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How would you rebuild Mabinogi (Hypothetically)

Mabinogi Rep: 1,055
Posts: 38
in General Chat
This game is dying. A serve merge thread is created every 11 days and players complain in all 10 Decagon directions about the smallest details.
You murdered your ex girlfriend who was the height of a leprechaun and ironically was secretly hiding a fortune. (No rainbows today sadly ladies and gentlemen). You just bought the rights of the game from DevCat and now you can bully Nexon around. How would you rebuild this game? Some of these examples below would take a large productive team, resources and money...but this game is unique and I would hate to see the population decline even further. <3

- New engine? Fix how much memory and processing power due to bad coding design, mabinogi takes up?

- New Graphics? 32-bit client retains our current design, but 64-bit yields something more amazing?

- PvP System Revamp? Self-explanatory

- PvP Battle Arenas? Daily quests that reward players in solo queues and/or tag teams for participating and extra rewards for winning?

- Outdated content Revamp? Renes mini-game, Uladh Field bosses such as Neid (Iria bosses seem to still be active during weekends so not really an issue), Forest Purification, Jousting (Going to stop here for now)

- Active GM's (Game Masters)? These trusted employees can be on the look out in populated areas for harassment issues (releases stress on customer service tickets) and sudden gold bots whom they can swipe the ban-hammer on instantly. They can even provide in-game weekly mysterious events on Saturdays to encourage more to jump on at the weekend. Soem of you guys have mentioned it's been months since the game has ever had a break from no events running actively...well, this one-time weekly event can replace that issue and give players a few weeks rest to avoid themselves becoming burnt out

- New additional Content? How often would you release content, including storylines and classes. Once every 6 months?

- Life Skills Revamp? Just gonna leave this one to the big guys...(It would be pretty cool to craft plat hammers that can be healthy for the economy and resolve the issue of items breaking because the hammers will be cheaper and in circulation)

- Bugs? Well of course you would try to patch bugs that have been on-going for years.

- Guild Revamp? A core aspect within the communities. Bring forth the encouragement

- Housing and Homesteads? Combine the two? That little tent that you can upgrade into a 4-story building that's only visually about allowing us enter our home now? Common decorations can be purchased from a general store NPC such as Walter, while exclusive "pretty" household items can be purchased from a Homestead Gacha from time to time. Maybe even during a Christmas Gacha, release a cosy fireplace/interactive Christmas tree that exclusively allows in-game family members to place a tag on the tree with their name on it and their wish for the holiday/New Year for others to view. As for the housing, scrap the housing districts and guilds claiming them to increase the taxes heavily and instead allows us to sell items from our homestead houses instead. The housing ch will no longer eat up server resources as well. (Jesus I rambled on too much here)

- Fishing Minigame revamp? Sure, those of us who have work can simply afk and come back to a inventory filled with glorious tin pots, but those of us who want to earn the outfits and weapons are required to interact with the game with a fun mini-game that rewards us with a higher % at prizes. Maybe some of us can make a living catch rosemary patterns. Additionally, would you revamp the possible item drop lists?

- Dungeons, Shadow Missions, Dragon Raids, Fighting Tournament and Commerce Revamp? Big one honestly. The new dungeon while interesting and new, have some rather tank HP bosses rather that new mechanics which is more of a dura-strain if anything more. Share your ideologies on this matter if you believe it needs work.

- New Continents? Uladh, Iria and 50% of Belvast. It's been so long. Would you lead us Milletians into the remaining half of Belvast, more specifically the heavily restricted Tory Ravine? Or perhaps it's time to set across the seas to undiscovered land.

- Skill Revamps? Go wild on this one...hoo boy (RIP Taunt for Giants)

- Taming Skill Changes (Sub-category under skill revamp)? This topic never really gets touched...what would you change about this skill given the chance? Hypnotizing the Succubus fiends in Rabbie Phant against their Queen to ease the burden of the dungeon for lesser-geared characters could be one idea?

- Skill uncaps? Skills including: Rest, First Aid, Campfire, Cooking, Mana Shield, Meditation, Evasion. They need a r1 version in my opinion. If they would become game breaking, couldn't we alter their effects across the higher ranks.

