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Guild Wars Exploit


  • FroglordFroglord
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,020
    Posts: 337
    edited November 20, 2018
    Whatever keeps the cheatin guilds ahead of everyone else I guess....

    -Alt abuse
    -Duping items
    -Under the table fabrication of rare materials and items
    -Paypal fraud
    -Bug abuse to get 1st place in clobbermeister to get those fancy wings

    I'm surprised you people didn't think this would happen. At least they aren't invading the thread with all their cheating friends calling everyone SJW's for using "Multiple' computers. I knew from the get-go that a system that gives a shop with unlimited dungeon passes and stat items would be abused by the higher-than-thou guilds that run their little illegal underground businesses.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Well this thread has gotten toxic to the point of being exemplary of typical internet discussions. I think the original poster has made their point quite clearly; certainly the poll results suggest that. It might be time for a moderator to close it before the name of a certain historic Austrian politician is invoked.
  • VivianVivian
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,030
    Posts: 33
    edited November 20, 2018
    Greta wrote: »
    Hey hey guys.
    What is my reputation? Can I join?
    Oh wait, nevermind. I'm in Alexina.
    I think we keep having same guilds winning too. But I think they are legit since these guilds are active and most of players are try hards a.k.a end gamers.
    I'm also impressed how this "exploit" got unnoticed all this time in KR and NA been having this update for some time too now.

    I didn’t even know it was a bug honestly, not that we had any issues with it on ruairi thus far.

    //sidenote: Honestly, I help take care of one of the largest active ruairi guilds on the server—and it is definitely a challenge. We don’t discriminate on level or skill, but we don’t want trouble either. Invite only (aka member refs) or through messaging the current guild leader. If you don’t have anyone in the guild to vouch for you, we’ll ask you maybe a few questions like “do you like pineapples on pizza”.

    We knew the gw update was coming and were preparing for it well before the update came. So no we haven’t done anything shady. We were challenged maybe 3 times and have been uncontested since. We’d love to play more against other guilds, unfortunately it gets expensive to play... esp for smaller guilds.
  • LiberateLiberate
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,360
    Posts: 142
    Helsa wrote: »
    Well this thread has gotten toxic to the point of being exemplary of typical internet discussions. I think the original poster has made their point quite clearly; certainly the poll results suggest that. It might be time for a moderator to close it before the name of a certain historic Austrian politician is invoked.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger?
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Liberate wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Well this thread has gotten toxic to the point of being exemplary of typical internet discussions. I think the original poster has made their point quite clearly; certainly the poll results suggest that. It might be time for a moderator to close it before the name of a certain historic Austrian politician is invoked.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger?

    Buh-dum Dum Pshhhhhhh!
  • BuffalosBuffalos
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,795
    Posts: 797
    Froglord wrote: »
    Whatever keeps the cheatin guilds ahead of everyone else I guess....

    -Alt abuse
    -Duping items
    -Under the table fabrication of rare materials and items
    -Paypal fraud
    -Bug abuse to get 1st place in clobbermeister to get those fancy wings

    It's almost like people who stoop to the absolute lowest depths of hell to feel great about themselves are always willing to dig their way through to the other side of the planet if hell isn't working for them. I wouldn't be surprised -at all- if those same groups in Alexina are going to start to try this in the coming weeks if/when any sort of competition shows up.
    Which sorta leads me to say that this thread probably shouldn't have been made public to begin with: report exploits through the reporting/ticketing system rather than telling the entire public how to do them. Just for future reference
  • heybunniheybunni
    Mabinogi Rep: 910
    Posts: 2
    Gaea wrote: »
    Yeah something isn't right, week after week it's the same two guilds. Every, single, week. I once tried to join that dunbarton guild, but they wouldn't approve my application. I eventually found out it was because certain people knew I reported other players for illegal activity. So when the guild officer says some people are "uncomfortable" with me being in the guild; it means they are possibly doing something against the ToS and if they let me join I would find out and potentially report them.

    They were afraid of me.

    That's what I have concluded and what another player from the guild told me. I've already submitted a ticket on the matter, these guilds need to be investigated carefully. You can call me butthurt all you want, but that doesn't negate that something is not right.


    Also I do agree the only ones who be able to initiate a guild wars party should only be senior members, officers, and leaders. Those members rally up the guild members anyway for guild activities. If another member in the guild wants to participate, all they have to do is ask. Most leaders and upper members are obliging, at least in my guild and other guilds I know.

