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⚡{SEE NEW POST UNDER NAO} Electrolytes Guild⚡
To a time in which my guild and I whisked her away to enjoy our company; our flaws masked with wounded cracks, splitting, bared to the world. A time in which was to heal. In such time many beautiful friendships and memories were established, some bonds that would last for a long time, some that withered easily with the pressure of time. But such is life. In this perspective it is clear that while still flourishing she had to spread her wings; to take her own stand to help others in her true home. Thus with her departure we did no weep; we encouraged, eager to see this plant bloom into a flower, and it has. It is shown as a beautiful rose, petals glistening with such vivid detail.
While the past is riddled with the bumpy road of life, it's necessary to show how bright the future is, that even in the darkest days there is always sunshine brimming just around the corner. And to never lose sight of that light, to believe in yourself, in those that believe in you, and in what you create. A flower should never wilt, but should be treated with care, so that is thrives in the world it was created in.
A brief consideration of the inner thoughts lead to a curious evaluation, but the point is that this guild is a rose, blooming, and is being treated with care. Do not let it be plucked, enjoy the company of others, create memories and have all the fun. Because life is short. Do not waste it being sad, or mad, or creating illusions of a twisted reality. Spend it creating those precious memories you'll look back on fondly. ♥♥
Commercing!SMs and Falias Treasure HuntToday's Electrolytes Daily Event is Commercing!
Come meet us in Belvast, Ch5, @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST for some Commercing fun! Put on your backpack and get on your horse or elephant and let's transport some goods together! I will update this post with a picture tonight!
Update: Not many people were in the mood for Commercing today, so we headed to do some SMs and get Falias Treasure! All was well, and our member got the Pure Crystals he needed!
We were unable to get a picture due to a few distractions, but aye that's okay, I have plenty of antics to share! Hope you guys enjoy them! See you around! ❤
YoualsosaidhousenothorseWelcome Home!
Yesterday, after Commercing with our newest member, a few of us went to enjoy a dungeon to help get an old friend back into the game! He disappeared for a few months, but he's back again and is ready to rumble!
Welcome home ❤ We missed you!
Friendly Antics!
This is from awhile back, but I came across it in some private messages with an old friend. This was back when I was in Vendetta or another guild. I'm not completely sure, but it's great nonetheless! Definitely brought back a smile to my face!
Tonight's Outcome!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Martial Arts!
Today we will be hosting lots of MA runs like we did last time! We enjoy spending a lot of time with our members, and therefore we will probably get a lot of levels in! Yay! If you would like to participate, head to Avon on Ch5 @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST. If you need a ride, let us know and meet us in Dunbarton!
Update: Tonight's MA run went smoothly, with 6 people in the party and 2 rounds done! Everyone did extremely well! We're very proud!
Tonight's Banquet!
Banquet: Today after our daily event, we will be attending Ch5's banquet in Tara Rath Castle, @ 10PM EST, 9PM CST, 7PM PST! If you would like to come hang out with us, that is a great time to come meet up with us! We may run an extra event after the banquet (Egg Defense, Peaca Abyss, etc) so join us there to participate! We will announce what we decide there!
Update: Tonight's banquet was wonderful! Some of our members enjoyed music, others EvGed! One of our very own even won the banquet! Congratulations! About 3 of us didn't make the picture due to the continuous PvP and one of us crashed, but it's cool! We're glad you guys had fun! Come back next time and celebrate the week's end!
The banquet was a lot of fun! Taking the picture took ages because prior to the photo op there were more than a few of us enjoying a good old-fashioned EvG BANQUET BRAWL! I think this picture perfectly sums up what this guild really is -- we're a group of weirdos that know how to have fun. But also a family. Everyone in the guild is so nice that it makes me want to projectile vomit rainbows and glitter sometimes, and it also gives me the diabetus. But it's okay because I love them anyway.
She literally did.Hubby just happened to catch this while checking one last time! Thank you so much, we try so hard to keep the guild fun and positive! These goons are such amazing people! I can't wait to see what's in the future! >~<!!
Tonight's Outcome!
Today's Daily Event is Peaca Abyss!
Have you ever had too many passes? How about so many passes that your bank is even filled up? Well today is your chance get out there and use up those extra passes that are just taking up inv space! Meet us at the Peaca Entrance at 8PM EST, 7 PM CST, 5PM PST and let's get rid of those passes together!
Update: Tonight's event featured 2 runs of Peaca Abyss! The runs went rather quickly tonight, and we even helped a few newbies come along!
If you have enjoyed Electrolytes for the past week, or even just for the banquet, we are currently recruiting and are looking for new members! If you'd like to come hang out with us, our events and at the banquets is the perfect time to do so! Join us, and let's enjoy Mari together!
The my section of the Guild Homestead is currently under renovation! Some changes have been made in order to make sure all things were in a good place so you can get those buffs and we have added more fences and such to the design. Now to make some more white paint and add in more stuff ^~^!!
I will not be home tomorrow, so I'd like to go ahead and announce tomorrow's Daily Event! Mabinogi Event Day! Woo! Feel free to throw in some Festia!
Good night Mabi ^~^ I hope to see some new faces when I return home tomorrow!!
WhooHooo!Peaca abyss runs for Daily Electrolytes Guild Events we're fun
Those are some pictures from before and after the run <<<333
Good morning Mari Millitians! Hope today is wonderful for you!
Come join Electrolytes in the fun of Mari with their Daily Events! Note Zurcishere for details!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Martial Arts!
Come meet us in Avon Ch5 @ 8PM EST, 7 PM CST, 5PM PST! If you need a ride, note Zurcishere! Come enjoy the beauty of Avon with us!
Update: Turnout was great as always. We were a tad distracted by the stream but everything went fine ^~^ No picture tonight!