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An Interesting Tale


  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    lul, a little glee about people actually using my thread to discuss and participate in whatever story they got during their playtime, and the other interesting comments I read, but ye @Fluorette if you're a reader on my occasional Mabinovel series "Bad Stories with Walkerr", I appreciate someone who actually would read it, means a bunch given how much time I sometimes put into it, but I should start logging another exploration log for another series when I go back on more to research all over Erinn again, literally just been wandering and cooking food as I fish all over my travels whenever I login, lmao.

    If you lurk around the NPCs of the restaurant in Emain or the kitchens of Tara Castle you'll see things that most won't notice if you hang long enough. (Cooking show/icon references).

    Hope to see more interesting things next time I visit this thread ya hooligans. SEE YA IN THE BOTTOMS OF THE TREASURE LAND OF REUS RIVER NEXT TIME DIRT BAGS.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    @Fluorette Oh right, I actually never use the forums aside from sightseeing occasionally for jokes or to rot my pupils from the nastiness of some threads. This is probably my first time ever on the internet to use the forums actively, lmao. To just answer your curiousity.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Blunt, Direct, Honest.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    My tale to tell was a tale with only eighteen words... oh wait i can count? Oh my...
  • BlortadBlortad
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,490
    Posts: 251
    edited September 11, 2018
    Multi-posts have been merged. Please do not spam posts.

    Am I in the twilight zone? That was the most bizarre OP iv read in a long time. Also, 2 YEARS OF NOT REBIRTHING?! Why would anyone even do that? Its like hes some deranged hipster reading off a lame beat poem.

    Ok, I just briefly skimmed stuff... Is this thread for real? This whole thread feels like Im in a dream. Am I dieing? Did someone spike my coffee with something? When did we fall into Wonderland and where the hell is Alice?!

    A tale of my weirdest experience with Mabi huh? Does this count? Can my tale be an arrow pointing up?

    Omg, Im reading more and now deranged hipster man is a famous author of deranged hipster Mabinovels?! Thats it, Iv had enough, I can feel my brain folding into the fifth dimension, leaving reality as we know it into realms the likes of which even the gods have never seen. The infinite secrets of life lie within mind-wrenching tales of a madman who never grows, wandering the infinite, empty planes of iria!
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Blortad wrote: »
    Omg, Im reading more and now deranged hipster man is a famous author of deranged hipster Mabinovels?! Thats it, Iv had enough, I can feel my brain folding into the fifth dimension, leaving reality as we know it into realms the likes of which even the gods have never seen. The infinite secrets of life lie within mind-wrenching tales of a madman who never grows, wandering the infinite, empty planes of iria!

    Yes, this thread is real... and Welcome to the Twilight Zone
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    It's ye boi, coming back from the depths of my current 2D abyss in Erinn login. I heard in my travels over Uladh that if you do enough Part Time Jobs at a certain weapon store, you'll notice a unusual eating habit binge that a certain person has. Also a fun little tale of my current travel I've done a while ago since I'm still logged on right now. As I was wandering place to place, looking for something to do after a while of not logging on (around four days), I was prep-working some dishes from a haul of fish I caught while back during my time in Physis's region, which is just lamprey and some smelts. I managed to swoop another chance as best Mari chef again for Fried Vegetables while preparing Seasoned Smelt, which sadly didn't get five star rates, but at least it was good enough for a perfect four star rating. I'm slightly amazed my skills as a chef on Mabinogi are still pretty good despite my lack of time spent recently, since I just usually login for a little bit after wandering then log off after catching a couple gold mine spots or treasure troves.

    Speaking of, I really got to do something with my habit of holding onto all these individual fish dishes I've collected and cooked myself from all over Erinn. I got like literally almost every fish dish plated in a bag taking at like over a dozen dishes just lurking, right now and soon to be at like, twenty six dishes.

