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Unpopular Opinion: Cancel the Legendary Item Event


  • SqueeSquee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 201
    edited April 18, 2020
    Yeah, I'm not even trying with this event. I'm not a lottery player for a reason. I'm not gonna waste my time to get absolutely nothing. I'm gonna go play something FUN. There's a reason I don't play this game much anymore. Only reason I still play now and then is the foolish hope things will get better... Which they are probably never going to.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Greta wrote: »
    TNinja wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Servillius wrote: »
    And gone within the first 7 people again, lol.

    I assume they changed nothing then.

    And since when has any game company altered a plan that's already set in action?

    Lol. I guess you didn't read the thread from start.

    Oh no I just forget everything that's more than a day old
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I agree the items should be character bound, but why not account bound?
    Some of us use more than 1 character :/
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited April 18, 2020
    Dblade gone on first roll, I honestly cannot...
  • NeyheshiNeyheshi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 43
    Divine Blade gone within literal seconds. First person. This event is just going to agitate more and more people. I honestly don’t understand why it was done in the first place.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Lasted a bit longer on Nao.

    I guess some other "parameter" is that if someone already has an item like it, they should be barred from joining.

    So, anyone with a DBlade can't line up for the DBlade.
  • FoxgirlkatieFoxgirlkatie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,055
    Posts: 156
    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Hey guys. So I don't think cancelling it an option. But, I'm down to collect your thoughts on the event. Overall reception seems fairly negative, and lukewarm at best. Am I understanding the following correctly:
    - Items are obtained too quickly. Solution: Decrease the rate, impose a re-queue cooldown maybe?
    - Alt abuse. Solution: Item bound to character?
    - Lag-inducing players. Solution: Unsure what's plausible from a development perspective here. One idea of splitting players into the channels seemed decent.

    I know that some of you may be thinking: "Just do better events next time!" but we'd still like conducive feedback on how this type of event could be improved. I like some of the things y'all wrote in here.

    1.) this problem is solved by the proposal i have for #3

    2.) have the item be bound to the character that won it, even a trade unlock wont work. it will effectively kill advantage 1 player has over others by having 20 alts while others have 1 or maybe 2. as it cant be traded at all it forces them to play with 1 char and that character being the one they want the item for. thus making it fair for everyone Participating in the event knowing that everyone has a equal shot.

    3.) Instead of having players congregate in one location causing terrible framerate drops and lag from the people being their and the dirtbags who want to cheat and sabotauge other players by getting others exspeccially those on weaker machines to crash thus robbing those players of a legit chance, (honestly if these players were banned for doing that crap i wouldnt miss em)
    i advocate that instead 1 winner per channel er item is chosen but it works off a Ticket system like the one at the banquet hall. you show up to any general store in the game and buy a Ticket, these tickets become available 10 minutes before the winner is chosen, that way players can grab their ticket and head off to do what ever they want while waiting for the winner to be chosen, and then who ever the winner is will have the item immediately dropped off in their inventory. this also has the benefit of players being free to do whatever they want once they have their Ticket. instead of restricting them to one location.

    Ultimately i would actually like to see a events like that of the Saint Guardian Drop event become a tradition, i loved that event so much and farmed it like crazy.
    id say have these events running monthly, switching the reward each month from one gacha to anouther each time. this can help greatly to bring older gacha items back into circulation. and you can have them rotate between activities like SM's, Dungeons, ect to break up the monotony and bring variation.

    overall to bring more activity to the game rather then people AFKing all the time, and to help bring older items back into circulation which also helps fix this messed economy by driving down the prices on things.
    TiroSebastianRadiant DawncourtneyyCMKyriosskpkion
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited April 19, 2020
    Had to come back to this for additional response :

    ① That is a very short red-carpet. One would think that a «Legendary Item» would have a loooooooong line of people trying to obtain the item rather than automatically by default landing into the hands of whom-ever happens to be able to post «First!» when a new video is uploaded.

    ② Said «Red Carpet» ought to be stretched out over and be a looooooooooong carpet rolled out over a LARGE (and appropriate for its «theme») place such as within the biggest room of a royal-castle leading towards the King's (Queen's) throne or perhaps rolled out over the whole entire entrance of the/a Royal Castle's front-lawn or perhaps even both from the very length of the entire front-lawn all the way to the inside of the castle and even leading to the throne-room... this also allows people to just stand in a long line rather than one-spot-crowding to rush «FIRST! (To post to this just-uploaded video!)» ...when was the last time a Red-Carpet was rolled out for «celebrities» out in the open leading to some wall...? Not only that, due to my character still being on a part of G23 where Belvast is all being blasted by rainy snow, a Red-Carpet Event being done out in such harsh elements seemed rather peculiar and out-of-place...

