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I thought that the old renowns could get 10k exp per day after the update too (obviously you don't get exp retroactively added that you didn't earn though).
Does anyone know what the requirements to raise the new renowns are? Like what people will actually do to raise it rather lol
I have that information too. Just be warned the translation may be off so some tasks may be misleading or straight up wrong, but it gives you a good idea.
Edern Renown
Using life skills to create is the focus.
How to get EXP
-Successful item creation with refining/weaving/handicraft (+80)
-Create item with Carpentry/Magic Craft/Hillween Engineering (+80)
-Finish production on Tailoring/Blacksmith (+160)
-Cooking/Potion Making creation (+80)
-Successful production under raincasting (+120)
-Create a high quality item(+400)
-Puppet House PTJ(+240)
-Lighthouse PTJ(+240)
-Successful completion of ? PTJ(+240) (Probably blacksmith, or Advanced PTJ)
-Succesful completion of Clothing Store PTJ(+240)
-General Store PTJ(+240)
Using life skills to gather is the focus.
How to get EXP
-Success in collecting natural objects with a skill(+80)
-Success in collecting from animals with a skill(+80)
-Crop harvesting success in a Homestead(+620)
-Successfully gather under a rain casting cloud(+80)
-Gather a golden mushroom(+800)
-Fish up a 100 cm+ fish.(+560)
-Obtained a gem via metallurgy(+320)
-Huge lucky bonus with collection(+560)
-Flower Shop PTJ Success(240)
-Success of a ? PTJ(+240)(Maybe Advanced PTJ)
-Complete shearing PTJ(+240)
-Complete iron ore mining PTJ(Sion's) (+240)
-Alchemist House PTJ(+240)
-Healer House PTJ(+240)
-Complete a PTJ(+240)
-Grocery store PTJ(+240)
Appreciating life skill products is the focus.
How to get EXP
-Success or failure to make an item that requires materials(+80)
-Successfully eat a "homemade dish"(+80)(Probably has to be cooked.)
-Use a 300 potion(+100)
-Successfully use first aid using a *handmade* bandage(+100)
-Successful reduction of equipment durability(+400)(What? This is one I don't understand)
-Burn an enchant using campfire(+100)
-Share food with others(+80)
-Successfully use fragmentation(+110)
-Successfully use synthesis(+110)
-Upgrade an item(+240)
-Attempt to strengthen or open erg(+240)
I'm hyped for this update, whenever they decide to release it.
Can't wait to see what my alch will be hitting with the stat uncap.
The patch notes I remembered seem to be different from what were actually written so here's the stats for the renowns instead, so you can see how much more stats you can get. The range implies the roll you get from getting level 50 at 100% exp for the renown. If the roll is bad, you can reset to level 50 at 0% exp and try again. It takes 3 days of max renown exp to get to level 50 100% from 0%.
561-940 HP from Edern's Renown.
541-900 MP from Endelyon's Renown
381-600 Stam from Eluned's Renown
One extra question, if you need these "Decision Bree" items starting at level 4, and they're obtained from doing the Tech Duinn things, but those aren't implemented in Part 1.
Does that mean all the first 5 traits are effectively capped at level 4 until part 2 adds in the Tech Duinn Missions?
Yes. However, it's not that big of a deal. There's 2 things I left out in that original post. The first thing is that you can save brigh so even if your traits are capped, or you are finished with traits and just are waiting for the next update you can keep gaining brigh from normal gameplay, up to a certain point since brigh is capped(don't know how much you can store). Also, the 5 traits in part 1 are the defensive traits, and part 2 will have offensive traits.
The second thing is that you might not even have all the traits. You got to do G22 to simply gain the knowledge of the traits, like rank novice in a skill, you don't just get given traits. You got to activate them by meeting certain conditions. These conditions are diverse and sometimes a bit steep. I will go over a few. For example, to unlock Time Distortion(The trait that allows you to reset cooldowns) you will need r1 Meteor Strike, r1 Dorcha Mastery and The Busy title. As a heads up, each Crusader skill(except for spike) has a respective trait where you need r1 to activate it. Like Transcendence Life requires r1 Divine Link, along with other requirements like the Strong title and Edern(?) Renown level 50. For Vital Penetration you need level 25 Yvona renown, r1 Battlefield Overture, and a Alban Knights Emblem that has reached specific requirements(Not too sure) Sometimes it's a simple stat requirement like for Impact Cancellation where you need r1 Shield of Trust, 150 base defense, and 90 base magic defense(numbers may have been lowered.)
So there's definitely stuff to do during the lull period between the 2 update parts, especially if you don't have all the requirements for the future traits, or defensive traits that are still locked. Tech Duinn missions are also going to be 4 player content, and they will reward more than just Decision Brigh, but the Trait Armor and Enchants. Those items will enhance a trait, like giving a greater HP shield to Transcendence: Life. You can't even enter Tech Duinn(or even see it) without doing G22, so level 5k requirement.
Disclaimer: All requirements listed are subject to change(and could be wrong anyway, since I may have botched the translation on some of them) since they were on the test server, several have been lowered or just changed a bit already. I just wanted to point out that you don't just get given traits, and the kind of requirements you might see.
