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Cookie island is pure struggle
u strugglng with fighting her ive been defeating her with soft serve ice cream short swords
that i got from fishing with baits from this event (or maybe picking up the ones dropped by others )
and i dont think im that strong at all im just using final hit but if my final hit is still in cool down
i just run around and do a bunch of smash-bash combo to her
and u dont even have to take out all her hp yet just around 20% or something(not really sure)
she summons Kuppas never seen her do that
never seen her attack me with fireball either (maybe because i got mini effects checked)
i think there is a blue bar floating maybe above her same to when e use snap cast
i attack her and some how get her stunned whether im using final hit or smash-bash combo
its good to find someone that thinks the same thing
like if I could just control what to say to her on our first meeting
I would say that I want to friends with her, even better i would say that I want to be more than just a friend to her
shes so adorable and sweet her kidnapping the kids
just adds to her charms shes childish, innocent and naive
(is duke a guy) greta dont add guys on the list thats just disgusting
have u guys lived with 3-5 year old kids they take what they want since they dont know or care that its wrong
besides she didnt kidnap the kids the kids were enticed by the sweet smell and went inside the tent
she found them and decided not to let them leave besides the kids didnt seem to hate it there
maybe she manipulated their sense of time
try to listen to her in this event u might even feel sorry for her
even the worst villains have a back story of their own it may not justify their actions
but u could get an idea on how and why they became that way
besides the second part of the event will start at may 31 "the run away ginger man"
and we get to talk to the cookie wizard(cant remember talking to him last year tho)
and we might get to understand a bit more to the reason behind the cookie witches actions
i dont think shes a bad person at all she even put all those food just to gain some friends
The quotes overlapped so bad that i didn't notice the users name first, but the lack of punctuation and capital letters gave me the right guess who was writing and after scrolling up i realized that i was right after all.
There's a boss to fight though? Maybe I'll look into it.
Understanding doesn't exactly translate to finding another's action to be morally correct. Sympathy that allows one to understand why someone did an act, or why they do things the way they do, but this doesn't necessarily encompass the idea of finding said actions justifiable.
I sympathize for Cookie Witch, I empathize. One can do either of those things while precluding a lack of condemnation. If anything, it is important if we adopted a more understanding paradigm to how to approach people like her, not less.
In the end, what most people need to hear in the end is not that they were doing the right thing, but to be understood as human beings.
You get a candy pet broom with it as well as a title. It's worth it for those who don't invest in the game...its another fun to have pet or more space. Other than that.....it's up to you.
It's pretty harsh to fight if you're not setup for certain combat. In this one she's a mage with Kupas which is annoying. I've had it where she's done fireball and thunder almost right after each other. So it really depends on the AI rolls you get. I've always had to use mana shield to add to my HP pool. I would say that armor and mana shield will help those immensely if you ranked those. Humans still have final hit and elf's have final shot and their regular range which works well. Giants ....Wind guard and smash runs maybe? Transformation helps in all aspects to speed things up. Demi-god if you really get a bad AI.
For those who are of higher ranks that see no point in this......I'm not sure if you should be in this thread posting advice that isn't condusive.
My combo is: sand burst, powerful attack(maybe have blunt smash), crises escape, life drain- repeat
Usually my bag of tricks is:
Rag doll w/barrier spykes (haven't tried it)
barrier spykes (doesnt work)
sandburst (works)
A cater/afk festia/shield and transformation. (doesnt work)
Blunt smash with magic prevention (haven't tried it)
Second time I fought her I FH'd immediately so she would have no time to cast her nonsense.
Will see if I'm even able to get a second cotton candy broom since I got one last time. I might have suffered this questline for nothing lol.
[Her end story today was sad, just saying. She's still a bit nutty (hahahahaha, punny... some cookies have nuts) but we all have a bit of a crazy side to us sometimes.]