- Algorithms and Calculation changes? Issues not only with how often ranged attacks miss (because my elven wife mentions it on a daily basis) but unbalanced issues such as the mana shield damage reduction calculation and the game breaking tanking giants obtain when using vales shield, windguard and end-game armor. What issues are you aware of that you would fix instantly.

- Cashshop changes? Would you reduce current prices? Would you stop or continue gachapons? Earlier i mentioned housing in our homesteads, meaning VIP loses it's value. The daily spin drops need a revamp anyway, so what would you offer for VIP in replacement instead? What new items would you add if director of this game?

- Community improvement? Overall, how could we improve our community. Guilds and familys seems almost dead, and the rise in trolls, scammers and salty elves upon defeat in PVP due to latency as grown these past 2 years. Solutions?

- Anything I may have missed that you would improve also

TD;LR - Topic changes and what would you change if given the chance as director

- New engine
- New Graphics
- PvP System Revamp
- PvP Battle Arenas Revamp
- Outdated content Revamp
- Active GM's
- Additional Content
- Life Skills Revamp
- Fixing Bugs Priority
- Guild Revamp
- Housing and Homesteads
- Fishing Minigame revamp
- Dungeons/SM/Raids/Tourny/Commerce Revamp
- New Continents
- Skill Revamps
- Unused Skill Revamps (Taming, Taunt)
- Skill uncaps
- Algorithms and Calculation changes
- Cashshop changes
- Community improvement

Rank over. I'll head back to Emain and finish my recent marionette work.
  1. Is Mabinogi currently: Balanced, Bug-less, Well Populated, Not Pay-to-Win and User-friendly?53 votes
    1. Absolutely. This post was completely pointless
       6% (3 votes)
    2. The game has its merits and flaws, but I love this game the way it is anyhow
       32% (17 votes)
    3. "We have work to do" - Saruman
       38% (20 votes)
    4. Oh god, just let me be director already...
       25% (13 votes)


  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited June 23, 2017
    You can't improve a community directly. That type of social engineering hardly works when the nature of the internet is full of jerks, trolls, and scammers, or in any other cases, really. One can build game functions to discourage or even cut down on it however, but it depends on the game design. Certain games, especially PVP focused, will attracted many more jerks than a casual PVE.

    -I'd say the addition of auction boards and commas would go great deal of the way for scammers.

    - I would also say keep a system like the coins and the coinshop from this gachapon as a permanent system. Essentially, each gachapon from this point will reward coins that do not expire alongside the coin shop, allowing one to build a steady accruement of coins, while the coin shop cycles from having the rare rewards of the current gachapons to the rare rewards of the next gachapon. The coin do not expire, and are good for any coin shop purchases. The coinshop is a permanent function that cycles from the current gachapon's rare items to the next.

    Thus, frequent purchases can allow players to benefit and receive desired items without excessive purchases in a short amount of time, provided the prices are reasonable.

    -I'd so we either focus on PVP, or ignore the unbalanced system entirely. I quite enjoy having to not go through Dunbarton's South Eastern corner without those people there, but I would revamp social PVP activities like the Arenas and Guild Wars. Not sure how. Ideally, a prize might be given, a steady gain of a special currency for purchasing items, items that are continually sought after, valuable, and whose demand is constant, etc.

    -Mafia and Festia...hmm, how do we make social games more social, when putting a prize on it will just cause people to rig it and take away the social nature of it?
  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    ---keeping this game running.... the amount of afking items... afk events and limited time sales, not listening to players, not giving equal amount of content as KR, not fixing bugs that r 5+ years old,....
    Its such a beat around the bush concept on how NA mabinogi handles things....
    I think at the end of the day, this mmo COULD be fixed, and all of this can, when the ppl of nexon sit down and realize that a pair of wings every 3 weeks and ignoring 5+ year issues is not cutting it.
    idk what happened but by the time they started adding chairs to this game was the time this game started to become afk simulator.

    my fave part is KR got a free give away of a entire computer set ware.- and we are still waiting for forum profiles pics to be available. I dont feel like paying players genuinely appreciated.(and i wouldn't even consider myself that much of a paying player like some of the people in this game)

    the WORST part is if this game does go down, it cant be given to ppl who can take care of it... it'll just go down. (NA anyway)
  • HuwHuw
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 38
    You can't improve a community directly. That type of social engineering hardly works when the nature of the internet is full of jerks, trolls, and scammers, or in any other cases, really. One can build game functions to discourage or even cut down on it however, but it depends on the game design. Certain games, especially PVP focused, will attracted many more jerks than a casual PVE.

