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Mabinogi Direct Launch Ending March 16th
That or they pull a Uplay and update steam to just open the Nexon Launcher for 2 layers of DRM, which would be fun for all.
Oh? Vindi NA and EU have fused? When did this happen?
It was announced last year, though the completed merger game-wise happened just a few weeks ago.
Ye it officially happened 16th Feb and prior to the delays (it was originally announced for like october last year and got delayed) they were referring to "Nexon Global" frequently, indeed some of the GMs over there were asked by users what happens to their jobs etc and responded that some of them had no place in Global. So it would seem that gradually Nexon NA and EU are going to become Global, though based on prior delays, general quietness on the topic etc I imagine its a long and complicated process.
But ye Vindictus officially merged recently, and I believe some other EU games are on the merging list too. Theres an official FAQ here mentioning maplestory, vindictus, war rock and combat arms as being on the merging list.
Since nexon is for some whatever reason stopping that, what will steam do? Will it just launch the new nexon game starter?
I never liked the new nexon launcher so Ive just stuck with what Ive always done for the past 6 years, which is the direct launch. Much more faster to start up and the newer launcher thing that nexon has doesnt seem to agree with my newly built computer as well.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mabinogi
I mean are they going to try and hide the file? -shrugs-
Tbh they haven't really responded to us about the steam launch. We all just assume that steam will still work. I mean why would they sever their ties to Steam which provides this game a little more exposure?
Don't even say it. Here's some wood to knock on.
I think this is going to break it.
My main concern was the same as djniko's, as Steam runs the game via the direct launch method, as a platform not a launcher. Unless the two different direct launchers ARE in fact actually built differently (which very well could be the case), it's entirely possible that they're severing Steam launching as well, and pitching the game into an even more steep downward spiral of non-exposure and poor decisions. I'm hoping this isn't the case, as are many of my friends and others on this post alone.
it is still unknown if the steam launcher will effected or not but I downloaded mabi on nexon launcher just in case and checked both mabi folders. the steam version has a nxsteam file which reads as Nexon Steam Launcher in the description. not sure if that means the steam version launches slightly differently or not but I thought it was something worth pointing out. keeping up the steam version gives the game more advertising so it would be pointless to take it down. hopefully steam mabi will still work after this.
instead of improving the game performance ..... you want us to install a bloatware that contains other games that " User " Don't NEED in it
Mabi Launcher Vs MabiMapleCombatus Launcher ..... wait ... unnecessary nexon ads. in background included.
oh the hope of wasteful spending on this little nexon project launcher of battle harden players gone to waste............better call it the
and -removed-.....had to refresh this nexon forum 4-5 times to get my Login to work and Post to go thru............should really work consider working on that first.