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Went back 3 KR Gachapon pages with still to be released or currently released adding in text: Disclaimer: Certain Content May Or May Not Make IT To NA Right Away


Last Active
August 29, 1996
Personal Quote
"Darkpixie99 of Nao. You got any problems with my shop, you just leave me a note."
  • Fantastic Memory - Patch Notes - August 15th

    Veylaine wrote: »
    Sherri wrote: »
    Was the "Gypsy" talent title supposed to be taken away?
    "Wondering Bard" is ok, but I loved the gypsy title

    They changed it?! Woow.. I actually was quite fond of that hidden talent title. :/

    I liked that title too.
    I wonder if Gypsy could be used for a Dance talent all on it's own. (And separate Dance of Death from Music talent in the process.)
    Unfortunately, the future will have to wait and see.
    Veylaine wrote: »
    Crims wrote: »
    Was the "Gypsy" talent title supposed to be taken away?
    "Wondering Bard" is ok, but I loved the gypsy title

    Gypsy is NOT a bad word. Wth.

    true its a not common slur at all here in the states but this mabi branch is basically an international branch and they do care about other regions, otherwise they would not of made a gacha announcement to Belgium players. Its a slur against the roma people, mostly because it was used by other groups other than them and usually not in a good way.

    It kind of makes the term "Gypsy Camp" dead to the world of fantasy.
    I mean if it's taken as a word for a tribe of wanderers, then it's fine.
    As long as Nexon doesn't state that it's a slur otherwise, then it's not a slur, but a reclaimed and historically correct word.
    All this political correctness depresses me greatly.

    Probably because, now at least in europe it has a double meaning depending on how its used; so being reclaimed is kind of iffy in this time. True they don't state its a slur but why remove it? For me I knew its history and the current issues with it, I was surprised though there were enough people for NX to change it. I wonder how of those complaints were actually romani themselves.

    In this era, it's likely the infamous screechers with no actual historical context, or money to offer a game they take casual interest in.
    Asking Mabinogi, a game based off Celtic mythos to erase the term of Gypsies, is a huge hit of historical rudeness and intolerance of Celtic/Irish mythos.
    If NX wanted to be politically correct, it's not a good idea to do it so late in Mabinogi's life cycle, especially at a time when loot boxes are already low in demand. They bend the knee to something so inane one more time, and users could boycott them further.
    Replacing the "Gypsy" title with "Wandering Bard" is technically correct in terms of time and location.
    However, what's the purpose of hosting Gypsy NPCs, if there's no first title for their camp to offer?
    (They gave some backstory about themselves, but not much.)
    If gypsies in Mabinogi are a camp of bards, and users have been fine with the term for the past years of existence... then why change it at all?
    It appears to be culturally acceptable, so I'd have to agree, it feels far too out of place to change so suddenly.
    It's an overly sensitive world we live in right now. Everything is dry kindling that can spark huge flames.

    This is the time when you'd say as a company: "We designed the anime style fantasy game according to Celtic mythos, therefore the current era of definitions cannot, and do not apply. If there are any historians who wish to discuss any inaccuracies or errors we made, you may contact us through the ticket system." And then that's it.
  • Last Post Wins

    So RIP Twitch and your so called ToS, you're already on the chopping block for a potential lawsuit.
    One slip up like this, and anyone can kiss their profits goodbye.
    I'd say it sucks to be them right now, but hey. They're the ones ruining their own image, and all the press has to do is point and laugh.
  • Something is going on at Nexon HQ from news

    Eh, that's nothing considering their revenue.

    Surprise, Ferghus! Yeah, sure... Bills are real cute at first, aren't they?
    If Nexon wasn't listening before Belgium, they better be prepared. Uncle Sam don't kid around with child safety.
    I'd like some new blood to read the entire thing and let me know what they think this could do to Nexon's company loot box dependency within a month of remodel unpreparedness for the Cash Shop.
    Nexon as a company of course, no need to make this a discussion about Mabinogi's future at the moment of this lawmaking process.
    (This will likely be the last topic I can discuss here until Nexon gets more press.)
    S.1629 - A bill to regulate certain pay-to-win microtransactions and sales of loot boxes in interactive digital entertainment products, and for other purposes.

    Personally, here's my thoughts:
    So essentially everything Nexon has built in the Cash Shop for all these years are at risk of vanishing entirely if this bill passes.
    Have they learned nothing from Belgium? I find it odd there hasn't been any press release tackling that topic as of late.
    On a plus side, there seems to be talk of a written notice advising you take action beforehand.

    (i) DIFFICULTY MODES.—Such term shall not include an add-on transaction to an interactive digital entertainment product that provides the user with access to a new mode of play that makes progression through the content of the product more difficult than it would be without the transaction (as perceived by a reasonable user).
    Well, goodbye Passes. Hello more event drops.

    (ii) COSMETIC ALTERATIONS.—Such term shall not include an add-on transaction to an interactive digital entertainment product whose only effect is to alter a user's visual representation within the game provided that it does not, from the perspective of a reasonable user, provide the user with a competitive advantage over other users who do not make such transaction.
    Goodbye status effects on clothing. Devcat's entire game will have to be re-scripted for the NA release.
    I certainly hope Nexon KR has the funds and time for that.

    (I) eases a user’s progression through content otherwise available within the product without the purchase of such transaction;
    Goodbye Soul Stones and all manner of Potions/Revives. Hello more event drops.

    As far as (impending) law goes, I hope Nexon/Mabinogi NA staff have a good relationship with KR.
    They might be in the red once again, not that any capable business chain has a problem with that.
    I still hope Nexon NA has money, though. If they can't change themselves, they could find themselves in quite the pinch.
    I'm just glad that I saw some of the testing footage from Peria Chronicles, and Nexon appears to have made the costumes 100% statless.
    It would be nice to start seeing that same presence of statless items in Mabinogi gachapons by the time this bill gets passed on.
    (Just for safety's sake.)
    Reprogramming gachapon/loot box items into standalone items in the Cash Shop is the easy part.
    Removing those stats and re-balancing gameplay is going to be difficult. It'll need both Nexon KR's money and most, if not all of their time.
  • This hurts to say but i think i need to leave Mabi

    Is this an Alchemy Revamp Feedback thread I foresee?
  • Reset Commerce Prices and Stock During Maintenance

    Helsa wrote: »
    A lot of things should be reset each maintenance and commerce prices is one of them. The formulas dictating the speed and degree that commerce profits go stale need to be twiddled. At present it doesn't take many people to ruin them.

    The supply and demand function of commerce is broken. Bought/sold goods are not using enough market factors to make the system a fun and sustainable part of the game.

    They created the system for limited use, but got everyone's hopes up and ultimately ditched it.

    Time to initiate request: Revamp The Commerce Trade System