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Step back, human! Do not approach me!
It made my skin crawl when I saw treasure hunter again. I hate how his entire character exists just to call merlin stupid.
And call you (the player) stupid too. Albeit at a lesser rate.
TH and Chef could use some names, I will say. And more of a personality. The trio (Starlet, Prof, Merlin) seem to have more personality than the other two combined.
Merlin got his revenge by get getting better characterization and actual substance in the Player's conflict. In general I didn't like the Aces at all in Saga 2, you were basically a tool to them and less of a character. In the Chain Slash quests and G21 then are what they are suppose to be, supporting characters, offering you advise, prompting directives and provide story assistance.
Treasure Hunter however...
Those Knights are going through SO MUCH, but this jerk comes in and steals from them!
There's also the fact he barged into to their affairs and headquarters for his own curiosity and offered nothing to the conflict besides following Merlin because he felt there as good treasure around. Never mind the fact that the Alban Knights, while ancient, are still very much alive, and still very much active, which means that he's actually STEALING from them. So, being the absolute terrible person (PG rating guys) he is, he enters the holy land of of an ancient, but still active, order during their most turbulent time to nick off artifacts. Contrasting Merlin who breaks in because he knew that something big was going to happen and he sincerely wanted to help without expecting anything in return.
BerrySwirl already posted this
Merlin is so lewd.He wants your hot bod. He wants it like he wants Starlet.
Maybe Treasure Hunter let something drop, like a note of admiration for the Milletian, and Merlin's playing with it. -_-
Petition to give Treasure Hunter a darn name >.>
I suppose you are right there. I fall for Pinky's cuteness and the fact that he's a monkey. Of course a monkey would do stuff like that. They are devious, mischievous little creatures.
It could possibly be the expectations that he has to live up to that drives him like this. Since he is a genius he is pressured to BE a genius all the time. It might even be a horrible cycle where Merlin declares himself a genius which causes people to expect him to be a genius, leading him to feel pressured to act like a genius. This is actually very interesting take on his character if it were the case.
Merlin, Please... xD
I want Treasure Hunter's real name to just be 'Hunter'. It would be priceless.