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Last Active
August 29, 1996
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"Darkpixie99 of Nao. You got any problems with my shop, you just leave me a note."
  • Pottery Making Skill

    Don't forget Greek pottery! There are actually potters still using the old techniques today, too.

    Ancient Greek Pottery
    I think we already have Paint items, so that's one less wave of crafting materials Nexon has to make.
    Adding Vinegar as a Cooking material in with any Paint in the Handicraft Skill could possibly make it into a special type of material called Pottery Finish. (And would reflect the same Basic or Mixed Paint color, unless randomization is easier to code.)
    Kilns, I would presume to be a large object, and would take up more room in your homestead than a Well. (4x4?)
    Cups could be Rank D unlock, while Plates could be a Rank F Pottery Making skill unlock.
    Pottery Finish would be used in the final stages of the mini game to color the pottery, much like the Dye Pallet locations.
    (Rank 1 for unlock Pottery Finish? Or Rank C?)

    Medieval pottery kilns:

    The third one looks like something Connous would use.
    Medieval kilns as described by Bickley Project

    A cool historical thing that could contribute to Mabinogi gods/goddesses worship lore: Clay Body Parts
    These could even be used for earning favor with the Church of Lymilark, Knights of the Round Table, or Alban Knights.
  • Pottery Making Skill

    Would amphorae be high or low level?
    Also, we'll need to designate areas for clay pits.

    Dugald Aisle Logging Camp feels oddly correct, and atmospherically airy, at least in the cleared stump areas.
    Otherwise: Belvast, Connous, or Physis would have to have dedicated, perhaps concrete built column style of open air forge.
    At least that's how I imagine the fantasy life part playing into it.
    Amphora are a multiple step process, yet seem rather simple in comparison, so maybe a lower rank around C or B?
    Decoration (Pre-Established Patterns/Stamps) and Treatment (Durability Increase/Repair) could be Rank A.
    Perhaps Amphora can't be completed until you reach Rank A?
  • Pottery Making Skill

    Porcelains would he a higher level as well

    Yeah, makes sense, since you're working with multiple materials.
    Perhaps if it included the 1-5 stars system, quality might also be affected based on how well or poorly you clear the mini games.
    For the medieval part of Mabinogi: The Medieval Pottery Research Group

  • Pottery Making Skill

    Add glassblowing as well.
    Make clay, ceramic or glass bottles instead of buying them for picking them from drops or fishing.
    These should also be used to hold things, like potions the before mentioned wine and other things that can be stored.
    And of course, to make clay and ceramic sculptures, tableware and other items.

    I didn't know this when searching for a gif, but apparently Pokemon has showed glass blowing before.
    (Maybe I forgot or something, but hey. It exists in anime.)
    Maybe Glass Blowing could be a higher rank of Pottery Making, and require a Furnace and Metal Rod along with the previous new Pottery Wheel tool item. (Maybe we could use Cuilin Stones to craft into clay or other materials.)
    There's also Chinese Pottery, as to which Nexon China would adore to educate the masses.
    Japanese pottery and porcelain, as described by Wikipedia.
    Korean pottery and porcelain, as described by Wikipedia
  • Pottery Making Skill

    As the Bard Camp doesn't have much use outside of current lore...
    What better way of employing NPCs who live the life of a gypsy, than to have them offer lessons in a Pottery Making Skill?
    Pottery making sounds like a silly skill at first, but what kind of uses could it have?
    Maybe players could finish certain types of pottery to gain favor with NPCs, much like Likability Potions.
    Or, maybe you could store certain dishes in certain pottery, selling them to Trade Assistant imps for Ducats.
    Maybe this could be another skill with a mini game, much like Wine Making?