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Page 15 is mislabeled as page 12.
The info has already been reported.
Literally missing this page now.
Can you get them all from fishing? Mine is at 80%. Don't know if I can get the rest of the notes by the time the event ends (Got 6 left).
Anything Normal or Higher, but Boss is best to go after...
Public Service Announcement. lol
i've been trying to get it every day ever since the first day and i'm learning that now lmao
kill me please
Yggdrasil Unicorn Whistle....there was a flash of light, but no reward appeared in my inventory
got the reward....problem i had was the quest DISAPPEARED once i claimed the reward so i didn't see the final step about the boulder ....got past it to talk to the Developer then got reward....whew....thought it was a glitch...well, it was sorta since the quest disappeared before i finished it....if it happens to anyone else go to the boulder in front of Ciar and keep smacking it to get in....then talk to the Developer
No, there is 2 page 12, one is actually page 12 and one is 15 mislabeled as 12.
Also this what I named it.
Like me.