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I don't wanna hear about my computer or my internet connection. My computer is 8 years old. (I do make a point of taking care of it...) My internet is ordinary cable. I also hang out with a lot of australian players, and not one has complained.
Seeing it like that, it's quite clear I lag too much to perform it, so I'll stick to my method, but it's nice to know it was technically done properly
Honestly I think your way is more challenging, but it could work if done right. And you do take into account that Subaru can take some hits, so kudos for that.
The funny thing is I had to receive the control-click advice about a Baltane mission from a guy in Australia. I was skilling all over the place and losing, and it was using a shuriken and control clicking that won. I just think sometimes we players are looking for that OP strategy when there really is none.
You're not immune to internet comment. You have functioning net, compared to some of us, especially those in Europe.
Computer doesn't really do that much for Mabinogi. It's mostly about connections. And the devs' way of optimizing.
I can't hit as fast as you do.
Though, Korean players hits mych faster than you do as well.
So then, may I ask how my Australian friends are doing it without so much as an irritated remark?
It's also worth noting: I don't know about your specific situation, but a lot of people blame "lag" when there's actually issues with graphics. If you get stuttering, no internet connection will fix that. Mabi does *NOT* need a workhorse machine to run (even with vector text), but you do need to make sure your machine isn't getting bogged down by unnecessary processes, malware, or whatnot.
Pray tell me how your AMERICAN friends right here can't do it properly.
You're probbaly one of those jokers who goes around saying "It works for me so it can't be an issue". Your types are probably the reason the game industry is filled with terirbly optimized games.
Like Monster Hunter.
And you mentioned Baltane mission. My Australian friend can’t clear round table with normal attacks because he can’t executed the attack fast enough before the wolves attacked the barrier.
I know it doesn't take a beast computer to run the game, if anything it runs better on older computers in some cases, due an engine limitation. The truth of the matter is, my ISP is Great for anything that runs inside Europe, and it manage okay oversea if the server and networking is optimized. Unfortunately, Mabi is not optimized, and not only is the server oversea, it's also overland. My connection thus has to cross the Atlantic And the US from East to West to finally reach the server that is West Coast based. Your australian friends only have the Pacific to cross to reach it, and you only have the US, I have to deal with both at once, on an ISP that actually isn't specialized in that kind of thing
Overthinking it. As I stated before.
No. But I do know that there's some things that work better than given credit for.
I still swear by getting off channel 1 for anything that requires "twitchy" reactions. That video was recorded on channel 7.
It was an aussie who had to tell me how to do round table for that exact reason. And that was the "equip a shuriken, buff speed, control click". He also beat a lot of people I know to many, MANY dan 3s.
Because we're Murica...
- Pay attention to wolf tactics. Ulgarms walking around in a circle likely have Defense loaded, while Ulgarms standing still and not attacking likely have Counterattack loaded.
- Stick to normal attacks.
- Utilize the Chain Blade's faster attack speed by prioritizing killing Ulgarms that are close to you/Subaru.
- Remember that you have Defense and Counterattack regardless of if you get Chain Blade skills or Magic skills.
- Subaru can take a few hits so if you can hold the Ulgarms off for long enough letting Subaru get mauled for a few seconds at the end of a run is fine.
- Ulgarms with Defense or Counterattack loaded are Ulgarms who are not attacking. Worry about these Ulgarms last.
I find it ironic that this portion of the event is best dealt with by utilizing old school/pre-Genesis combat tactics.
For ice spear charge up at start then just use level 1spears as trying to catch multiple at a time if possible.
But internet quality does impact the game, services are different from area to area.
I hope the 3rd week's part of the event lets us use our actual character.
The language of the announcement makes me think it will, as the previous two parts have said "as Subaru" or "as Rem", while the last part doesn't say that.
You know, have skills that are useful and not filled with passive crap... and not have to reach all the way to the right for certain chain skills.
Saw a post saying if you get chain skills, conversion then sweep... yes I'll be happy to either move my fingers from the controls of my character or my hand from my mouse used for attacking to reach over to the right end of the stupid keyboard to use the useful skills as mentioned. Why not suggest I do it by putting my feet behind my head while you're at it? Helpful advice but doesn't work well when chain-skills don't have their own quickbar section unlike magic, which is ctrl+4, and have no ample time nor chance to adjust your quick bar.
I have no performance issues on my end, however, but the mechanics for this mission are not player friendly.