    They say if you look deep into the wilderness of Iria and Uladh to compare, you'll see something after a time of thought and pondering that'll change your outlook of how Erinn works. If you stare into the abysmal oceans of Moyer long enough, you'll see a more vast possibility of new oceans and lands that nobody knows of yet. And to wrap it up for now, if you see man in brown attire in the oddest of places, chances if you got a weeaboo username, or just a goof-able name to tease at, you'll likely get mugged and stripped mentally by this brown fecal stain that lurks the world.

    SEE YOU ALL NEXT TIME, WHENEVER I CHECK HERE AGAIN. I appreciate ya'll for participating in this, post more of your own stories of your time in Erinn that's amusing so that the community, of whatever is left at this point on here can continue to thrive in more than one way or another through some interaction. (It's ded enough as it is, wandering all the parts of my server, and seeing desolate ghost towns of wasted opportunities to expand and thrive in.)


  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    It's ye boi, stopping by to tell ya'll something amusing from the past in my travels and whatnot on Erinn that I recalled during my login earlier as I was wandering the plains of Iria.

    Before I became a helper to ban bots on my server consistently for like a year or so, I used to do things to past the time such as brutally murdering people with animals with my amazing, superb even skills as a self-claimed shaman under Akule himself. Like where most people dwell in to rot in cesspools to idle and past their time in, I target places like Dunbarton, or just anywhere with a eye-sore of a player that screams of being toyed with by animals in the field. So one day I was passing by Dunbarton doing my many travels, finding something to do. I came across this line-up of weeaboo looking goons, who more or less, literally are always in that spot for hours on end. I don't recall the conversation they had exactly but definitely reeked of nastiness to my eyes to the point the pungent ooze of filth made my eyes on-game as they are now, empty, small, and blackened holes. So after joking on their usernames and just in general after observing how they communicated in general after several seconds of needed breaks of puking internally from their way of things, I went about after noticing the time to do a Part-Time job for some quick change in my pockets. After thirty or so minutes, then moving to the towns, and routes to no end, I happened to come back to Dunbarton to take a pit-stop in my travels, and what do ya know. I see nothing but the same people in the exact places as they were, but even worse, lined up and posed like they're ready for a photo shoot in some desolate channel in front of Simon's and Walter's shop. It just gets worse somethings when you realize the whole picture of things of how some of these people play. So I recalling the previous conversation I had with one of them, the jokes were amazing I kid you not. From what I remembered they mentioned they had "done everything, so all I do is idle and tab out of Mabi, and check on it now and then" or around those line. This likely male but trapping female avatar piece of scum also had the Limit Breaker title, so it wouldn't be hard at that time to partial understand where they were getting at, but obviously it's bogus given how much I've learned over the decade of playing this game. I decided to lure a grizzly bear to joke on this hooligan who was nastily idling and posed up along side his goon buddies. After a good rustling in the good ol' octagon of a town square, followed by his buddies getting tossed about, lets just say this n00b ain't no completionist of the game. He ended up getting slumped towards a stairwell by the school in town and my bud at the time who was with me in my travels over the world just laughed at how good of a joke he was from all that talk earlier, afterwards we had a good joke, left town, and continued on until we logged off from the series of jokes and mishaps over Erinn.

    TAG ME OUT BROTHER - Hulk Hogan fan #1M+
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Just finished with my login for today, I got a tale for all you puffing, wing-obsessed wearing god complex hooligans.

