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*This is a discussion separation from the Most Desired Revamp Poll to further enhance our communication with Nexon and Devcat KR.Each year there's at least one new skill, and yet many of the old skills have yet to receive master caps or titles. Pick a category and discuss precisely which skills you think could use a major overhaul. (Race boosts should be discussed elsewhere, as there's already a
statistical debate forum.)
Basically just look up Phantasy Star Portable 2 opening. then go to 0:34
This forum should be in feedback and suggestions, as this IS the players stating which old skill update they would like to see the most in 2017.
This doesn't seem to follow the guidelines and actually is more like a add on to another thread already in suggestions. Since its already a little old we are not deleting it but instead leaving it in general, but for future reference poll threads on topics that are already created will be deleted.
I want players to have the ability to make just about anything in the game, so there's an actual incentive to train production skills other than, "grind for stats and then never use the skill again."
And I'd like to see more AoE skills for fighter. Maybe add a 4th combo( making it a massive aoe splash maybe?) or a brand new 1-3chain combo with lower CD; or give us skills similar to Monks/champion in RO.
It's already hard to pull a drop kick on bosses since you can't even pull a pummel on most of the boss/mobs and mobs aggro way too fast, to the point I don't see a reason to main fighter anymore.
Fighter needs a revamp/buff.
We got Merlin (for mage), Culinary/Treasure Hunter (for life skills) Vates (for alchemy) Starlet (Bard)
And then we got renovation. Combat, Mage and Archery.
So every class beside of Gunner, Ninja (even ninja had a revamp in KR) and puppetry didn't get buffed, mainly because they are "new" and not "rusty".
The only "old" class that was left alone is Fighter.
So it makes sense that fighter would get a whole revamp/buff.
(P.S you can't say counter punch is an update, else we could say the same about shockwave for mage and berserk for combat)
Would be great to have a 2nd and 3rd after that like what I said before ( new 1-3 chain combo).
Ps. Also fix focused fist glitch pls.