    I suppose I wasn't going for a straightforward direct approach. A game such as Overwatch lately has currently undergone an increase of trolls in the quickplay queue. The only available option to players is to try avoid speaking to these people via the blocklist function that we similarly have and report them,which hopefully blizzard take action against.
    A topic I suggested was active in-game GM's who rotate with other Gm employees to tackle in-game jerks red-handed and delver justice that can discourage future attempts. It's not a perfect design, but it's somewhere to start. Thankfully, Mabinogi's community isn't the most toxic I've ever seen, but jerks will always exist somewhere. You can't eliminate parasites 100%, but you can reduce their numbers.

    I'd say the addition of auction boards and commas would go great deal of the way for scammers.

    I'm all in favor for commas. It would be very easy to implement into the game and it confuses me as to why it hasn't been already.
    Auction boards however is an interesting idea. We have an Tara Auction held everyday at 5:00pm PST on Channel 5. We could easily utilize that feature and modify it for players as well, rather than the current party method that's preferable currently. Also, sometimes people tend to lie about their current offers when selling an item...this feature can debunk those issues and every player can visible see the real current bid someone has placed.

    I think similar to Tara's auction, you can only bid an offer up to the maximum amount of gold in your bank account. This is to resolve issues with noobs trolling fake numbers during auctions. This would just be a further excuse remove gold limitations that's currently 5m per character. I no longer want to store 5m checks in a pet because my banks currently full. A few gray areas might exist with the board but it's worth trying out.
    I would also say keep a system like the coins and the coinshop from this gachapon as a permanent system. Essentially, each gachapon from this point will reward coins that do not expire alongside the coin shop, allowing one to build a steady accruement of coins, while the coin shop cycles from having the rare rewards of the current gachapons to the rare rewards of the next gachapon. The coin do not expire, and are good for any coin shop purchases. The coinshop is a permanent function that cycles from the current gachapon's rare items to the next. Thus, frequent purchases can allow players to benefit and receive desired items without excessive purchases in a short amount of time, provided the prices are reasonable.

    I'm fine with this idea yes, so long as they never expire and the coins are exactly the same for every gacha so eventually you are guaranteed an item you are after. Similiar to the adventure seal shop, we could also offer items such as Red/Blue upgrade stones of protection, Plat Hammers or even reforges to compensate them if 3-4 recent gacha's haven't interested that player.
    I'd so we either focus on PVP, or ignore the unbalanced system entirely. I quite enjoy having to not go through Dunbarton's South Eastern corner without those people there, but I would revamp social PVP activities like the Arenas and Guild Wars. Not sure how. Ideally, a prize might be given, a steady gain of a special currency for purchasing items, items that are continually sought after, valuable, and whose demand is constant, etc.

    I prefer PvE over PvP myself...but I do enjoy trying to get stronger at combinations I learn by fighting godly-tier players. It's hard to envision both a PvP and PvP balance though. I used to play Blade and Soul and the PvP arenas are a core element to the game aside from PvE content and the devs try their hardest to ensure balance between the classes. However, our game divides us into 3 races that hardly vary from one another. The only exception to this are 2 races are locked out of a single talent (Lance and Archery respectively), a couple of race-exclusive skills and some stat differences, for better or worse.

    Those PvP arenas also denied access to us using potions to cheat our ways through the fight which I enjoyed and gave them credit for. Mabinogi doesn't feature any lock out rules, excluding pets, and nothing stops any players from being a wetwipe and spamming final hit using poisoned Crk's or demigod. Removing outdoor PvP could be a start and replacing it with an arena where both party's can set rules and disallow certain skills/items/pets to be used. To give more creativity to the fights, similar to classes in other games, how about expanding what our skills are capable of. Why not change the effects of our skills? Perhaps in exchange for a faster Windmill animation cancel, the skill does 60% damage less damage that previously bt also has a chance to reduce protection that can also stack with uppercut. Just thinking outside the box.