    There once was a player who despised wings in Erinn, the player would smite any chance they'd get to ridicule and joke on any person they'd crossed their line of sight in the area. One day a player traded them a garbage pair of wings that looked like Red Angel Wings, but more compact and cutesy-looking. The player disgusted after momentarily equipping them and taking them off short after asked the person that'd they take it back before their personal distaste for the pieces of garbage called wings would end up into a low-tier campfire for a couple of EXP. They refused, and then went the wings into the fire, yielding a vain amount of EXP towards a player who hasn't rebirthed in over two years real time, with a capped level of two hundred, and negative one hundred POINT zero EXP bar. And then short after, the player may or may not had went to Ferghus to repair their gear short after. (True Story, also the EXP yielded is like only two digits, like around 10~20EXP, lmao)

    P.S. - I hope ya'll wing wearing, idle goofing, numb-skull gooning, god-complex and weeaboo named looking buffoons who lurk in those towns get obliterated by a Mammoth stomping over your frozen corpses after being fished up from the bottom of Reus River, lul.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    It's ya boi, here again to tell ya a thought or more like a subject I explored on while I was passing by Dunbarton during my travels today in Uladh.

    So I was passing by Dunbarton after wandering for who knows how far, and figured I stick around Dunbarton for once and a while to see if there was anything amusing to pass the time there, given how the popular trend of gameplay on my server since that's all I know of in terms of how Mabinogi people operated generally; which just consists of idling and posing, all while lining up, and from what many say they "do things then just AFK" which would be what ninety percent of the whole population seems to just do is "Shadow Mission dailies, raid dailies, dailies (A), dailies (B), etc." that sort. So I went around earlier to ask whoever was alive after being stopped cause I commented on my current impression I had at the time, or every time really to be honest which is "how can ya'll be so nasty". It seems all the answers I could muster at the time was just people who either ignored me afterwards when I went up to them to call them out on if they can explain why they just do what they do in such a mundane way every time I pass by that town or any place that involves a hot spot of people; Dunbarton, Tara/Taillteann altars, Belvast market/bank plazas. It really boggles me, and a little while after I went around jokingly to ask someone to hook me up with some usable dragon meteor hacks and pro level summoning of a few Arc Lich's so I could wipe out Dunbarton at the least. After coming up with more ded/ignored responses in the town, I just went off to the plains to travel again aimlessly.

    On the real though, if anybody can like give me some personal insight on the means of just; lining up alongside other weeaboo/fashion oriented people then idling for who knows how many hours long, and just doing this every time they login after they get their supposed dose of "dailies" out of their system like they're working a nine to ten job IRL. I'd appreciate and be amused to see what you guys can comment on that subject.

    Welp, till' next time you filthy scums, hope ya'll enjoyed the small thought and story of my recent login I found amusing. I need to dunk my eyes in some whiskey to sanitize my retinas from the over-saturated nastiness of my last trip to Dunbarton recently.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    Walkerr wrote: »
    On the real though, if anybody can like give me some personal insight on the means of just; lining up alongside other weeaboo/fashion oriented people then idling for who knows how many hours long, and just doing this every time they login after they get their supposed dose of "dailies" out of their system like they're working a nine to ten job IRL. I'd appreciate and be amused to see what you guys can comment on that subject.

    Legend has it that every fashionogi who afks in Dunbarton was once a mere bard, who often partook in the musical rings of the olden days. Allegedly, when the bell tower was moved to the corner of the city, an aura of some kind emanated throughout Erinn and compelled individuals to spend ludicrous amounts of cash monies on ugu kawaii sugoi fashoon.

    That or people like spending money on cool outfits, but that's just unrealistic.
  • NanocaNanoca
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,245
    Posts: 59
    I can poast teh images too?

  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    People say if you wander for too long in the plains of Iria for too long; deserts, tundras, forests and all. You'll start to hallucinate and think living people are a mile away, when really it's just a NPC lurking in the distance. I sure know I've hallucinate too many times wandering all over a thousand times and more by now. Spooky stuff folks.

    Legends has it said, if you try taking things in a different perspective in the two-dimensional realms of Erinn, you'll enter the fourth dimension before you know it, endless possibilities and creations waiting to be created and made, and a whole new outlook to explore in the world. This totally isn't some mumbo-jumbo that a hundred and eighty three year old milletian is just slowly succumbing to as he watches the world in Erinn turn into a cesspool of plagued scum and all things nasty.

