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Sword Art Online & Fate Stay Night???
Oh, I thought you meant the SAO creator.
Welp, if he were more famous or a Trump, he would get away with it. Too bad he wasn't. Those were decent works though.
But the Pay2Win and all the buffs...
Speaking of p2w, there's a manga where some stingy guy gets forced to play a mobile game that relies on p2w gachas.
don't forget the Asuna person who wears asuna's outfit and an expired yui. I forget their character name but it's like Therealasuna or something.
they are limited time event so we dont have to deal with pepole that only come to the game because of one thing and waste our time
I see bots with expired yuis trying to fit in.
Also, I don't know what age has to do with how good a story is, since there exists plenty of old time animes that have far better stories than the ones out now.
True story. 80% of anime that come out nowadays are either ecchi with silly harem which goes nowhere or just legit weird relationships like brother and sister not a sibling kind of love, boring and blatant story where nothing interesting happens and so on. Perfect content for lonely weeaboos to drool at big-busted lolii's and weird physics of skirts and bust everywhere lol... I think i just cringed after trying to picture all of this in one image inside my brain.
I like it because it kind of reminds me of how me and my husband met in a game that we played for 2 years. ^_^
I met my boyfriend in Mabinogi.
If not Mabinogi i would probably still be single at this moment lol.
I liked the first season of SAO, but after each season it got more and more harem and story was getting worse and worse as well though.
Money. That's their main source so that's why it caters to those crowd so much. Just like the wing fetish exploded on mabi cuz Koreans have a fetish for avian feathers...Apparently. While the rest of us get shafted.
You gave up at level 41?
Most people quit around 10k.
In all seriousness, though, the increases were lackluster because permanent stats don't come from levelling. They come from ranking skills.
Something you would've found out had you given the game a fair shot.
But, seeing as you ONLY came for events that ended long ago, I can't imagine you appreciating what this game has to offer.
So, your departure isn't really a loss.
That must be a recent behavior; the ad I saw that got me into Mabi was back on writing.com in July '09. Granted, I had made a character already, back in January of that year, but still, the ad definitely wasn't based on any recent searches up to that point.
That must be a recent behavior; the ad I saw that got me into Mabi was back on writing.com in July '09. Granted, I had made a character already, back in January of that year, but still, the ad definitely wasn't based on any recent searches up to that point.
This game was originally made based on Irish/Celtic/Welsh/Gaelic mythology (loosely based, but based nonetheless). It only did these anime events cause they knew they'd find people gullible enough to either spend money so they can get "anime swag" or find people who would pay enough money to get the "swag" so said players could sell said "swag" for inordinant amounts of gold to other players who weren't as lucky.
Both crossovers and asian cartoons where pure cancerous garbage honestly XD the only good one was Kemono Friends