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Don't assume anything about anyone.
Well, their assumption is correct with me. This is honestly a feature we should've gotten ages ago, like many other features.
So we shouldn't get it at all then?
Alright sorry guys, we're not getting this update now because it's too late.
Yes, we should have gotten it a long time ago- but the current director really cares about this game and what the players think, and it shows from their content roadmap and the fact that they did the spirit weapon rework and homestead stuff and this too. I am having more fun playing the game knowing it is a labor of love towards the players.
We are getting the balance changes super quickly, there's still homestead updates after this one, commercing is being reworked, there will be model and client updates- I'm over the moon. I don't expect anyone else to be, but it gives me hope for the future longevity of the game.
Some people still care about this game and we don't care that you don't.
I'm excited though. Looking at this, genuinely shows that whoever it directing on high right now really does actually care. I love it, and I'm super excited for these updates.
Take another break.
yes!! they're also going to be adding more instruments sooner or later! i'm extremely happy that the game is getting more and more updates, revamps and reworks!
I missed you too Crims :P
Lol Not gonna lie, I mainly responded just to break my boredom during a dry period between studies. That and to say I'm still excited about seeing improvements to this game I love in the face of the haters and naysayers, of course. I love Mabi for all its bugs and issues, and the fact that they're working on improving it is only something to be excited over cause it means the devs in charge right now ALSO care about it too.
But yeah. See yall next time, back to afk fishing!~ perfect time honestly, considering the amount of studying I have to do XP
Study well and don't end up like us no lifers, ok?
True the last director was pure garbage though i do want these updates to come quick. Id much prefer the engine and graphics update first
i care aswell that this game is finally getting the attention it deserves the issue is the idle swap is a pretty simple implementation
And we've heard you before.
Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha >:^{D>
This system allows you to switch out existing idle animations with other outfits. But no I don't believe this custom motion allows us to design our own animations unfortunately. NTM a lot goes into animating that kind of stuff and I use to do custom animations on Second Life. It's complicated and time consuming, implementing something like that into mabinogi's current engine is just not possible.
So this is the next best thing, you can take an existing animations from another outfit and apply it to another outfit you like. Honestly I think that is still pretty cool.
I suspect we should be getting this pretty soon now.