    A currency that can be exchanged for rewards could only further encouragement to PvP...although I wonder if people would just farm that system if we don't set up a monitoring system for that sort of thing. Perhaps disallow 10k+ from farming low-level alt noobs or something
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,045
    Get rid of the graphical engine and turn the game into a texted-based MUD. :^)
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited June 24, 2017
    Huw wrote: »
    This game is dying. A serve merge thread is created every 11 days and players complain in all 10 Decagon directions about the smallest details.
    You murdered your ex girlfriend who was the height of a leprechaun and ironically was secretly hiding a fortune. (No rainbows today sadly ladies and gentlemen). You just bought the rights of the game from DevCat and now you can bully Nexon around. How would you rebuild this game? Some of these examples below would take a large productive team, resources and money...but this game is unique and I would hate to see the population decline even further. <3

    The hell did i just read? This is just too stupid to read at lol. Done reading op post after this sentence.
  • SirRyuSirRyu
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,690
    Posts: 107
    You can't improve a community directly. That type of social engineering hardly works when the nature of the internet is full of jerks, trolls, and scammers, or in any other cases, really. One can build game functions to discourage or even cut down on it however, but it depends on the game design. Certain games, especially PVP focused, will attracted many more jerks than a casual PVE.

    -I'd say the addition of auction boards and commas would go great deal of the way for scammers.

    - I would also say keep a system like the coins and the coinshop from this gachapon as a permanent system. Essentially, each gachapon from this point will reward coins that do not expire alongside the coin shop, allowing one to build a steady accruement of coins, while the coin shop cycles from having the rare rewards of the current gachapons to the rare rewards of the next gachapon. The coin do not expire, and are good for any coin shop purchases. The coinshop is a permanent function that cycles from the current gachapon's rare items to the next.

    Thus, frequent purchases can allow players to benefit and receive desired items without excessive purchases in a short amount of time, provided the prices are reasonable.

    -I'd so we either focus on PVP, or ignore the unbalanced system entirely. I quite enjoy having to not go through Dunbarton's South Eastern corner without those people there, but I would revamp social PVP activities like the Arenas and Guild Wars. Not sure how. Ideally, a prize might be given, a steady gain of a special currency for purchasing items, items that are continually sought after, valuable, and whose demand is constant, etc.

    -Mafia and Festia...hmm, how do we make social games more social, when putting a prize on it will just cause people to rig it and take away the social nature of it?

    Curious whatcha mean by those people.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    SirRyu wrote: »
    You can't improve a community directly. That type of social engineering hardly works when the nature of the internet is full of jerks, trolls, and scammers, or in any other cases, really. One can build game functions to discourage or even cut down on it however, but it depends on the game design. Certain games, especially PVP focused, will attracted many more jerks than a casual PVE.

    -I'd say the addition of auction boards and commas would go great deal of the way for scammers.

    - I would also say keep a system like the coins and the coinshop from this gachapon as a permanent system. Essentially, each gachapon from this point will reward coins that do not expire alongside the coin shop, allowing one to build a steady accruement of coins, while the coin shop cycles from having the rare rewards of the current gachapons to the rare rewards of the next gachapon. The coin do not expire, and are good for any coin shop purchases. The coinshop is a permanent function that cycles from the current gachapon's rare items to the next.

    Thus, frequent purchases can allow players to benefit and receive desired items without excessive purchases in a short amount of time, provided the prices are reasonable.

    -I'd so we either focus on PVP, or ignore the unbalanced system entirely. I quite enjoy having to not go through Dunbarton's South Eastern corner without those people there, but I would revamp social PVP activities like the Arenas and Guild Wars. Not sure how. Ideally, a prize might be given, a steady gain of a special currency for purchasing items, items that are continually sought after, valuable, and whose demand is constant, etc.

    -Mafia and Festia...hmm, how do we make social games more social, when putting a prize on it will just cause people to rig it and take away the social nature of it?

    Curious whatcha mean by those people.

