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Can we have a break with the gachas?

Mabinogi Rep: 2,870
Posts: 268
in General Chat
Honestly there isn't a need to drop a new gacha on top of last week's newly released gacha
I can't even recall a week without gacha sales.

But yeah I'm just curious how everyone else feels about the nonstop gacha sales.


  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    They keep the lights on and the hamsters fed.

    150-200 people with loose pursestrings are the only thing keeping the NA server in the black.
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    There is nothing wrong with adding new gachapon. There is never anything wrong with having more newly added fashion or fun items added to the game. The only time when it is wrong is when there are items such as overpowered accessories or "endgame" enchants that are not obtainable anywhere else in game other than the gachapon itself.
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    I'd be up for a month of varying sales that weren't gacha. Clothing boxes, reforge sales, pets, other special limited sales. Won't happen but we can dream.
  • JiantoJianto
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,305
    Posts: 25
    I don't mind non-stop gachas, it helps keep the servers running
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    They've been doing nothing but releasing gacha, and we all know they won't stop it.
    We've been asking them to lay off the gacha spam and nothings changed.
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    They need to chill with these training potions. :u
  • LadameLadame
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 159
    I don't mind all the gacha (my wallet disagrees) but I do wish they weren't stacked all the time. It drives up prices since not everyone is doing the older gacha when a new one comes out. :C
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    releasing a gacha every week for the past like 3 months is kinda overkill.
    Half those items are not gonna even make it into the game.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    I'm cool with it. I just don't buy a stack if I don't see anything I might want to try for from its listing.
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    I feel like there's got to be an element of diminishing returns here. If they spaced the gacha out, it would give people more time to spend on the current gacha and/or save for the next one.
  • RoyaltyRoyalty
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,500
    Posts: 96
    I'm fine with gacha but soon I'm going to fed up if releasing like every two to three weeks. I need to stop spending my allowance.
  • EmerisEmeris
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,120
    Posts: 134
    edited September 21, 2018
    I wish they'd space them out a bit too.
    There aren't even enough people selling the new HS items, and now people are going to be after the OTHER new things!
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    I agree. I really wanted the homestead stuff but that ship sailed after a week.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    It is excessive, considering how people don't earn their fortunes all in once, but by a paycheck. Having multiple gachas be introduced around similar times mostly means people have less money to spend on this game in the long run.
  • TheNyanCatTheNyanCat
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,665
    Posts: 661
    It just feels like most if not all of the new items are from gacha. Imagine someone coming back to the game after a few months on break and they look up everything they missed, literally hlaf of it would just be XXXX gacha.
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    edited September 22, 2018
    TheNyanCat wrote: »
    It just feels like most if not all of the new items are from gacha. Imagine someone coming back to the game after a few months on break and they look up everything they missed, literally hlaf of it would just be XXXX gacha.
    I dream of a day when new cosmetic content would be added to NPCs. They used to do that with Fleta and such eons ago.

    Would be lucky to get them as drops from enemies, dungeons, etc.
  • TheNyanCatTheNyanCat
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,665
    Posts: 661
    Sai wrote: »
    TheNyanCat wrote: »
    It just feels like most if not all of the new items are from gacha. Imagine someone coming back to the game after a few months on break and they look up everything they missed, literally hlaf of it would just be XXXX gacha.
    I dream of a day when new cosmetic content would be added to NPCs. They used to do that with Fleta and such eons ago.

    Would be lucky to get them as drops from enemies, dungeons, etc.

    Last content update I actually enjoyed was the sidhe dungeon. Just about everyone could run it, didn't cost 750k per entry and had pretty solid rewards for every run. Too bad most people just duo it for efficiency and there are almost no random parties running it, at least not as many as when it first came out but that's to be expected I suppose. At least it's not the Alban training grounds where people stopped doing it for the most part because of the sixteen rooms before the boss. Sidhe got repetitive after a while but the training ground gave that same feeling halfway through one run.
  • Jayy124Jayy124
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 38
    Honestly there isn't a need to drop a new gacha on top of last week's newly released gacha
    I can't even recall a week without gacha sales.

