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Please don't make new posts about other people's posts. If you want to discuss this, you can discuss it here. I can't stop you but I'm not okay with this.
Triona Server - An alternate permadeath suggestion
And it is SCALDING.
You refused to attach a poll, so what recourse did I have? Not having a poll was unacceptable to me.
Of course I refused. I have that right. What I didn't know is that you can make threads about other peoples' suggestions in an attempt to rally people against it. I can't delete comments so I'm not censoring you and everyone who disagrees already said so. Now you just want a bar graph because this will help accomplish something? It's just a suggestion I posted but you're acting like I can patch it into the game myself. Should I be able to make a post about your post about my post? Where is the line between discussion and harrassment?
The other thread is a different suggestion that seperates itself from my suggestion. Your thread is just "I'm going to make a poll because you wouldn't listen to me"
You can talk about whether folks will support the idea in this thread. You've been talking about it. Adding a new thread just diverts the discussion to another thread with a poll in it.
So hot it Burnt my house down
And it's been denied in this thread. It doesn't justify making a new thread about the same topic.
Problem is, Every time someone wants to make a meaningful suggestion or comment, you shoot it down.
Well, I mean, there are forum users of different backgrounds, experiences, and opinions; I found it funny that you would jump to the conclusion that "There isn't much wrong with my idea". You jumped from point A to point Z in .02 seconds, lol
The false logic of trying to discredit people who know their facts with "oh lol thats not really the whole forum, so that means that everyone else likes my idea" is atrocious, abrasive, and outright fallacious. To then make an extremely WILD assumption that "there's not much wrong with it" based on this aforementioned false premise is outright amusing yet outrageous.
You did say that there would be people who agree with you... The poll was posted for an accurate consensus. All the poll was attempting to do was to see if 1. Your above claim was valid and 2. to see thoughts of others based on this thread's discussions.
Don't try to go after someone who is in pursuit of reality when you haven't reached it yet.
Unless you already polled (which did not happen), I don't really see what the problem is. Sure, it's the same idea, but it's a completely different course of action and it isn't redundant. That, in my opinion, is fair grounds.
And sure, if you read this, great. You haven't been reading my past few posts, which is a shame, because I brought up many valid points such as raids and squires. You can't cherry pick the issues you want to address while leaving the rest of your concept rot away. Perhaps if you took this as an opportunity to do some deep thinking and construct upon your idea instead of insisting that everyone who criticizes it is wrong, you'd actually get somewhere with this.
But sure, go off I guess.
If you promise this will be the last time, we can go over this again. What exactly were those meaningful suggestions or comments I shot down. If there was a suggestion I disagreed with I gave explanations why.
Maybe I gave the person I was responding to a little to much credit rather than type that out like I'm explaining it to a child. You've been extremely rude since your first post but I'll explain it so you don't need to wear your big brain out trying to decipher it.
I see the same people posting on the forums a lot. Many of which posted in the thread. I assume this forum has people who use this forum a lot. I know there are people who never use the forum and instead ask questions in-game or on Reddit or fan-sites. Having a poll would only make people who disagree feel better by seeing a bar graph full of "No Permadeath Server" votes. Are you with me so far? My suggestion isn't here so I can have forum users vote on it. I'm not asking the forum whether or not they'd like my idea. This is the only way to leave suggestions about the game.
Now I APPRECIATE feedback but
what facts
where are the facts?
he goes on to state his opinions about what Mabi means to him as general facts. Fact =/= Opinion
This Platina guy was great. He mentions programming for the 2nd time while also saying nothing about it
"I don't know anything about this game you mentioned but lemme tell you how different it is"
this is from a player who is playing a game that has survived when channels died, monster mob lag, intense rubberbanding and displacement, and rollbacks where they've lost their equipment. Players toughed it through those times and now there's much less problems today. If people were going to quit, they'd have already. And he also talks as if Nexon would make it mandatory to play on such a server.
Biggest brain. I know this is an extremely controversial idea but what if you just didn't play on the permadeath server. I know it's crazy but then you wouldn't have to lose your character made for only that server. But guys like Platina and you think "I wouldn't play it so no one would." I don't know any devs that ask players for permission before rolling out an update. They update, test the waters, and revert if they need to. If a Permadeath server was advertised and came out, and no one played on it and it was removed, then fine that would be A-Okay. But some of you think if Devcat or Nexon make this, they'd need to stop all other things they're making and focus only on this which would be ridiculous to believe.
I've listed like 3 suggestions that were actually meaningful in the original opening post. In your opinion what were the others?
Also lol
I'm sure you and your forum buddies = an accurate consensus. If you really wanted that, you could Bugel Horn all the channels in every server, multiple times per day, and ask them to post in this thread or even vote on the poll. Then you'd have to make sure that the number of votes is a large enough sample size of the community. And even then you'd have to take into account people posting on alternate forum accounts like those 1-post new accounts posting in server merge threads. Instead you just side with obvious harrassment because you've got some vendetta against me or the permadeath idea and I don't even know you.
It does as you left no other recourse for creating the poll.
So you break forum etiquette because you didn't get what you wanted. When I go to Best Buy I'm going to walk out with a PS4 and say "I have no money. You left no other recourse for obtaining the PlayStation". You could've made a strawpoll and posted that or did a "Hit like if you disagree".
I'm not 100% familiar with the forum rules but you doing that sets a precedent that it's okay to make threads about other threads. You didn't make a separate thread about the topic and take the time and effort to re-explain the idea. You just link my thread in your thread and say "discuss that thread here now".