    Most people who hung around that specific area were dummies, irritating, or both.
  • HuwHuw
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 38
    edited June 24, 2017
    Greta wrote: »
    The hell did i just read? I'm just too stupid to read such a monumental masterpiece, lol. Done reading op post after this sentence.

    The leprechaun scenario is more tangibly possible that a basement-dwelling furry millionaire~ Wasn't the main point of the thread anyhow

    P.S. I may have included some fun satire just then.
  • ApollodorusApollodorus
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,865
    Posts: 57

    Assuming time and manpower were not an option I'd start with dungeons. First I'd remove the seemingly useless or sub par prizes like old shields or rigid weapons and the like, and add in more immediately useful items for players of the targeted level. Stuff like 7/5 variants of armor, unique outfits, Pon, and faux strong weapons like beam swords and the black dragon knight sword/bow. Stuff that has an immediate use, even if it would lose out to equipment that could be special upgraded as time went on. Either Int or Adv would start focusing on giving materials and manuals, although certain manuals would allow for multiple ways of crafting in lower levels of those dungeons.

    I'd also remove the first floor to a lot of dungeons, especially hm dungeons, since they are not engaging and honestly beneath any person or group that has a real chance of actually beating the dungeon. I'd also make dungeon passes of any difficulty available for sale, and create a dungeon party board that advertised across all channels and implement a rotating boost in rewards for beating a specific dungeon each day.

    The other system I'd try to implement (and I'm not entirely sure how I would do it yet) would be some manner of coin system where you received so many coins upon beating the dungeon. You could then use those coins at a merchant who would appear at the end of a dungeon to purchase any of the drops available from that dungeon, rather than having to rely solely on rng. Not sure if all the dungeons should grant you generic coins (like adventure seals) or if they should be restricted to that dungeon and difficulty (alby hm gives you alby hm coins, ciar basic gives you ciar basic coins, ect).

    Iria dungeons would also receive a revamp with updated prize list and various difficulties unlocked. They'd also feature race specific gear, mats and enchants.

    Next I'd move onto enchant, altering or removing old useless enchants. All but a handful of enchants are useless in the game, and so it just feels like a huge waste when you get them. Enchants would also start to move in a direction focusing on either set effects, effects or specific skill boosts rather than just spitting out raw damage numbers.

    Removing the enchant escalator at r9-1 is also a must. Honestly I'd like to alter the damage penalty on enchants a lot, but I think that would probably upset the community. So instead I'd settle for making the enchant skill's rank give you bonuses to success rate.

    I'd also make red upgrade stones of protection and lucky red upgrade stones either craftable or buyable in one of the aforementioned dungeon shop.

    Theater missions would also receive a mission select like shadow missions and an updated prize list, as well as a coin prize that allowed for you to buy certain things from an ncp shop like mats for rosemary gloves, Shakespeare wear, and other various outfits or style weapons. I might also have all beauty coupons be purchasable from this shop, and would update it if new ones become available.

    Update the dressing room style so that anything you buy or anytime you use a coupon that style is unlocked permanently across all your characters, letting you reequip it if you should ever change it. I'd also re-implement the first character of an account getting the vip options for free at character creation. Also every wig would have a beauty coupon counterpart.

    I'd also add Style Scrolls to the cash shop, which would be like the weapon collection scrolls we have (and which were a step in the right direction) but you could use it to copy the appearance of any item and put it on the appearance of another applicable item. Maybe restrict that to weapons since we do have the style tab though.

    Aside from that minor changes to racial and talent balances, maybe tweak enemies, and maybe see if I couldn't get some people to update older textures and outfits.
  • AgentJeanAgentJean
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,775
    Posts: 222
    Get rid of the Got-Ya-Pon cash grab.
  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    AgentJean wrote: »
    Get rid of the Got-Ya-Pon cash grab.

    Well it is a necessary evil in most games now, BUT the ones nexon do have rates that are ridiculously low, and they have a ludicrous amount of trash in them.

    Honestly I think they should make a new client. Mabi (since this launcher BS was pushed through) now crashes my display driver around 80% of the time on launch which is something it never did before. This client is ancient, and was designed around single core processors, and old gfx chips not the modern multicore CPU's, and GPU's even the cheapest of PC's have now a days.

