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Anythin' that translates to "romantic" regardin' homesteads just means homestead ^^. Like the treehouse translated to "Romantic Farmhouse"
And now I want a cup of chamomile tea. And if there were dried roses to be put in it that'd be even better ^^
Oh now that's funny, I bought a workbench for 1.5m last night too. Then lo and behold! I get 1 from the box today! OTL
Oh well, but I do like havin' 2 workbenches ^^. Now I just need the shelf (bought a red rose flower pot for 300k yesterday too).
If I get a seventh one of these I'm driving to Cali and throwing my computer at them loll. I also see I call it raspa sometimes when it's actually rapa. Oh well. WEEDS.
You wish
I wish
We all wish
But nope, not this time
Anyway here are all the new items in one place
It'll be a few more days before I get my greenhouse.
I hope someone makes a new thread for showing off homestead designs. -hint- -hint-
I just thought of something...wouldn't be cool if that surrounding desert was actually ocean?
To the suggestions forum!
Yes I def. love this one
For those people, knowing well screenies of the house they can't have, yet are looking anyway, I give you a hug.
(But I got my house today, just sending support where needed.
Hey if you don't want them I'll take them off your hands.
Triggered by blossoms. XD
but meh, I still say NX should take my idea of craftin' these items so we have them available AFTER the event is gone.
I feel like we got shafted on this event. KR has flower fields, but we don't.