On the topic of cookie witch difficulty, is it possible she is treated like the shadow mission difficulty in generation quests? I haven't had any kupa's spawn on me....That being said, I'm still above 1000, soo.... not sure what to say here anymore.... I thought it was a good idea originally until I realized that is the capped difficulty....bliss, love me, for I am beautiful
jokes aside though, I like the cookie witch fight to be honest. my setup is gamyu armor + chain blade. I frequently use chain crush to daze and then just keep hitting her. the gamyu provides me with just enough defense to withstand her physical attacks without practically negaing them. as for the kupas, I like how they provide a little additional challenge. though I can understand newer players may have trouble with the fight
She puts those who oppose her into her candy. She told us she baked the cookies and caught the fish and made her home more welcoming, but she failed to mention where the candy came from. The gingerbread men and gummy bears always forget her over time. She said this happens every single time. They're the children who tried to leave. Her spell to make people forget their homes and everything important to them(as mentioned by Koo) is only temporary. When the spell wears off, they try to return home. Then she traps their soul into the gingerbread men and the gummy bears. No longer free, their only salvation is to stay within the tent that once appeared so welcoming. They quickly learn the harsh truth that the invitation was not of candy and fun and friendship, but only entrapment and existential horror. They can no longer exit the tent, as the sun would bake or melt them. What would happen to their soul after their sugary body was destroyed? Melted or baked, they'd merely be stuck forever. You could dispose of the body but as long as it's intact they will never be free. Their only hope is to dissolve in the waters surrounding the tent, but there are sugar fish who may tear them to pieces before they could have the sweet embrace of death. And what of the children who don't oppose to leaving, even after the spell wears thin? Look no further than at Koo's appearance after he is set free. He ate until he nearly tripled his size before entering. If the witch can't get you to stay with friendship alone, she'll make you eat until your heart gives out. When one child dies, they're turned into a sugar conch or a sugar flower and tossed aside as if it never happened. Then she drags in more friends in the hopes that her presence is enough to keep them to stay.What about the adults? or older siblings? Surely someone must notice eventually where all these children are going. And who better to send a message of to others when it comes to breaking the bonds of friendship? Anyone who enters to return the children home are met by entrapped souls, damned to a future of nothing but icing and sprinkles. After so long of nothing but songs about desserts and crepes and everything sweet and bad for your teeth, they've lost their touch to reality. They cannot remember the days they had fingers, and upon seeing a human/elf/giant enter the tent, they become sad, angry, and confused. They do the only thing children know how to. Revolt, fight back, have a temper tantrum. The gummy bear children, the youngest of them all, run around and cry. Their panicked screams alert the lower floors. The Gingerbread men, a little older than the gummy bears, know pack tactics because of their pre-teen ages. They work together to fight the thing that scared the young ones above. But, being elementary school kids. They're not enough.
The older siblings and adults find their way into a room of kupas. The candies try to make noise, but no words come out. Upon being ignored, they hit the intruders or bite their ankles a few times. They're trying, desperately, to tell the intruders to leave while they still have a chance. That is why their face is of pure betrayal when they get hit. They know what happens next. The intruders make their way to the final floor and meet the Witch herself. She's angry that people would try to take her only friends from her. There are children, not yet transformed, enjoying their day with each other and eating candy. Some who have lost the will to return home have gained weight. The intruders try their best to reason with the Witch, but in the end it turns into battle. The Witch overpowers them, and a single fate is left for them. To become a creature that cannot speak words any humanoid could understand. A kupa. And thus, all the adults and older siblings that tried to save the children, become part of the damned. And watch the life drain from their eyes as the kids forget their reason to live. Why they want to go home. The will to go home. And all they can see and think and feel and want. Candy...
Story about Witch inside, she deserved to get her *** beat because that dungeon is tedious af.
Mmmm, thighs. Delicious, Succubus Queen thighs.
*Loves you
The reason I am doing the event questline is to meet up with my darling Cookie Witch. I am uncertain as to prior, but the event notice conspicuously left out all mentions of the Witch and her questline, alongside the nifty McWaffles title. She's a rather challenging boss, and is far less difficult than Stacky Cake. >_>
so in other words u just hate the quest cause u find her hard to defeat
and u hate her so much that u imagine her as that
correction the kupas, gummy bears and ginger bread man are the only ones that would remember her
tried to record my last time with her but video quality too low to read
good thing i found this video on youtube
note: not my video, not my account, not my character, im not as OP as this guy
but i could beat her with final hit or smash-bash combo to stun while equipped with soft serve ice scream sword
and run around to dodge shooting star didnt see her spawn kupas for me tho
I still want to fight her again and see her and talk to her more
(to the person who owns this video please tell me if u want it removed)