    They also have to update the older items, and hairstyles textures, and models IMO as they looks like absolute crap next to the current stuff. IT is really weird when playing a game when the models, and textures qualities are all over the place.
  • EllisyaEllisya
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,525
    Posts: 485
    edited June 26, 2017
    Sue that private Mabinogi server first please.
  • AgentJeanAgentJean
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,775
    Posts: 222
    A new game client is practically a new game from scratch. The people at DevCat today have no idea how Mabi works. It's new code by people who don't know how to decipher the old code, compounded by the fact its 2+ different engines crammed together.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited June 26, 2017
    Ellisya wrote: »
    Sue that private Mabinogi server first please.

    ^^^^^^^^ This. The private server talks a lot of poop about Nexon and their community is growing FAST. When i checked their website like 2 months ago they only had around 20-40 players active, but now they have like 40-150 active players. I already reported this website to Nexon, but they said that they are gonna investigate it. Seems like they didn't do anything about it, because it still exists.
  • KouyioueKouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,130
    Posts: 443
    edited June 27, 2017
    Make each of the server consoles(not the client) more extensible and robust so that behavior can be changed on the fly without multiple-hour-long maintenances. Maintenance being reserved for memory problems.

    Halo Custom Edition works this way, and Firefall worked this way. The devs would run to the console and juryrig the events back to working order. Also threw their own events when the servers would act up so they could avoid downtime until scheduled maints.

    For comparison, mabi GMs can only spawn monsters but not do anything with them, which is more of a gimmick

    - - - - - - -

    An unintended benefit that this gives is the ability for devs and in-house GMs to script in their own events in real time without needing a maintenance or "hard-coded" updates(as long as they used already-existing assets).
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    @Kouyioue I think the NA team lost their rights for such...rumor has it that they abused it and KR took it away. I think everything has to go through KR for the most part.
  • FarseerarentaFarseerarenta
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 77
    right now, with mabi's decline. If i was a Mabi Developer. i'd do the following

    Recode game so it can be played offline, but you can join friends(think borderlands)

    Sell it for $30-60. but don't sell it yet.

    keep game running as it is now for as long as possible, reducing channel numbers and servers as needed.

    and when eventually that point is reached, release the offline version for sale (for nostalgia, long time players, and active players)
    -could use steam as a way to connect friends who want to play with eachother. and make it so party finder searches other people (similar to dark souls)
  • AlmostNotsuperAlmostNotsuper
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,240
    Posts: 288
    right now, with mabi's decline. If i was a Mabi Developer. i'd do the following

    Recode game so it can be played offline, but you can join friends(think borderlands)

    Sell it for $30-60. but don't sell it yet.

    keep game running as it is now for as long as possible, reducing channel numbers and servers as needed.

    and when eventually that point is reached, release the offline version for sale (for nostalgia, long time players, and active players)
    -could use steam as a way to connect friends who want to play with eachother. and make it so party finder searches other people (similar to dark souls)

    Not bad.
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    edited July 2, 2017
    I've been playing only a short while, but I definitely have some ideas on how to improve the game...

    1. Fix the text on CP-dependent skills' training info. Not all of them, but the ones that have descriptions like, "defeat a powerful enemy", "defeat several very powerful enemies", and such the like. I'd have the text updated to say things like, "defeat a Strong enemy", "defeat an Awful enemy", "defeat 4 or more Strong enemies", etc. to make figuring out these training requirements less of a headache for players. It's a small quality of life improvement, but an important one.

    2. I'd make the Style tab free for all users just like Inventory Plus is now. It makes no sense to me that a wardrobe system that doesn't even let you mask your current weapon's model or give you a permanent dye collection costs real money to keep functional, but "Wildstar" provides a wardrobe system much like this game's with those very additional features for free to all players. Sure, it's nothing that improves actual combat or anything, but being able to change your character's look without having to worry about your cool duds being destroyed over time due to gradual loss of max durability or how they'll effect your stats enhances the roleplay experience for the player and can help them feel more immersed in the game and connected to their character. It's not just "Fashionogi", it's a phenomenon known as Enclothed Cognition, which effects us both in the real world and in the video game world:

    3. I'd make homestead houses, from tents all the way up to mansions, able to actually be entered and decorated. It takes so many resources to upgrade your homestead house, but there's not much to actually do with it afterward. Store some stuff, sell some stuff...Yeah. Again, I'm going to point to "Wildstar" for their excellent housing system with customization outside and inside the main house and an item placement system that makes any "Sims" game past 2 with the "moveobjects on" cheat activated look tame in comparison (and if you're into building in the "Sims" games, you understand this reference...if not, then watch some advanced building videos for them on YouTube). I don't think that "Mabinogi" could support a system as advanced as "Wildstar", but the simple ability to place furniture and decor on a simple grid like on the homestead exterior could work very well.