    Also @Sebastian, I only wish the people who were actually idling in the towns I've passed that were occupied were bards or something, it's just filthy dirt-bags that linger with the sole of intent of looking like a bad case of "2018's Bad Weeaboo's Cosplay Role-Playing disease", lul.

    I WILL BE BACK TO TELL MORE STORIES, in some other later date and time, lul. I hope I'll be able to tell all my times I've experienced eyeball burning, pleasurable, and sensational tales of my logins on Mabinogi next time.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Walkerr wrote: »
    People say if you wander for too long in the plains of Iria for too long; deserts, tundras, forests and all. You'll start to hallucinate and think living people are a mile away, when really it's just a NPC lurking in the distance. I sure know I've hallucinate too many times wandering all over a thousand times and more by now. Spooky stuff folks.

    Legends has it said, if you try taking things in a different perspective in the two-dimensional realms of Erinn, you'll enter the fourth dimension before you know it, endless possibilities and creations waiting to be created and made, and a whole new outlook to explore in the world. This totally isn't some mumbo-jumbo that a hundred and eighty three year old milletian is just slowly succumbing to as he watches the world in Erinn turn into a cesspool of plagued scum and all things nasty.

    Also @Sebastian, I only wish the people who were actually idling in the towns I've passed that were occupied were bards or something, it's just filthy dirt-bags that linger with the sole of intent of looking like a bad case of "2018's Bad Weeaboo's Cosplay Role-Playing disease", lul.

    I WILL BE BACK TO TELL MORE STORIES, in some other later date and time, lul. I hope I'll be able to tell all my times I've experienced eyeball burning, pleasurable, and sensational tales of my logins on Mabinogi next time.

    I like these stories.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Walkerr wrote: »
    People say if you wander for too long in the plains of Iria for too long; deserts, tundras, forests and all. You'll start to hallucinate and think living people are a mile away, when really it's just a NPC lurking in the distance. I sure know I've hallucinate too many times wandering all over a thousand times and more by now. Spooky stuff folks.

    Legends has it said, if you try taking things in a different perspective in the two-dimensional realms of Erinn, you'll enter the fourth dimension before you know it, endless possibilities and creations waiting to be created and made, and a whole new outlook to explore in the world. This totally isn't some mumbo-jumbo that a hundred and eighty three year old milletian is just slowly succumbing to as he watches the world in Erinn turn into a cesspool of plagued scum and all things nasty.

    Also @Sebastian, I only wish the people who were actually idling in the towns I've passed that were occupied were bards or something, it's just filthy dirt-bags that linger with the sole of intent of looking like a bad case of "2018's Bad Weeaboo's Cosplay Role-Playing disease", lul.

    I WILL BE BACK TO TELL MORE STORIES, in some other later date and time, lul. I hope I'll be able to tell all my times I've experienced eyeball burning, pleasurable, and sensational tales of my logins on Mabinogi next time.

    I like these stories.

    So do I, I hope there is more. :D
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Sherri wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Walkerr wrote: »
    People say if you wander for too long in the plains of Iria for too long; deserts, tundras, forests and all. You'll start to hallucinate and think living people are a mile away, when really it's just a NPC lurking in the distance. I sure know I've hallucinate too many times wandering all over a thousand times and more by now. Spooky stuff folks.

    Legends has it said, if you try taking things in a different perspective in the two-dimensional realms of Erinn, you'll enter the fourth dimension before you know it, endless possibilities and creations waiting to be created and made, and a whole new outlook to explore in the world. This totally isn't some mumbo-jumbo that a hundred and eighty three year old milletian is just slowly succumbing to as he watches the world in Erinn turn into a cesspool of plagued scum and all things nasty.

    Also @Sebastian, I only wish the people who were actually idling in the towns I've passed that were occupied were bards or something, it's just filthy dirt-bags that linger with the sole of intent of looking like a bad case of "2018's Bad Weeaboo's Cosplay Role-Playing disease", lul.

