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Wolf Tails From Event Claimed Already

Mabinogi Rep: 990
Posts: 10
edited January 18, 2019 in General Chat
Its only Friday, the day after the event resets the number of items we are allowed to win, and already almost all of the Wolf Tails are claimed. Its disappointing that this is an event feature. Its already a really rare reward, and on top of that, if you don't manage to claim one within the first day or two after the reset you're out of luck for a whole week?
It seems really unfair..


  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    I am going to guess alternate accounts. Developers overseas, this is #$@!ing disgusting. Don't play ignorant, you knew this was going to occur, yet you did nothing. While alternate accounts are allowed in the terms of service, why should they be allowed entrance to the lottery to the expense of everyone?

    Come on now, if they were really new players, they probably would not have spent real life money on the style tab necessary to use it, and many newer players don't stay. Heck, why do we even have to have wolf tails be a rare commodity? Can't we all be Holos?

    What is wrong with making tails an unlimited prize?
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    edited January 18, 2019
    I am going to guess alternate accounts. Developers overseas, this is #$@!ing disgusting. Don't play ignorant, you knew this was going to occur, yet you did nothing. While alternate accounts are allowed in the terms of service, why should they be allowed entrance to the lottery to the expense of everyone?

    Come on now, if they were really new players, they probably would not have spent real life money on the style tab necessary to use it, and many newer players don't stay. Heck, why do we even have to have wolf tails be a rare commodity? Can't we all be Holos?

    What is wrong with making tails an unlimited prize?

    I know a few newbies who spend NX 1-2 days after playing.
    8 years ago, I was total level 35 when I brought my first NX card.

  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited January 18, 2019
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    I am going to guess alternate accounts. Developers overseas, this is #$@!ing disgusting. Don't play ignorant, you knew this was going to occur, yet you did nothing. While alternate accounts are allowed in the terms of service, why should they be allowed entrance to the lottery to the expense of everyone?

    Come on now, if they were really new players, they probably would not have spent real life money on the style tab necessary to use it, and many newer players don't stay. Heck, why do we even have to have wolf tails be a rare commodity? Can't we all be Holos?

    What is wrong with making tails an unlimited prize?

    I know a few newbies who spend NX 1-2 days after playing.
    8 years ago, I was total level 35 when I brought my first NX card.

    I am unsure how much play time that would equate back then, but I normally don't spend money on games I am "trying" out, and suspect many people do so for similar reason. Those people are likely the exception, and not the rule.

    It is hard to examine those who constitute the rule, when the fulfillment is that they do not stay.
  • WolfandWolfWolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    I am going to guess alternate accounts. Developers overseas, this is #$@!ing disgusting. Don't play ignorant, you knew this was going to occur, yet you did nothing. While alternate accounts are allowed in the terms of service, why should they be allowed entrance to the lottery to the expense of everyone?

    Come on now, if they were really new players, they probably would not have spent real life money on the style tab necessary to use it, and many newer players don't stay. Heck, why do we even have to have wolf tails be a rare commodity? Can't we all be Holos?

    What is wrong with making tails an unlimited prize?

    I agree with you, Bliss. I feel like it's okay to limit the money prizes (we already kind of have inflation nowadays), but why not make the item prizes all unlimited? That way, we can at least try to keep inflation down while also flooding the market with so many wolf tails that there would be little point to continuously making alts to get them! A perfect solution~

    Can you imagine? 100K wolf tails in AH galore.
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    you just got to pay to win and look cool.... not worth half a penny imo
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    Meanwhile, 500m is thrown into the server every Thursday.
    Crossx2BlissfulkillRadiant DawnZeoWolfsingerSakura2503offwithyourheads
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited January 18, 2019
    3 hours after maintenance Alexina claimed all Wolf Tail entries with coins. GG... Was hoping to gamble after I get back from work, but nope.
    Today I came back and there's no free winning entries with coins anymore. All left is 1st place gold entries. Pretty disappointing event, very easy to abuse.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    edited January 18, 2019
    I actually won a tail gold entry on mari. I decided to do a spin with some chump change from finishing dailies before logging off 2 go out. Immediately put it on Ah and got 70m 4 it. Lmao!

