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I'm actually very surprised that no on has made a thread like this yet..
So with the new expansion sales going on, I think now is the perfect time to ask..
Stacked, Tiled, or Sprawled
What do you prefer to use?
Go ahead and show me your messes!
really wish mabi have vindi type of invy tabs instead of bag and bag tabcapolypse...
Having them named would be great no matter how hard I try my items inevitably migrate to where they don't belong and looking for one specific thing becomes a mini where's waldo.
Now that by inventory has expanded and I also switched my Miku personal shop for Lorna, the sprawling is even messier I can't see my skill tabs
The 8bit one?
if I have all my bags open it darn near legitimately covers my entire screen and I can't see squat PARTICULARLY since expansion happened! XD
Who needs to see anyways?
All that space. O_O
Keeping in mind I've been playing on a small screen but yeah XD
Really, who needs to see?
Also hot dang I haven't sorted out my bags in ages, what a mess
But I can tell you're in Dunby.
Well the couple tiles are pretty distinguishable.
Give me a few more days of playing inventory tetris and that'll be fixed XD
Your inventory scares me.
This is too much power for one person. Soo much space.
Make of it what you will, thats the way my inv is layed out, and i know its a mess T_T
Wait, wait, wait. 5 detective squirrels and no acorn problem? Sounds like a formulae for success.