    I WILL BE BACK TO TELL MORE STORIES, in some other later date and time, lul. I hope I'll be able to tell all my times I've experienced eyeball burning, pleasurable, and sensational tales of my logins on Mabinogi next time.

    I like these stories.

    So do I, I hope there is more. :D

    Speaking of the 4th dimension of Mabi, does walking off the map count?
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    It's ye boi, just stopping by to view this dumpster of a thread I made. I appreciate the responses ya'll made so far, keep at em'.
    To spice up this thread's topic a bit, question for ya'll to answer. What's the most interesting personal hobby ya'll keep up with while you play Mabinogi? Something that really puts ya or individualizes your own style of play nowadays in that sense. I'll start it off with this series of things I personally have a pride and joy over, while continuously working on more creations.

    So far, legends has it that a old milletian makes bizarre equipment enchanted gear that has quality jokes when referring to the item name itself.
    An example of these bizarre equipments he owns are as such things like; Magical Chef Life Exploration Cooking Knife, Guard Ebony Targe Shield, Untamed Barbarian Life Exploration Fishing Rod, Gust Sustainer Scooter Helmet, Vigorous Snappy Culinary Artist Outfit, Dramatic Charm Wis' Intelligence Soldier Boots (M), Intricate Poison Hunter's Venom Sword, Hunter Treasure Adonis Hat (M), and a personal favorite of the old timer's equipment, Secretive Challenging Sun Road Colts. They say he continues to destroy his durability to this very day, while training his rank seven enchanting rank on his unfortunate experiments on his equipment. Who says enchanting can't be fun, lul.

    Also @Kensamaofmari, nah man, you need to enter the three-hundred-sixty orbital transcendence in mind and body on Erinn to enter that fourth dimension, but you're close to the 4D at the very least, lul. My advice, just stare at the orbital moon cycles everyday for years and you'll get there, like uh that one phrase, "until cows jump over the moon" or something like that is when you'll get there.

    @Hellkaizer, @Sherri
    Glad ya'll like the story snippets of my login times on Mabinogi, benefits of traveling all over, I always got some stories hanging around going place to place doing misc. things, lul.

    I WILL BE BACK TO POST SOMETHING AGAIN, whenever I can, TILL' NEXT TIME WE MEET AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS BARREL of feces, urine, animal fat scum, and rotting plants and dirt.
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    Walkerr wrote: »
    An example of these bizarre equipments he owns are as such things like; Magical Chef Life Exploration Cooking Knife, Guard Ebony Targe Shield, Untamed Barbarian Life Exploration Fishing Rod, Gust Sustainer Scooter Helmet, Vigorous Snappy Culinary Artist Outfit, Dramatic Charm Wis' Intelligence Soldier Boots (M), Intricate Poison Hunter's Venom Sword, Hunter Treasure Adonis Hat (M), and a personal favorite of the old timer's equipment, Secretive Challenging Sun Road Colts. They say he continues to destroy his durability to this very day, while training his rank seven enchanting rank on his unfortunate experiments on his equipment. Who says enchanting can't be fun, lul.

    I have a Passionate Inflated Wooden Stick and a Stiff Stimulating L-Rod
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Walkerr wrote: »
    Also @Kensamaofmari, nah man, you need to enter the three-hundred-sixty orbital transcendence in mind and body on Erinn to enter that fourth dimension, but you're close to the 4D at the very least, lul. My advice, just stare at the orbital moon cycles everyday for years and you'll get there, like uh that one phrase, "until cows jump over the moon" or something like that is when you'll get there.

    I WILL BE BACK TO POST SOMETHING AGAIN, whenever I can, TILL' NEXT TIME WE MEET AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS BARREL of feces, urine, animal fat scum, and rotting plants and dirt.

    Makes Tir Na Nog sound so weak.