Don't expect me to say anything specific about G22's storyline, but if you are after information I got some. G22 Part 1 adds 5 of the 10 traits, with part 2 adding the other 5 later. During G22 you gain access to the Tech Duinn lobby, and while the Tech Duinn missions aren't in the game yet(those are coming with Part 2 as well), players get an early taste of the content inside the area.
The KR test video earlier in the thread is still pretty much all correct, but Impact Cancellation and Shock Absorption have been nerfed. They were too powerful, especially with the more major change from G22 which is protection is calculated first, then defense.
I will specify more on how brigh and traits work, since I don't actually see the specific information in this thread. There's 3 kinds of brigh, Execution Brigh(red), gained through leveling up, Challenge Brigh(Green), gained through doing dungeons/missions, and Sympathy Brigh(Blue), gained from daily quests. You use these brigh to grant the trait of that color experience points. So if you want to level up Rapid, which is a red trait, you need Execution Brigh. Once the trait is ready to level up, you must use AP and a special item called a Decision Brigh(I think). You only need Decision Brigh starting at level 4, and you get those from doing Tech Duinn. The reason why that video had them at level 10 is because KR test gave out Decision Brigh for testing purposes, and high level traits. You can also get the normal Brigh using AP once a day.
Other tidbits of information, G23 is coming out in the Winter, development is picking up pace, they did listen to the community concerns about G21 being too hard, and the long(sometimes obnoxious) wait times during and inbetween quests. From what I have seen of G22 both of those criticisms have been tackled, that 5k requirement isn't actually a sign of the difficulty of G22, but kind of a way for the developers to wall off things like the trait system, to make sure players are familiar with the game first, something along those lines. Since from what I saw, yeah, G22 is easier mechanically but enemies are definitely designed with level 5k in mind HP and damage wise. The wait times between quests are also gone, or when they aren't gone are very short. Also combat quests themselves are straight, to the point, 80% of the time. There's definitely exceptions in G22, but it's not like every other quest has you doing 1 damage for 2 minutes.
Edit: Amount of Brigh obtained per task removed because the amount may have been for KR test only.
Edit 2: It's not bree, it's Brigh. As in the Old Irish word for force or power.
I did a lot of the footwork on translating and gathering some information on this. Not all of this is concrete, but it is a good idea of what to expect. I am going to avoid specifics(and spoilers) since I don't know most of them, and just go over the general components.
There are 4 skills in what I am calling the Divinity tab. Here's the first disclaimer, I am calling it Divinity and Divine Form, but it's hard to tell what the Divine Form is really called. (Yeah scratch that part it was that person's name) I am just going to call it Divine Form. You could also call it god and probably be colloquially correct too. The skills seem to be under the umbrella of Divinity at least.
Skill 1 Unknown Divinity: Transform into your Divine Form. You can use divinity skills and crusader skills when under the effects of Unknown Divinity and you take your god appearance, using the divine equipment(Eidos) you have on. Unknown Divinity has a manage page like the Dance of Death skill where you can equip your Eidos. Divine Form's duration is affected by rank and the base cooldown seems to be around 30 minutes. You can see the duration as an orange bar under your HP bar. The blue bar under your divine form increases your damage as it fills up, this is important for the next skill.
Skill 2 Divine Impeach: A basic attack where you attack an enemy with your godly powers. A blue timing bar will appear next to your character, like the hammer mini game, you must attack when it's full for the best effect. In this case, attacking when it is full will guarantee a critical hit. Divine Impeach damage seems to scale off your normal max attack(it has a base of 100% damage at rF) and how many stacks you have in that big blue bar. This bar fills when you use Divine Impeach, and will significantly increase your damage. Highest I have seen is a rB Unknown Divinity and r6 Divine Impeach at 50 stacks(max stacks) doing 31k crits. This skill is fast and spammable as seen in the video in the OP.
Skill 3 Blink: A teleportation skill where you see the area you can teleport as a yellow AoE around you. You can teleport to anywhere in that circle by clicking in it. It has a cooldown.
Skill 4 Luna Nova: A massive AoE strike with a ground targeted AoE. This skill scales off the amount of stacks you have as well, and at rF at 50 stacks I have seen it deal 90k damage. It has a cooldown of some sort.
Edit in: Skills are trained by using them like normal skills and cost AP to rank.
To customize your Divine Form you must rank up Unknown Divinity to unlock Eidos slots, like head, outfit, halo, aura, wings and other cosmetic slots. These Eidos can be obtained from the 3 Apostle Raids(Girgashiy VHM, Hasidim and Zebach) and the 2 Avalon Field Raids(Mokkurkalfi and Sylvan Dragon). There is an upgrade system to give effects to your Eidos; the effects of the equipment modify both Divinity skills and Crusader skills. For example Eidos: Dominator Head can be made to reduce blink's cd by 8 seconds and also modify Shield of Trust to increase a stat, but I wasn't able to actually work out what that said, but it increases it by 270. They also have durability, but I don't know the specifics on that too. But, the idea is that Eidos will make your Divine Form stronger, and the skills just that much better.
And that's all I am going to bother with for now. This comes out in G21 Path of Guardian's Mainstream Part 2(G21 Update 3) and you get it during a very important boss fight. You can google and youtube it if you want to spoil yourself, but MASSIVE SPOILERS if you decide to do so.
Edit: Fixed a glaring error with my translation, this is your god form, so it's just your name and put in the proper name of "Divine Equipment"(Eidos)