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Basically to become a Grandmaster you need to buy from Lezarro a certificate which he sells for 1m. These brass ones are fake certificates which you can use instead, so seling them as a player for the same price or more beats the purpose of the item itself.
Sorry if I misunderstood your question.
Indeed there is. I got one once from gacha, used it to become a Combat GM, then found 2 at some point for 500k each and purchased them. I still have one for my next GM
You can only use them after 6pm in game though; I think that was the only "downside".
And then they wonder why no one buys their 1.5m brass certificates. It should be at least 940K if not lower, otherwise what's the point?
Yup. I realized that they were basically the same thing as what Lezarro sells when they first dropped from gacha except some differences like when you're able to use it. I had no use for them, so basically sold like 5 of them 700k ea, but geez 1.5m... might as well buy it off Lezarro
I'd be more surprise if someone actually bought it for more than 1m
I sold one for 975k yesterday, after bank fees the paid more than it costs from the npc.