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Cookie island is pure struggle
Though Chain Crush mystifies me as to how chancy it seems to be with actually proccing a confusion debuff. (Doesn't seem to be Cookie Witch specific)
Uh.... alright I mean it was a joke/story but you're aware that I one shot her right? She's not hard at all, and quite frankly is a joke.... You literally can't lose to her?
She will go down very fast with a decently ranked Hydra. Fighting her a normal way is much much harder.
If she doesn't scale with level, I feel bad for low level players.
welp. Guess I'm just crazy too!
I cringe at the lack of using hotkeys.
Edit: Oh yeah, didn't realize they gave the title/pet again and last time I wasn't here, so I just started doing event today. From the looks of it I have just enough time so GL to me, I guess?
You are crazy.
Crazy beautiful that is!
nothing wrong with crazy though. I mean, normal is so boring. am also pretty crazy myself. my motto is: act crazy. that's already normal enough
True craziness is born out of the ideal one is normal, in a world where everyone else is mad.