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Did you made any mistakes when you were a newbie?
Then the generations came and went. G4, when Nexon explicitly told everyone to go to sleep because the maintenance would take many hours longer than expected, G7 with Cor and rafting, G8, 9, 10 and shadow missions with demigod. I think that was the peak for me. I was still playing while looking back at all the good memories I made with my guildies. Back then, I was naive but optimistic. I was going to community college, staying on the dean's list, having fun in Mabi, and telling myself I would transfer to a 4-year college and get that dream job I always wanted. Most of my classes were on Monday, so I could get all my week's work done as early in the week as possible. I would often complain in guild chat about having so much homework and not being able to work on my blacksmithing, until one day, a guildy said to do my blacksmithing first then my homework on Tuesday. Epic face palms were had.
Time went on, and I gradually lost interest in Mabi. I finished my community college courses but put off my transfer, thinking everything would simply work itself out because I work hard and have ambitions I want to pursue.
I guess this is really just a long-winded way of saying the mistake I made was thinking those good times in Mabi would last forever. Whenever I think about logging in and hanging out with my guild, I become a little sad and think about how I'll never have as much fun in Mabi again as I once did because of the way my path through life has changed. But then I realize that all of the great times I look back on are things I never tried to do. I never went into Mabi wanting to create a memorable experience to look back on. I wanted to move forward and have fun while I worked towards having a better life.
Right now, it's really hard for me to start something new because I keep thinking about how I couldn't possibly have as much fun as I once did, but I keep telling myself that those great times happened because I tried something new and I won't have *any more* good experiences if I never take any more chances.
Have I told you guys that you're all great, even if some of you occasionally break the rules? You are.
Still do it to this day and have no clue what is going on
Want to start over but then would lose bag slots and skill levels
I think all of the better times were when the community and the GM's helped maintain the game. There has been less and less activity and maintenance. Mabi was fun until Housing was introduced...and then it dropped again around Irias release due to the huge amounts of harassment and none of the GM's or Nexon staff themselves would do anything about malicious players and so new and old alike moreso left the game leaving a vast majority of the bad eggs to proliferate. I have never seen such a population decrease since then. Mari for example was busy to full almost on every channel....and now only 1 channel stays busy due to people with another account for marketing while their mains can play. All it took for Nexon NA and their staff was to maintain the etiquette as they are responsible for providing a safe environment as people of various ages play this game and for a young teen to be exposed to so much within this game...it's pretty bad and no wonder why no one comes back even though they want to.
I'm not sure if this helps but there are video's in the Dunby library that allows you to re-view some of the story line. As to why they haven't allowed the full feature of revisiting the whole story is beyond me. There are also people who youtube video their Generation game-play and you can re-watch and read some of the dialog through there...but nothing will be the same as when you first went through it all.
Anyways....back on topic.
I would say that my biggest mistake was letting steparu take the dunby to emain seal break instead of taking it myself when I was there first. He posted a video but it's been edited so you don't even see me there hitting the stone...just him.
Completely ignoring that I wouldn't have been able to complete G1 and G2 in a week at the time, instead of drawing each one out to have 3 weeks.
I'm close to 10k with this one now.
At the same time though, I like it on Tarlach.
Back then (2008) Bank was the only option to store dresses and I put a Selina Lady Dress in the bank, then I kept taking it in & out from different banks... and when I got the message I didn't have enough money, I couldn't understand. 21500 gold (if I remember right, but it was a price like that) everytime. Back when I would reach 800k by running Dungeons endlessly for at least a week, you could understand my frustration.
After a few months I found a full-healer, literally, and I was so impressed by her that I wanted to do the healer path and all. Well, you can understand how it ended. I'm still a stupid healer, stubborn in my decision, but at least I have almost completed all the Warrior Skills (Windmill r2 70% and 2-3 more - still a low CP so it isn't really hard).
The only "noob" thing that got stuck with me is not really ranking windmill but instead doing it when the Rank Up was available. My friend (mentor) was so mad with me that I was forced to get to at least r5 lol
Well, he would be proud of me getting to r2 without pots
Wait.. is it bad to not have a good ranked Windmill? o.O
What? Never said that o_o my friend was mad because I was really a high total level (yes, high total low cp) and Windmill would be a real pain
The alternative is being lv10k with 4000CP and forced to use training seals for ranking that one noobie skill you never finished.
i dont know if they still do this, but when i joined they gave all new players 1 day training potions for all combat talents. i didnt know what they were used for and they took up alot of room so i threw them all on the ground, but the very next day i found out what they do. and i regretted throwing them away
it was my first day and i picked ninja as my talent. but i soon got bored cause i couldnt figure out how to get skills. i didnt know about rebirthing so i deleted that character, thinking i would get the card back.
i thought that if i let my hunger go all the way down i would immediately die. so i ate everything.
for the first month i avoided talking to anyone. because in the mmo i played before mabi. everyone hates noobies, there were some people who waited at the starting place just to pick on new players. and at the time that game was the only game ive ever actively played, so i thought mabi would be the same, which is why i avoided people until i became higher leveled. then i realized how nice most people are here. i dont know if this is considered a "mistake" but i probably could have learnt things faster if i didnt do that.
i knew about rebirth by the 2nd day of playing(because i stalked the wiki) but i didnt do it because i was level 20 and thought that was alot, so i didnt want to reset my level. i played for 2 weeks before rebirthing, and that was only because i was getting too tall and fat from eating all that food. i didnt know the point of rebirth until like 2 month
my first friend was a fashionogi. i love my friend, shes great buuut she gave me really bad advice. like one time, i was under 1k and she said to only rebirth once every 2 weeks so i could keep my teleporty book thingy longer. another time was i was saving gold for a weapon, but she talked me into spending it on clothes.
I give him the item, he gives me like 80k gold....and then goes into the bank and logs out. I realized I was an idiot and got scammed, and panicked running around asking if anyone could help me. Some nearby merchs saw it happen, had a good laugh, then taught me the right way to buy/sell in Dunby. Few days later I was walking around merching with holy water grinding and buying/selling HW in my shop, and saw a major merch on Alexina running around transforming into animals. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, met Shamala, and...here I am LOLOL.
note: Whoever put Ruwai as a Forum Avatar choice, I love you long time!