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Tell me your tales of RNG suffering
So I'm sure with how infamous this game's random, RNG based nature can be, we must all have stories to tell of when it got a little bit out of control.
I'm not talking about rare item drop rates. You not getting that Saint Guardian from the event is RNG being normal.
I'm talking about the cases where something should be really, REALLY simple, but RNG decides to make you suffer with it.
Let us all share our suffering together so we may laugh about it. In sadness and/or anger.
A tiny bit of salt in your life can be healthy, after all.
To start the topic, here is a tale that just happened today.
I had just made an impressive sum of gold, and finally could invest in a Celtic Chain.
I had saved up loads of Prof Hammers and Artisan Removal Kits and everything was going smoothly.
24 damage roll Artisan, 2nd try. RNG appeared to be in a good mood today.
Then came the special upgrade.
I had 2 lucky stones, so I only needed to reach Step 3 to go for the full upgrade.
With 50% chance on Step 2 and 3's upgrades, this by all realistic standards should be fine and simple right?
I mean that is what I thought as I watched 8 stones fail to even reach step 2. So thats what, 4 50% rolls that failed?
"No problem, I can buy 10 stones off the Auction house, that should be plenty"
I said before once again 10 stones don't make it to Step 2. 5 more failed 50% rolls.
It took roughly 25 stones before I would see that Step 3 upgrade.
By this point I was really not having a good feeling about the rest of the upgrades.
I thankfully had a single Protective Red and could attempt Step 6.
So I stared at that 45% and was ready to hear that failure sound.
Lo and behold it actually worked, color be surprised!
So feeling a little better (A trick of RNG it seems), I began enchanting the blade.
I had a Hazy and a Fierce enchant since I wanted something simple at first.
With Ancient Magic Powder, the chances of success were 70% on Hazy and 90% on Fierce.
"Not much to worry about." I thought.
The Fierce goes as any 90% Enchant should.
The real problem came when it was time to enchant Hazy.
At 70% Success, the chances of anything particularly awful happening were slim.
And how did this simple task go?
By the time the Hazy finally applied and (THANKFULLY) rolled a 13 damage, the poor chain had 3 durability left.
Which means I can't even use my new huge investment until I get enough Dura Hammers to make it usable again.
Today was just a rollercoaster of emotions for me as far as RNG is concerned.
Now share any stories you have.
Since I'm sure I'm not the only one that had nonsense like this happen to them.
Suppose to balance out the talents but instead of doing the balancing...players had to bleed for it.
I bled for it...too much to count...too much to care...soul ever more dead....more dead than this game...a game of deadly rng...rng which became your wall to stop you in your tracks.
"Fun game".
Erg upgrade needs a serious adjustment.
Magic is basically my second-biggest specialty.
I forget what it was exactly but I still remember the failure clear as day.
I took years trying to get fireball.
I remember within the first 5 points of repairs on my shiny new royal knight armor 3 of them failed.
or a string to make an Xbow.
never too late to stop if you feel like your going no where with this forsaken layers of RNG.
Many salty tears.
It hurts.... I can't even bear it.
hurts enough id off myself for the time and money I wasted attempting this.