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Are you completing the quest when you do all this though or no? I feel like any way I do it, he still won't take my extra wood, IDK if I'm doing something wrong or what
You have a limit of 5 each day to turn in.
To avoid the issue of logging out over night with last piece of wood (or whatever amount you have left over) and trying to turn in the next day, you do what was stated above.
Stay logged in, don't change channels, or log out after the time the quest resets.
Essentially, you can turn in wood till you reset your quest or meet the daily limit of 5 wood.
Another way to look at it:
• You have turned in 4 out of 5 and you reset your quest. Now you are at 0 out of 5 to turn in. So you miss out on one piece of wood.
• You have turned in 4 out of 5. You do not log or change channels, the quest isn't reset. You turn in last wood and reach 5 out of 5. You change channels or log and the quest resets. Now you are at 0 out of 5 to turn in.
Hopefully that's easy to understand
they give you Extra wood (total 6 woods)
which mean, still no extra Wood registration
all 3 Woods in my inv will last until event end
by pots i'm assumin' ya mean flower pots? That really threw me for a loop there. XD
"Boo Hoo, i don't get everything i want!" Seriously, i want sooooo much stuff, not just in game, but in real life too. But i don't come in to my bf or mother and cry saying "I WANT NEW PC, I WANT NEW CLOTHES RIGHT NOW!". You have to deal with it. Not everything will come into your hands. This is life.
Boo hoo this makes people quit and then eventually your game you are defending so much dies.
I'm fine with it. Less complaining to hear :^)
And you know it's not everything. These events only give out a hand full of things people can do nothing with, because you literally need 40+ hs items to actually do anything with them. I and people like me just want numbers adjusted, but nope that'll never happen. So here I am complaining, and you can deal with it.
Make the flowers without a pot have a droprate to price it at 75k, and have things that having 1 or 2 would be enough cost maybe 200k-300k.
Maybe one day they'll add these as things we can put into the Homestead with Stones/Pon instead, I think that would be really awesome.
i missed a heap of days because couldn't be bothered to log in but out of 43 wood given so far for the new items got
1x garden trellis
2x rapa flower patch (whole)
1x red rose flower pot
1x white rose flower pot
i never read the whole list of drops and got 2x desert grass so was like what the heck why is this even in here. you can build as may of those as you want for 1 hs stone each. got 1x speedwell and 1x wagon from the old buildable items as well.
I absolutely agree with this. I think it'd be a good idea to leave the seeds in just because that's how I leveled my HS up myself, back during that other tree event we had (the one where it gave the dyes or whatever, can't remember the name.)
I missed an entire day myself, and some wood on a few other days, but overall so far I have:
2 flower boxes
2 red rose flower pots
2 red rose flower boxes
1 rapa patch whole
1 garden trellis
1 floral wheelbarrow
1 garden workbench
1 gardening shelf
And then the floral fairy garden if you want to count that or not. That's why I said I felt lucky since I have gotten a lot so far. I wasn't aware there was a white rose flower pot though, now I want some of those lol.
What would be nice is if Nx made the new props available after the event by makin' them "buildable."
A rapa flower patch would require gatherin' flowers and water with the amounts adjusted to whether you're makin' the whole patch or a partial.
the trellis would require fine/finest firewood, large nails, and white paint. For the floral trellis the same items plus a bundle of flowers.
so on and so forth but y'all get the point I'm sure.
That would actually be so fun! I would totally do that if we could lol.
Yeah, the fact that so many homestead items are stuck in event distribution instead of being able to be crafted hurts the game.