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please expand it for old equipment too
Dye Expansion Update (sorry for being late to ask probably more than 2 months late)
wanted to ask if devs have plans to plans to expand it on certain older equipments (not all cause that would be crazy)
probably its what i wanted to ask to the "ask a dev thread" few weeks ago
but knowing myself i probably got distracted reading the comments of others
searching if others already asked same thing and forgot what it is
now back to the topic i think there are outfits and equipments that need that extra dyable part
for example:
there are other equipments with undyable parts i want to dye i dont think im not the only one
there are probably others that also got excited abuot "Dye Expansion Update"
and felt a bit disappointed that old equipment are not included
what other equipments and outfits with undyable parts do u guys want to get dyed

There are just some outfits with awful dye schemes because of how they're dyed. Maybe not within their own set of items like say Glamour set or Mini Yukata set, but when you try to mix and match shoes, gloves, headpieces, etc. all from different item sets the dying schemes can be difficult to align in a way that looks good sometimes because of it.
Perhaps they could add the option between basic and advanced dyeing when you dye an item. So if you want to go budget you can just dye 3 areas, but if you want you can use advanced dyeing to refine another 3 areas. You would dye over the basic dyes for the other 3 areas involved. This way you could have more creative color schemes at a higher cost, or basic and limited color schemes at a cheaper cost.
like i said it doesnt have to be all of the old equipments
thats why im asking others here in forums what other equipments need to have that additional dyable part
Everyone loves the green right? We all love random green leaves. They're so healthy for us, too. And don't get me started on that lovely gold trim...
They don’t have to go back to edit all the outfits, they can slowly update several outfits/items at a time for each update.
Better yet a equipment appearance scroll for clothes, but that's off topic.