    Don't go into these bot event with expectations. U'll be surprised if things work out or won't be depressed when it doesn't. :)

    Someone will get rid of it 4 cheap when their fashinogi funds run low. just wait 4 it.

    But the gold FSn puppets are gunna cost me an arm and a leg now with all dis inflation.

  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    The gold is perhaps the worst issue with this event, and one of the primary reasons why alternates should not play, now that I think about it. I mean, at this point, there would be far less damage done if we all used alternate accounts. Reasoning? We'd be at least spreading out the gold much more than concentrating it among 5 or so individuals.

    I hope to gosh that it wasn't just 1 or 2 people, or else the market is screwed.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited January 18, 2019
    they shoulda put the wolf tail in the prize shop for like 5000 coins... that way people that really want it could just spend all their coins for it, and they wouldn't spend their thousand of coins on gamble and then regret not having coins to buy the guaranteed items like the tulip outfits. They already make it where you have to use an alt if you want both male and female tulip sets w/o paying other players gold, then it's even worse by adding a gambling aspect to it. honestly they should have also put the tulip wears in the RNG boxes even if it was a really low rate. That way people could gamble w/o completely feeling like they're screwing themselves over

    Mari's prizes seem to go much slower than Alexina and other servers from what I can tell so it seems we have less alt abuse. I think 2 of the 100m checks still went unclaimed at all last week. So far at the time of this post, NONE of the 100m checks are claimed yet which is surprising since I know people like me piled their coins in from last week o.o
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    edited January 18, 2019
    To be fair.. the 100m gold checks shouldn't be given away in those events at all and Nexon need to actually do something about people abusing accounts for an event like this too.

    Remember when Nexon ended the Hamlet's Delegation event early during G13 because people were abusing multiple accounts to get lot of free items? Those are the good, ol' days.
  • AavaAava
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,085
    Posts: 152
    edited January 19, 2019
    Honestly, I'm just glad it's an event item. If you really want it, you'll figure out a way to get it. Save up and try to buy it off another player.
    On Ruairi currently.. it's running around 35m. Taking into account recent event item prices, it's pretty reasonable to obtain.

    For example:
    • Autumn Breeze outfit box F ~12m
    • Tulip outfit F ~9m

    Over 20m just from those alone. The tail is possible to obtain and the prices will go down. Yes, the count goes away fast but at least there are still ways to obtain it.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Meanwhile, 500m is thrown into the server every Thursday.

    Billions at the end of this event. :(
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    Rhey wrote: »
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Meanwhile, 500m is thrown into the server every Thursday.

    Billions at the end of this event. :(

    Exactly. What a nightmare.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited January 19, 2019
    Aava wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm just glad it's an event item. If you really want it, you'll figure out a way to get it. Save up and try to buy it off another player.
    On Ruairi currently.. it's running around 35m. Taking into account recent event item prices, it's pretty reasonable to obtain.

    For example:
    • Autumn Breeze outfit box F ~12m
    • Tulip outfit F ~9m

    Over 20m just from those alone. The tail is possible to obtain and the prices will go down. Yes, the count goes away fast but at least there are still ways to obtain it.

    My issue is that we're encouraging these players with our purchases. In any case, those two are heavily inflated, even by the standards of any event. Honestly, Tulip would likely go for 5 million tops, and Autumn Breeze Set even less.

    In any case, we should blame Nexon for making these tails limited.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    Aava wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm just glad it's an event item. If you really want it, you'll figure out a way to get it. Save up and try to buy it off another player.
    On Ruairi currently.. it's running around 35m. Taking into account recent event item prices, it's pretty reasonable to obtain.

    For example:
    • Autumn Breeze outfit box F ~12m
    • Tulip outfit F ~9m

    Over 20m just from those alone. The tail is possible to obtain and the prices will go down. Yes, the count goes away fast but at least there are still ways to obtain it.

    My issue is that we're encouraging these players with our purchases. In any case, those two are heavily inflated, even by the standards of any event. Honestly, Tulip would likely go for 5 million tops, and Autumn Breeze Set even less.

