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Sword Art Online & Fate Stay Night???
Honestly that trailer paints too pretty a picture over the game in my opinion.
The rewards from the fate event were LAME and no title even came close to the boost ALO Asuna gives.
Though to be fair just about every online game has a bot problem in some way, shape or form.
who made these....
Sure does m8. It was a hit back in the dayz...
Again, it's not Mabi that needs to update their ads. It's 3rd party ad distributors that aren't updating ads or are doing false advertisements.
Yes there are Mabi ads. If you ever search for mabi on your search engines, that will prompt ad companies that have bought access to the search engine to use your search data and distribute ads based on your searches. So much for FCC privacy laws. And they'll start spamming your page ads based on your searches. That's how the internet advertisments work.
On Crunchyroll, they've been airing the memento trailer over and over and over and over and over every time I watch something.
Bwhahahahahahahahahaha, oh god...that's amazing
Jesus, I haven't laughed that hard in months
Best response EVER.
See i did this my self and gave up on the skill for years and did other things and there is a huge benefit to newer players now us older players dont get the lovely benefits you get but diving into Blacksmithing like that is funny.
But like what Day 1 newb does that anyway?
Okay so I'm not the only one who cringed hard at that video, good. xP
I know right? How does somebody not register that?
Must be new to MMORPGs in general rofl
some people.. :L
We do get one of these stray collab fangirls/boys once in a blue moon whether they use the forum or not.(I've met a few ingame b4 tho I just lurk and listen to their spouting of disappointment yada yada etc~) I think we just came on abit 2 strong and scared OP away.