    ③ Yes, the line ought to be LONG, with the «drop-rate» low enough to where it is even possible for nobody to be «chosen» by said item over the course of a four-hour-queue, because even the sword Excalibur took YEARS before anybody such as a(s) King-Arthur ever came along who was able to pull it out.

    ④ Regardless of how «generous» and as much as management/developers/etc., may want to be and wish to «spoil» some people in the population/community with amazing goodies, and for certain things to be «given out» just for the sake of perhaps having said item existing within the particular digital-realm(s) (Alexina/Nao-servers), rushing to «flood the economy» or perhaps more accurately «inject a "Legendary" item» into existence within the server-population also need not be rushed, for I believe that you can and should be able to design «Events» in such a way that they are not «for a certain number of weeks until the end of the event» durations, but, rather, why not something like a «Legendary item event that remains on-going UNTIL which time someone eventually qualifies to have obtained said item, even if the Event ends up lingering in existence for a couple of years before anyone was chosen...? (Or until all items that the Devs/Management wanted to «give away» have finally been claimed even if was over the course of a couple of years before every last item had chosen an owner ?)

    Regarding what is «healthy» ...sometimes people need to get used to doing at least some «work» towards achieving a goal (or obtaining an item), lest they «atrophy» with their skills, but I would need another few pages to go over the details of what can keep everyone «busy» (and thus maintaining their «health») whilst still being rewarding... land around Erinn has plenty of «natural-resources» that people can gather up but those «recipes» that everyone currently uses to make stuff (cooking, handi-craft, tailoring, smithing, etc.) seems to primarily serve the purpose of stats-boosting more so than any form of «making a living/profit» or achieving that «completed a complicated puzzle» (or having made something useful to others) feeling and being rewarded for the efforts. Prizes are nice and all but many of us are already drowning in endless inventory-Tetris due to the sheer volume of what is being constantly handed out.

    The «consumption-rate» for what is handed out from events is not high enough, and, although I explained in some long-ago post that it is best to «pace» the amount of food a restaurant feeds its customers, rather than dumping mega-buffets onto everyone at once (metaphorical-example), but in this particular case, I suggest that a good «solution» for the «health» of game-activities is to introduce more «recipes» that can be used/consumed to create/synthesize/smith/craft/cook/etc., new-and-interesting potentially useful items/objects (Weapon-Power Potions, Bone-Dragon Chips, Magic-Power Potions, Speed-Walk Potions, Speed-Walk Cooking, Potion-Poison-Healing Music-Buffs, Consumable Area-of-Effect Magic-Item That Cloaks the Party in a Light-of-Sanctuary that Cuts All Damage They Take by Half for a Duration of the Potency of Ingredients Used to Make Said Item, etc.,etc.), done in such a manner to where it creates a demand for ingredients to be Milletian-created.

    I will leave it at that for now as I think my last paragraph or two may have gone on some sort of tangent...
    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Focusing on one of the ideas that a few of you proposed for a moment, do you guys think it would be healthy for the rate of the item being drawn being lowered to give more time for people to participate given how fast a lot of these have been so far? When observing immediate potential simple solutions event improvements.
  • AmarazAmaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    My only hope for this event was to not waste my time. I enjoyed that people won quickly so I didn't have to wait in a virtual line that long. If the event happens at a certain time I'd like it be done within 5 minutes. I think my only suggestion would be to have the rewards per channel. I dont really share the popular opinions I've been reading in this forum, and that's ok. I just wanted to share my opinion that I hate my time being wasted on a game where I'm trying to have fun, not make the game a second job.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Just give out Soluna Blades next weekend and that's it.
  • dowiedowie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,800
    Posts: 184
    not having these items soulbound in the first place for this event is a bit hilarious but i guess it's to be expected
  • Shiro42Shiro42
    Mabinogi Rep: 760
    Posts: 53
    Amaraz wrote: »
    My only hope for this event was to not waste my time. I enjoyed that people won quickly so I didn't have to wait in a virtual line that long. If the event happens at a certain time I'd like it be done within 5 minutes. I think my only suggestion would be to have the rewards per channel. I dont really share the popular opinions I've been reading in this forum, and that's ok. I just wanted to share my opinion that I hate my time being wasted on a game where I'm trying to have fun, not make the game a second job.

    This kinda gets at the heart of the problem with this event. On the one hand we don't want to be standing in a line doing nothing, because that's just boring. On the other hand, most of the people who bother participating feel cheated because the rates are so high they usually don't get a chance to walk up and try to get the item. Up the rates and we'll all be standing around bored for longer. It's a lose either way.

    Vague proposal: we need something to do while we wait for our chance, and we need the rates low enough we might be trying for a full half hour or more at it.

    But even then there's the problem of only one person getting anything out of the hundreds participating.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    A few weeks later and I still don't know how this event works.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    A few weeks later and I still don't know how this event works.

    Don't bother. Less headaches for you lol.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Greta wrote: »
    A few weeks later and I still don't know how this event works.

    Don't bother. Less headaches for you lol.

