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Sword Art Online & Fate Stay Night???
I still see some stray SAO fanatics today.
I saw some trying to RP them in the most cringetastic way, I haven't seen any in a while though.
Yeah I see Kirit0 once in a while, wearing his kirito outit on the Ruairi server.
Okay that's kind of adorable.. still yuck though.
I'm not hate wagoning. I'd like to think I've invested a fair amount of time into both series. I didn't watch past the first arc of season one for SAO, but I did watch an episode here and there for season two. Main reason I didn't watch though was because I was hyped as heck when SAO first came out and started reading the novels shortly after I watched the first 3 or 4 episodes air. I ended up reading somewhere past Mother's Rosario which is probably the only good arc of SAO.
I basically had no reason to watch the anime when I already knew the outcome of everything. Also doesn't help that the anime comes off way cornier than the novel just due to the medium. That said I still enjoyed the series and liked it some point in the past, but over time I watched more anime and read more manga. I've experienced way better series by now so honestly SAO just doesn't hold up as it used to for me.
I used to love SAO for it's story, action, and world building. Especially since there was a bunch of stuff that was explained only in the novels due to anime time constraints. But looking back on it, it was just empowerment fantasy through Kirito a lot of the time and anything that I used to consider story and world building is just shallow cover for him to look "badass". Which just leaves it with some mediocre to good action. And even good action doesn't really make for a good story on it's own. Transformer movies are exactly known for their deep and compelling story in comparison at least.
Now I haven't read fate/stay night VNs but as far as I'm concerned with the anime, it's issues are similar to SAO's. Everything that happens and the characters are all just devices to see some OP magic and sick explosions. Doesn't mean that the fights aren't fun to watch thanks to Ufotable, but the story is people die when they are killed. Fate/Zero is the only decent one, but the promotional was for Unlimited Budget Works soooo no story here, only "plot".
As for Fate, I never saw it. I might one day but ehh..
Fate has too many seasons too many plots all for the same thing.
I like SAO. I'm looking forward to UWO.
-waits for pitch forks and torches-
From where I got up to until it became too troublesome to find translations it was interesting at least. Characters were kind of bland as always and the usual Kirito OP, but the artificial world and how it worked was quite interesting.
I actually cringed, since the game would actually require you to either grind or pay to actually do anything listed in the video...
Eh, I like it too. Not a die-hard fan. But I like it.
I didn't like SAO. But I won't stop others if they do. No pitch forks nor torches needed.
No pitchforks and torches? How will we light the hay bonfire?
I heard the creator is in prison for something so the anime probably won't continue. Log Horizon was much better and was far more detailed so it would be cool to have a anime event for it.
Where did you hear that from?
I forget where I heard it but it turns out he was charged for tax evasion which prevented him from continuing the novels for a while but according to his wikipedia page he has now paid off his taxes so there is a chance the series might continue.
Oh wow. Well that explains why anime poofed for such long time.