    4. Making sure that there are enough score scrolls and crafting patterns of every every skill level in the in-game NPC stores. Even if it's just one pattern/scroll per level, those gaps need to be plugged.

    5. I'd remove the time limit on the large bag from the general stores. Why? Because it's a pain to keep re-buying that thing every month while waiting for an event that gives a reasonable replacement to roll around or spamming Festia games for months on end with your only other option being to shell out some dough at the cash shop. Keep it expensive to buy, keep the limit at one per character, maybe bump the price up from 100K to 200K or even 1 million gold if the gold sink factor is that important, but the rent-a-bag thing is just silly. Something as essential as inventory space should not be linked to an expiration timer.

    6. Revamp the Festia. The fact that you can't enter if you have a shop running and there aren't very many games that you can play alone are both contributing factors to its under-use by the player base. I would fix both of those issues by adding single-player modes to more games and putting a team on reworking the Festia to allow players with active shops to still enter. Maybe it will be a simple as just letting the player know that their shop will be automatically closed if they choose to enter the Festia to straight-up changing how it's currently handled by the game itself in relation to the main channels on the server...whichever works best functionality and budget-wise.

    7. Fix how the in-game cash shop looks. It's a mess, really. I'd have the layout changed to be clearer and easier to read and, if there isn't an option to buy NX/Pon in there already, I'd add it. If that's already in there, I'd make it easier for users to find. Not up in your face like "BUY! BUY! BUY!", but not so hidden that someone looking for the option could easily miss it.

    8. Add options that allow the player to adjust the size of NPC character portraits and onscreen icons, and a functioning fullscreen option. We're not all playing on big, super-high resolution desktop monitors, and windowed mode and the large size of character portraits and onscreen icons can cause some serious crowding issues on some screen resolutions. My laptop's max screen resolution is 1366x768, and some NPC portraits take up nearly 1/4 of the screen when they appear. My skill icons are pretty big as well, and there is nothing I can do about it. The fullscreen option on the game only worked on the first day I booted it up, but it caused some graphical glitches that caused the screen to blink oddly and the bottom menu bar to disappear, so I changed over to windowed mode...but now it won't let me change it to fullscreen at all. That is not good so, yeah, I'd fix it.

    9. Speaking of visual presentation, I also keep running into a bug where certain graphics (windows on buildings [most notably the games large cathedrals], symbols on signs, and even the runes on the moongates and colored locks on dungeon doors become striated, like someone took an eraser and just removed alternating stripes of color from these things, making them partially invisible. I'd fix that too, because it just destroys the effect of so much of the game's grander architecture.

    10. Lag. Lag kills, and causes those weird moments where your character or an enemy suddenly jumps across the screen from where you thought they were supposed to be, often causing you to be the victim of some pretty nasty cheap shots along with the sudden hop. Sure, sometimes it works in your favor, but with skills that are timing-based like the counter/trap mode of Windmill or when you're trying to use Evasion or Somersault to dodge can see where lag can mess you up. I'd totally put a team on fixing issues with lag.

    Those are just my little ideas, though. Don't mind me, I'm just a know-nothing newbie...
  • KrioKrio
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 2
    Also some of the rules should be fixed too i believe example is the harassment rules , as a player who got attack a lot last year , due to bad blood with other player then getting rally and attack for no reason . I feel like the gm are pretty slow at punishing those player , and even if they get punish u will still see them back in later . Some only get a slap on wrist . The account sharing rule should also be fix due to the fact almost anyone who has firends can get ban , Just by learn a small amount of info on anyone can get u ban for 1 month even if they dont know your password .