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Event Heads-Up! Thursday 9/13
For those who have over 1000 spins.
We'll see tomorrow.
I was able to and was still able to buy things from the Re:ZERO shop, so that's still a thing.
But I've gotten every single item already.
Guess as long as it's there, spam for lucky boxes?
It's what I've been doing after getting everything I wanted from this event. Need more enchant protection potions.
Hm yeah. That solves the problem of once-a-day box openings.
Too bad they didn't tell us about this, so. Now I'm complaining about having thrown away 20 boxes.
You might've just jinxed it.
Called it. So, so called it.
Oh well.
Thanks for jinxing us. Now head for the stakes.
Get the feeling I should just take another few months off again.