    Everytime I go, NPC tells me to come back later, so I've ended up ignoring it. Plus it's all the way on the other side of Belvast. xD
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Greta wrote: »
    A few weeks later and I still don't know how this event works.

    Don't bother. Less headaches for you lol.

    Everytime I go, NPC tells me to come back later, so I've ended up ignoring it. Plus it's all the way on the other side of Belvast. xD

    Which side of Belvast are you porting into...? Its literally next to one of the port moongates XD
    Lazy Ken :P
    Radiant Dawn
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    A few weeks later and I still don't know how this event works.

    Don't bother. Less headaches for you lol.

    Everytime I go, NPC tells me to come back later, so I've ended up ignoring it. Plus it's all the way on the other side of Belvast. xD

    Which side of Belvast are you porting into...? Its literally next to one of the port moongates XD
    Lazy Ken :P

    To the Eurasian owl side, behind the bank.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    A few weeks later and I still don't know how this event works.

    Don't bother. Less headaches for you lol.

    Everytime I go, NPC tells me to come back later, so I've ended up ignoring it. Plus it's all the way on the other side of Belvast. xD

    Which side of Belvast are you porting into...? Its literally next to one of the port moongates XD
    Lazy Ken :P

    To the Eurasian owl side, behind the bank.

    Ah okay, I see.
    Its by the one directly north of the commonwealth of Belvast. Can't remember its specific name right now.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Event's starting off right this weekend - first item was gone in literally the first draw on some channel XDD
    five seconds. This is gonna be an entertaining weekend, I can tell already
  • FaybalFaybal
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,775
    Posts: 97
    edited April 25, 2020
    I read through the thread and I did want to say that I appreciated that an admin did comment on the community's outrage.
    Personally, I just think that this event was just poorly designed from the get-go.

    'Raffle-style' events that give away extremely valuable end-game items seems like a petri dish for alt abuse. Nexon has been releasing many low-effort high reward events (such as the AFK Puzzle event or the balloon portion of the easter event). These kinds of events simply require someone to log in, AFK, claim an item, and then mail it to the main character. Then, they saturate the market with these items (for example, Chichol wings, everyday hoodies, summer vacation sets) and profit. I think the best solution for this would be to design events that reward based on effort (many people have already suggested this, I thought I'd elaborate a bit) rather than simple AFK events.
    We could have events similar to the SAO dungeon event (where you could grind dungeons for rewards and coins to redeem for rewards).
    That event had multiple difficulty levels (with different dungeons being used) that allowed for milletians of all experience levels to participate. The problem arises with deciding when to scale the social aspect with alts. I think combating this with a party restriction (for example, 1-2 people max, or maybe having certain days allow more people to enter [like weekends], or perhaps level restrictions (similar to shadow missions) can help scale down bot farming parties. It also allows for some social interactions. I also read (either in this forum or the other forum about the bootleg cat-marble spin event) that many people didn't like the whole 35 spins a day limit. This event (or other events designed in a similar manner) would allow for limitless participation (as long as you're willing to work for it). Obviously, not every event can be conducted like this (or else it'll be boring!) so there's always room for variability. Events should not provide massive benefits for botters and alt exploiters. I can understand that there are many players who put a lot of effort into both main and alt characters, and it's okay to reward players in such scenarios. But when all it takes to recieve rewards is for someone to log in on a bunch of accounts and AFK, it seems unfair to normal players. As someone in this thread stated, If they can exploit something, they will do it.

    Also, I don't agree with the mentality of "Well if you don't want to deal with the lag/low chances/trolls/alts, then don't participate, it's that simple!"
    Events should be something that all players can enjoy. In this situation, it seems that more people are annoyed. If a game is releasing events that very few people find enjoyable or provides benefits to a tiny portion of its players, it's doing something fundamentally wrong.

    I definitely agree with the assertion that not all events need to be newbie friendly. While it can be good to have some of those events from time to time, not every event needs to cater to that audience. Plus with the introduction of memoirs, it is ludicrously easy to reach 5k total and reach moderate damage output. I think that every once in a while, events that cater toward the more advanced players wouldn't hurt. I'm not saying that every event should be so, but it shouldn't be out of the picture.

    With that being said, some of these suggestions that arose during discussion throughout the thread do have a lot of potential uses in future events though. For example, someone pointed out that having large masses of people gather in one spot is generally a horrible idea (apparently milletians need to social distance too).
    Just please, Nexon, never release an event like this again. Based on what I've observed over the years, it'll be met with outrage/bitterness/clownery :^(
    I know that some of you may be thinking: "Just do better events next time!" but we'd still like conducive feedback on how this type of event could be improved. I like some of the things y'all wrote in here.
    Perhaps not releasing these kinds of events altogether might be the best option?

    Anyways, these were just my thoughts :^)
    Please don't clown me too hard, I'm trying my best ;-;