and approaching 8m at a velocity reminiscent of light. This test is one of the most awkwardly laid out tests I've ever seen. I get it, it's cute. I love the concept as someone who has read the Animal-loving Healer book in the game. The main issue is, as said before that its not a test in skill. There is some features that can be used to your advantage, but looking at the above. My only successful attempt I actually managed to land 3 distress heals and never let the bear get a single buff. Having to rely on two AIs to test your prowess with a skill is quite obnoxious. But lets talk not about what can help you net that elusive SS, and instead turn to wipe conditions.

    -If both the AI get into a stand-off with defense and counter for a time frame totalling more than approximately 30 seconds, I've never had the opportunity to earn enough points to get 9000 healing, or the bear is never close to dead by the final minute.
    -If you critical heal too much then you won't have the opportunity to heal enough points by the time rolls around. (One of the only Dan tests I've found where the most beneficial portion of a skill actually negatively impacts your success rate. [e.g. Criticals in combat tests{Bonus Points!}. Properly timing those Blacksmithing Tinks{Better items, better score}.])
    -If the bear decides it gets a bit hungry and turns on auto combat before going AFK to check the oven, the bear will almost always lose trades in normal attacks owing to hitbox size. If this continues on for too long the bear will suffer more damage and you'll see a dead bear before you can snag close to 9k healing points.
    -Another wipe condition is our fantastic RNG based friend "Ally calls for help." If you don't get these fairly early on the battle for the 3k bonus points on Red Bear KO is a very heavy uphill battle, if that's the case most times you need the Gutsy Chick to be hyper aggressive and this leaves you shut out of healing points. However, if the opposite occurs then you'll typically see the bear killed by the time you've managed around 4,500 to 7,500 healing points dependent on how quickly the damage bonuses come.

    As far as it goes I'm on attempt #267 so far in my adventure into family friendly fun times healing hell.
    I've been keeping an Excel spread sheet and I'll name off a few of my favorite attempts.

    #1: 8950 points by 30 seconds, Defense Dance hell. (This is what got my hopes up.)
    #47: -3000 points, failed by 04:53 after the bear was smashed in the face by me.
    #60: 12950 points. Yay! First SS!
    #79: 11450 points. Without the bear dying, or being below 4/5ths health.
    #244: 1200 points. Chick went full Rambo mode and never took a hit out of defense until 2 minutes and 48 seconds left.

    News update!
    301 attempts, 9.03m gold later, I have successfully bought my way to Dan 3 Healing.