    Wow! We have fertilizer being made here?
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    @Bronzebreak Nice try with your GARBAGE equipment names, but I got something to top those two easily; (Formerly named before re-enchanted for a trophy towards how I got the item) Hard Stimulating Lion Claw Lance: All Black, All Lightning related reforges (Lightning 1, Lightning Bolt Min Dmg 1.) lul, and Magical Shining Adventurer's L-Rod, nice try though n00b. Also the lance is now called Lion Hunter's Breakthrough Lion Claw Lance because well, a short story for ya, back when I was a all-the-time training type of person then a aimless wandering bum of Erinn, given my personal interest in Martial Arts talent, and my relatively weak character stats, lions before I was even Grandmaster ironically were a source of training for me given their occasional multi-aggro AI's and current power level that would probably one-three shot kill me if I wasn't careful, so I used to train Martial Arts on them often when I passed by Courcle during my travels, so one day I managed to pass by, do a small training course with the lions, and coincidentally after a bit of doing dumb stuff like dying repeatedly from one on one fighting a Giant Lion with just Fighter and barely surviving it to win from the lack of -EXP I was gaining, I happened to come across the Lion Lance as a drop from one of the nearby lioness's I was training on, and from there well, it ended up becoming strictly a joke item after surviving multiple dumb sequence of things I done to it like splatter one million or so on regular metal dyes, then going to Step 6 with it, then jokingly having it survive multiple rank nine or higher enchanting processes I did myself with probably less then rank nine I had at the time, and now to what it is current day, a pure trophy/story-worthy item I carry around if I want something for slight damage, cause well, it's literally upgraded and aimed towards nothing specific in damage, lul. Hope ya enjoyed the small story of how that dumb lance came to be, it'd share a photo of it, but given I still can't be bothered to figure how to upload photos properly on here, if you're on Mari, lul just hit me up with a note and I could show you a collection of my junk of joke named items one day.

    @Kensamaofmari Yes, Tir Na Nog is weak, just like the people who used to go there to grind Windmill EXP, and always cultivating prime fecal infested dirt in these soils of my thread, I just need more posts from anyone to get more of that prime grade manure, ya dig it?

    BUT TO POST A TALE OF a relatively short login I did a bit ago.
    I was wandering Iria, after logging on to see what there was to do, it was pouring a lot, the bleach infested rain clouds I was wandering in made me think as I was going through a couple of caverns and crevices a bit over. Legend has it in my book of "Mumbo-Jumbo's theory of Iria Ecology by 'n00b' Ecologist Plankdumb" that if you let a Green Leek pet soak in all the raining bleach of Iria for at least one year in real time, it'll grow to the size of Abb Neagh Lake under the blessings of Water-Cannon-Blasting Neid itself, and upon granting the blessings it'll shoot a one shot no-dodge, no-evasion water cannon blast and if you manage to survive it from becoming deadly status, before flying away in the raining clouds of Iria with it's majestic flippers, the water cannon blast that near-death knocked you down, upon your feet will be a quality item no player owns of legendary proportions; a Dawn Water Drop Four Leaf Clover Umbrella, blessed by Neid itself, it'll bestow to you if equipped with a Guard Cylinder a whooping powered boost of one hundred million percentage towards any Water alchemy-aligned skill, and a astonishing fifty million percent boost towards Windmill's damage, and if you're a Giant, lucky for you, you'll get a amazing one hundred meter radius effect and a STOMPING five hundred million damage percentage towards the skill. It's legendary stuff man, hope one day ya'll can hunt the mystical phenomenon and unravel the glory of the rarely seen events known on the Purple eclipse in Erinn.
    (P.S. I own the umbrella actually with the enchanted name, lmao. It's one of my many prized items despite me dropping a Dawn enchant I burned from an item I found off the floor while traveling and then enchanting it along with dropping Water Drop on it as well. Good stuff folks.)

    Until next time I come back to post or view my thread again you dirty, milk-dipped bottomed buffoons of Erinn.
This discussion has been closed.