    You might be mistaking this for your own server, this post is in regard to Tarlach. As Me and my close group of friends are the current holders Dunbarton in Tarlach and we will let anybody in literally it just depends on if fafa will log on and are a very open group just really quiet at the moment.
  • TenrainTenrain
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 15
    My guild wanted to join, but the guild that keeps winning has been paying people off in various ways to help them win from what I've heard :( My guildies put in the money to participate because it looks fun, but idk if we're even going to show up if the guild battles are getting even worse on Tarlach

    Its all rumors that theyr getting payed off, dont take everything you hear to face value from people. And Crab, definitely try and join id love to fight more guilds at once! Gets yer hearts a pumping even if ye lose!
  • TenrainTenrain
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 15
    Everyones so passionate :D
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Buffalos wrote: »
    Froglord wrote: »
    Whatever keeps the cheatin guilds ahead of everyone else I guess....

    -Alt abuse
    -Duping items
    -Under the table fabrication of rare materials and items
    -Paypal fraud
    -Bug abuse to get 1st place in clobbermeister to get those fancy wings

    It's almost like people who stoop to the absolute lowest depths of hell to feel great about themselves are always willing to dig their way through to the other side of the planet if hell isn't working for them. I wouldn't be surprised -at all- if those same groups in Alexina are going to start to try this in the coming weeks if/when any sort of competition shows up.
    Which sorta leads me to say that this thread probably shouldn't have been made public to begin with: report exploits through the reporting/ticketing system rather than telling the entire public how to do them. Just for future reference

    Hasn't happened in like a month. You're also assuming there's a guild that could contest it as well.
  • OmbrenoirOmbrenoir
    Mabinogi Rep: 635
    Posts: 10
    After reading this thread i realize that people can be very immature and say* no drama * but just keep on talking useless crap.

    Its a bug. Guild should have more funtion and should hapened a long time ago, its a bug/glitch that need to be fixed. no need to turn this thread that should been simple into something of a drama theatre.

    Its just hilarious to see people acting that way over someone who actually found an important bug that need to be fix.

    Good day. Thread creator should have the power to lock theyre own thread so this doesn't happen.

    P.S: Like the saying goes * Why make things simple when it can be made complicated * haha
  • TotokeTotoke
    Mabinogi Rep: 995
    Posts: 26
    Probably best to just close this thread for now, if there are suspicious forces at work then maybe something will be done in the future but I do know that for the most part the guild wars haven't really been contested. Thread has gotten a bit toxic.
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    To get one more comment in. This isn't a bug, this a design flaw. Basically the designers assumed that everyone will participate in a fair and equal manner. You joined a guild you actually like with no outside motives, you enter the guild war because you want your guild to compete and maybe win. The system works as intended. It's just people found an exploit in the system that lets someone sabotage another guild's participation. My personal opinion is that adding another layer to who can enter to participate would help guilds remain open. Though at my base opinion, I firmly believe only the guild master or guild officer should be able to register participation parties.This presents the least amount of exploit as the people most invested in the guild will be initiating the event so there's virtually no chance that it would be betrayal and that the participation is made based on an honest will to compete. So all this talk about vetting processes, who to let in, what to consider shouldn't need to take place. The system has a way to ensure whoever initiated the quest is most invested in that guild, the master and officer.
  • TenrainTenrain
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 15
    I feel like the people trying to exploit this bug are the ones saying to close it, they know if this gets too big they wont have any fun with the glitch. And im all fer some good debates, good to hear both sides.
  • 404_Error404_Error
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    I disagree with the poll. I believe this should be patched by players! Nexon might be too slow at fixing this perilous exploit. Please have a super hacker fix this ASAP.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    404_Error wrote: »
    I disagree with the poll. I believe this should be patched by players! Nexon might be too slow at fixing this perilous exploit. Please have a super hacker fix this ASAP.

    LMAO! :D Best post so far. This thread keeps impressing me.
  • CyCyCyCy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,760
    Posts: 84
    Greta wrote: »
    404_Error wrote: »
    I disagree with the poll. I believe this should be patched by players! Nexon might be too slow at fixing this perilous exploit. Please have a super hacker fix this ASAP.

    LMAO! :D Best post so far. This thread keeps impressing me.

    This should be a movie.
  • CyCyCyCy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,760
    Posts: 84
    This exploit happens when there's a bigger war than guild war going on in our community. Maybe that's actually what we have to fix more than anything. Nexon can do their part. We can do ours. Let's push for peace so we can have a proper war lol.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    edited November 21, 2018
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    Too the people who quoted me with sass, attitude, name calling and immaturity, grow up. I made an mistake at 4am because I misread the post and only now got home from work. I sure as heck didn't needto be talked to with such disrespect.

    Now that I had a chance to re-read the post. That is pretty crappy honestly, it is still bad sportmanship but if people are doing that, then yes, something should be done because that's awful. Giving the ability to make parties to Senior members and above sounds like a good idea to me.

    Imagine that! People on internet taking the slightest "opportunity" to poop on someone; does that ever happen? I feel your pain.
  • Momma_SophieMomma_Sophie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,575
    Posts: 290
    Just going to leave this definition of "elitism" here to make sure people have an understanding of the term and what it means:
This discussion has been closed.