    But yeah I'm just curious how everyone else feels about the nonstop gacha sales.

    they gotta make coin somehow; otherwise servers go down

  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Jayy124 wrote: »
    Honestly there isn't a need to drop a new gacha on top of last week's newly released gacha
    I can't even recall a week without gacha sales.

    But yeah I'm just curious how everyone else feels about the nonstop gacha sales.

    they gotta make coin somehow; otherwise servers go down

    Yeah, we've heard it a thousand times, we get it. You know there are many more ways to make $.

    That would bring a ton of money if they actually cared about that forgotten currency, but they basically trashed it when they brought in Beauty Coupons and on top of that to add insult to injury they gave us Hair Storage Coupons. -_-

    Let's see... Pets/Partners, Shopping/Outfit Bags, Reforges, Extra Equipment Slots, Homestead Expansion Vouchers (Jerk move to paywall IMO), VIP (Please update it for hecks sake),..
    Basically, I could go on about how they make money besides gachapons. Have you seen their Cash Shop? Besides, if Mabi were to ever have an issue, I'm sure they could fall back on MapleStory's funds for a bit (if thats how it works). Their whales are like 10x the size of ours o3o

    Yeah. There was a time where they didn't release a gacha every week.
  • TheNyanCatTheNyanCat
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,665
    Posts: 661
    Sherri wrote: »
    Jayy124 wrote: »
    Honestly there isn't a need to drop a new gacha on top of last week's newly released gacha
    I can't even recall a week without gacha sales.

    But yeah I'm just curious how everyone else feels about the nonstop gacha sales.

    they gotta make coin somehow; otherwise servers go down

    Yeah, we've heard it a thousand times, we get it. You know there are many more ways to make $.

    That would bring a ton of money if they actually cared about that forgotten currency, but they basically trashed it when they brought in Beauty Coupons and on top of that to add insult to injury they gave us Hair Storage Coupons. -_-

    Let's see... Pets/Partners, Shopping/Outfit Bags, Reforges, Extra Equipment Slots, Homestead Expansion Vouchers (Jerk move to paywall IMO), VIP (Please update it for hecks sake),..
    Basically, I could go on about how they make money besides gachapons. Have you seen their Cash Shop? Besides, if Mabi were to ever have an issue, I'm sure they could fall back on MapleStory's funds for a bit (if thats how it works). Their whales are like 10x the size of ours o3o

    Yeah. There was a time where they didn't release a gacha every week.

    Do people buy 500$ worth in anything except reforges in that list? A lot of the things you mentioned are one time purchases at best and don't get them entire pay checks. There is a reason they push a ton of gachas our way, they make money and lots of it. So long as someone wants the items in the gacha there will be that one guy who burns one grand, one guy who is willing to clean out his bank of gold and a good reason to pump out gachas in the future. Not to mention how much less work it is to make a new gacha than it is for something like homestead expansion tickets or equip slots, those require programing and a decent concept for the system so it doesn't break the game when implemented. What does a gacha need? Decent art assets for the new items, and bang you get whales burning hundreds of dollars en mass. The bottom line is they drop gacha after gacha on us because it makes them the most money and we have no one else to blame.

    And if mabi were to ever dip into the red it would be a very alarming thing for both Nexon and the player base, you need to remember that the goal of the game for Nexon is to make a profit. There is no reason to keep the game running if all we do is mooch on their funds to keep the server running, hell it's entirely possible that they might just pull the plug before we even hit the red just to avoid losing any money. Unless they have reason to believe that there is going to be some random spike in sales after a long and steady trend downwards they have no reason to keep the game.

    I hate gachas, I bought two the entire time I played this game. But I can understand why they keep pushing them on us. It's just easier and it's the most profitable next to reforges I imagine. I just don't think our player base is big enough to have the one time pet/hs expansion ticket/VIP/outfit sales beat the few whales that spend sometimes thousands on the latest gacha.