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Mabinogi Direct Launch Ending March 16th
Only half joking about this BTW. Right now I can either:
Click Mabinogi.exe, pinned to start bar.
From Click to log-in is between 6-8 minutes
Or click the Nexon Launcher shortcut, have my laptop whirr up to 90+° for the better part of an hour, stall out, and listen to the corrupted Log-In music turned ear cancer as the Blue Screen of Death pops up. Force it to start all over from the beginning... Only to risk frequent disconnects and crashes to start it all over from beginning
When are we gonna get a launcher for the launcher that requires additional different login credentials?
And when are we getting our "force log in" checkbox back? Important questions mang.
From the ticket:
"I understand that you're asking if Mabinogi will still be available through Steam after the March 16th update. Please know that the information that we posted on our website was regarding discontinuing the ability to directly launch the Mabinogi client via the Mabinogi.exe file within your Mabinogi game folder. There is no information that Steam will be affected by the update. Please refer to the link for more information about the news."
From the chat:
"At this moment, we haven't received any information if Steam will be affected by the update."
I guess for now I'll have to go with the no news is good news philosophy and hope for the best.
I mean, I understand getting rid of the big 'Play' button on the game website. MapleStory already did so. But why the .exe?
I'd do the same, but two reasons why I can't;
1. Parent's won't really let me, 'one computer is enough'.
2. My laptop is crap anyway. It's RAM is only like 2 GB. I can barely run Mabi on it. xP
Reminds me when ppl were able to get a decent computer......then G6 came out and crashed just about everyone and they upped the requirements so a good handful of ppl could no longer run the game if they didn't upgrade.
This was painful because I ran only mabi on my computer and it overheated my capacitors on my motherboard so they swelled up and leaked. At the time I was attending college so I needed a computer to run my class software so I got lucky and was barely able to scrap enough together to get another computer. This time....I don't think I'll be so fortunate. Alas, was fun while it lasted.
If it's anything like the forums, it won't work half the time anyways.
You can submit a ticket and request that your account be unlinked from Steam, thereby allowing you to link a different account to it instead.
Multiple threads on the same subject is rather redundant.
As a note, for those who haven't tried it on NxL yet-- the Launcher reduces the risk of the game borking just because the direct launch window grabbed the wrong update package. I know a few others that have experienced this in the past as well as myself, and it was the worst thing to have to completely uninstall the game and reinstall it.
Try to get a 7 or 8 disc instead, unless you like having more resources taken up.
Funny enough: the .exe in the game files still launches it 100% fine!
So I guess after the 16th I wont be allowed to play mabinogi anymore? Pretty depressing considering how much I like this game and how long I've been playing. But all good things must come to an end I guess?
edit: to clarify when I say "nothing happens" I mean absolutely nothing. The play button has a spinning circle for a few seconds and nothing even shows up on windows task manager! Just the client, and even though even windows task manager sees NO new processes the nexon launcher STILL says "product is in use."
Not to mention that Direct Launch is the only way I can get Mabinogi to play on my backup computer. I honestly think disabling Direct Launch is the wrong method.
Now if they are indeed going to update the launcher and tidy it up, thats great, but you fix it before you force a rollout, not afterwards. As much as I prefer just using Mabinogi.exe, I would not be opposed to using the Nexon Launcher if it worked reliably in the first place, and I'm sure many others with issues with the launcher would feel the same. We'll have to see how Nexon handles things, but I hope they'll atleast patch the launcher before forcing it upon us, to wipe out some of the more significant bugs. Nobody wants to be faffing around wasting time getting the launcher working just to get onto the game, it should just work from the get go.
Again, I appreciate the launcher just works for many people, but as this thread alone has proven, disregarding the people that dont use the forums, there are a reasonably significant chunk of users that have trouble using the launcher, whether because of it being laggy on a low end PC, or cases where it simply doesnt work for seemingly no reason on a mid to high end pc such as my own.
That doesn't facilitate the removal of the Direct Launch, though. There is absolutely no reason to remove the Direct Launch aside from them force-feeding the Nexon Launcher down our throats.
And for my backup PC, the Direct Launcher is actually the least-strenuous option; I can't imagine the lag that the Nexon Launcher and Steam will have.
Oh I absolutely agree, maintaining direct launch would be far and away the most preferable outcome, merely saying that if Nexon are insistent on forcing Nexon Launcher down our throats they should at least iron out the bugs first so they don't lock their own players out of the game.
(Fixed the quote. Somehow, your response got mixed in with your original post.)
If it is broken for some, then I agree, they should fix it. But, in the event that they somehow can't, for whatever reason, they should still leave it for those of whom it does work.
Similar for me. I had Nexon Launcher installed for Vindictus, but always launched Mabinogi via the exe.
If I run Nexon Launcher, it's not giving the option to import Mabinogi. However, where you say "Select 'download' for mabinogi and then select the installation location Mabinogi is in", it isn't giving me an option to download Mabinogi.
This decision stinks of executive meddling by paranoid control freaks.