    In any case, we should blame Nexon for making these tails limited.

    I too blame the person who buys the item for such a high price they set the price ceiling standard with bot gold. :(
  • AavaAava
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,085
    Posts: 152
    edited January 20, 2019
    Aava wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm just glad it's an event item. If you really want it, you'll figure out a way to get it. Save up and try to buy it off another player.
    On Ruairi currently.. it's running around 35m. Taking into account recent event item prices, it's pretty reasonable to obtain.

    For example:
    • Autumn Breeze outfit box F ~12m
    • Tulip outfit F ~9m

    Over 20m just from those alone. The tail is possible to obtain and the prices will go down. Yes, the count goes away fast but at least there are still ways to obtain it.

    My issue is that we're encouraging these players with our purchases. In any case, those two are heavily inflated, even by the standards of any event. Honestly, Tulip would likely go for 5 million tops, and Autumn Breeze Set even less.

    In any case, we should blame Nexon for making these tails limited.

    Everyone values an item differently. Some people are more willing to pay for certain things. If it isn't at a price you like, then wait for it to lower to the price you value it to be.

    Also, the prices that I mentioned aren't inflated. Those are the prices they have sold for on AH in Ruairi:
    Cztpe.png CztpE.png

    Either way, I don't really see an issue with them being limited. There are still more tails to come with the weekly reset and I'm sure the tail will come back again in another future event. If you can't get it now, eventually you'll get one.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited January 20, 2019
    Aava wrote: »
    Aava wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm just glad it's an event item. If you really want it, you'll figure out a way to get it. Save up and try to buy it off another player.
    On Ruairi currently.. it's running around 35m. Taking into account recent event item prices, it's pretty reasonable to obtain.

    For example:
    • Autumn Breeze outfit box F ~12m
    • Tulip outfit F ~9m

    Over 20m just from those alone. The tail is possible to obtain and the prices will go down. Yes, the count goes away fast but at least there are still ways to obtain it.

    My issue is that we're encouraging these players with our purchases. In any case, those two are heavily inflated, even by the standards of any event. Honestly, Tulip would likely go for 5 million tops, and Autumn Breeze Set even less.

    In any case, we should blame Nexon for making these tails limited.

    Everyone values an item differently. Some people are more willing to pay for certain things. If it isn't at a price you like, then wait for it to lower to the price you value it to be.

    Also, the prices that I mentioned aren't inflated. Those are the prices they have sold for on AH in Ruairi:
    Cztpe.png CztpE.png

    Either way, I don't really see an issue with them being limited. There are still more tails to come with the weekly reset and I'm sure the tail will come back again in another future event. If you can't get it now, eventually you'll get one.

    Except that prices are inflated by the amount of gold being doled out every Thursday, and even more so by the number of players who invested time in alternate accounts. Placing too much gold in too small a group is generally a bad thing for everyone else.

    Having back to back months of gold giving events tends to do this. Purchasing tails from certain individuals only enable them further to screw up the market, but this is much more apparent on Alexina, as we tend to have something actually rsembling a player base. (The larger the player base, the smaller the ratio of people with alternate accounts who have received such a massive amount of gold, compared to the rest of us.)

    They sold because that's the only price anyone could buy them at. In terms of Nexon's track record, there have been years with which certain features have returned, and seldom few yet to return still. Things like old blacksmithing manuals are apparent, as are things like oversized sweaters, as are Yui Puppets and Fate Stay Night Puppets (Alright, the latter two should be fairly obvious.)

    There's no real reason to make it rare either, and the market isn't simply "It will eventually lower to a price I want", especially when there are players I could name who have sell items for extravagant prices and they are the only individuals selling them.

    The real issue primarily is the gold. The wolf tails are symptomatic of this, but making them limited in number isn't necessary, whereas nerfing the gold rewards in the instaprize should be mandatory for all future events.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    I got one of the wolf tails. :)
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Gaea wrote: »
    I got one of the wolf tails. :)

    Well, I guess that means the rest of us are still....boned. Damn, this event is ruff on everyone else.