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Notice to Belgian Players
The Belgian Gaming Commission has declared that ‘loot boxes’ in games (items with an element of chance that are acquired with either real money or virtual currency purchased with real money) are subject to Belgian gambling legislation. In light of the current regulatory activity in Belgium, Nexon America has decided to take proactive measures.
Mabinogi is taking the following steps effective February 14, 2019. These changes will only affect players accessing the game from Belgium.
Players who access the game from Belgium will no longer be able to access the Cash Shop from the in-game menu. You can still make purchases through the Web Shop on the website. You will no longer be able to purchase the following items:
- Items categorized as Gachapon which include the limited-time Gachapons, the permanent Eweca Orb Gachapon (1) and (11), and the Fixed Dye Gachapon.
- These items will no longer be visible to you within the Web Shop. If you purchase(d) any of these items prior to February 14, 2019, they can still be used normally.
We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our Belgian players.
-The Mabinogi Team
Please! It'd make players really happy to be able to buy the individual items directly off the shop - no more gachapons please.
The US is going to follow suit soon too! You're just going to block us all from the cash shop???
I hate gachas with a passion, but I also LOVE this game. I'm scared that Belgium is the first nail in the coffin.
Belgium and EU are idiots.
from the netherlands I say amen to that.
In regards to the Hearthstone loop hole I heard in one country instead of selling the packs containing a randomized set of cards therefore gambling, they sell "Dust" so in our case "Pon" as Draech said, but they sell a pitiful amount and then include the pack as a "free bonus". So you're still paying for the pack, but on a technical level you're not buying the pack, therefore you're not "gambling".
gambling bait addictionproblems?Welp, it's not my marketing team I have to fire!
You don't need a president to pass a law FayeKaiba. lol.
This is why the president doesn't really have any power. He is just a scapegoat to blame everything on. It is your congress that holds the majority of power. When the president is presented a bill that was approved by both houses of congress he has two options: He can veto (reject) it and it goes back to congress where it's voted on again - this time by a two-thirds majority, then the bill becomes law without the President's signature. Option 2, he sits on it and does nothing and within 10 days it becomes law.
I apologize for the crude summary about how our government works, it's more complicated than that. But that is basically the gist. So yeah...I guess he could literally not give a crap and just let it happen. Or he would actually have to give a crap for it to happen anyway. You see where this is going. LOL.
Damned if you do damned if you don't. I wonder how that idiom came to be?
But yeah if Senator Hassan can convince congress that this is indeed gambling, well there you go. We're screwed, this game and a lot of other online homes are screwed because they can't let go of the greed. They rather just fire people and shut down games if they can't get what they want how they want it. Some gaming companies ARE recognizing these regulations and legislations ARE going to keep popping up. Some of them are making positive and profitable changes, others are trying to circumvent the inevitability.
Nexon is gonna have to make some huge changes here or their games will become a bitter sweet memory.
Welp now we know why Kim jumped ship. He said it himself, that he was sick and tired of all the new regulations blocking him left and right from profiting the way he wanted to. This is happening, sooner or later, and he clearly understood that towards his resignation. Some gaming companies just refuse to innovate and adapt their marketing.
I am genuinely concerned, for this game and our 11 year old community. I know they told us to not worry during the campfire event (and now all the RECENT videos from during that event are conveniently "lost" "because of twitch"). But like I said Belgium is going to be the first of many and the impact will be felt by everyone here.
...Uhhhh correction looks like Netherlands has been on board with the lootbox ban since the middle of last year oof. Looks like much of the EU and UK are following suit in their own ways to combat this epidemic. Nexon...please get on board here. Nexon NA employees...your livelihoods are on the line. Don't get screwed and end up living in your cars or worse. I've been saying this for years, California is dead end cesspool. I know you guys feel it in your wallets especially while employed under Nexon NA in LA that is one of the worst concentrations of homelessness that has exploded since 2008 and it's continually getting worse in major cities.
You guys are masochists for living in that corrupt state. It would be in NA's best interest to relocate like many other companies have.
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(Goodbye ingenuity, hello debt collector.) I believe I made a giant comment either on Mabi or MS2 forums about current (2018 at the time) Global Loot Box laws/regulation from Wikipedia. (“Cause if it’s on Wiki, it must be true...”)
Welp Hopefully they change or this game goes BYE!
But folks these days don't change, even if some say they do...but totally not companies with pride on rng after rng and infinite rng....no sir-eeeee
It doesn't have to be.
All this started when we started saying this was bs. For YEARS AND YEARS. Then EA and Blizzard started getting noticed by the media. Then senators starting getting involved. "Omg this is 30 BILLION dollar industry??? Well we gotta get a tap on that!" We warned you, warned you, warned you, warned you. Now you HAVE to change how you release content to us or perish.
Blocking countries DOES, NOT, SOLVE, THIS PROBLEM, because more and more countries are gonna wonder where all their potential market boosting money is going. Nexon don't be ignorant and stubborn. The players have spoken, the media has spoken, and now the governments are speaking. This is the end game.
(Couldn’t resist. We did warn them, over the years. But did they listen? Nope.)
Which is also relevant to Mabinogi. (Mainly due to having to drop the same, double, or at worst ten times the amount of cash for new spotlight items.)
This Reddit discussion is
MabinogiGachaponogi in a nutshell:EACommunityTeam: -668k points 1 year ago
"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.
As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay.
We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can."
fibojoly: 9043 points 1 year ago
"It's like a million preorders cried out and were silenced..."
If Nexon can't learn why virtual stock can't sell like it did ten years ago, then maybe they should just sell the lot to someone else who can afford to continue publishing something that players will actually want to buy.
I mean really, how much longer do we have to bump a thread for GMs and FMs to realize their jobs are in jeopardy?
It's not just the gachapons that are the problem, it's your staff, and your lack of management.
(You shouldn't have to even pull rank these days, just say it like it is. You're a team, not a military. Say it, get it done.)
There's also the fact that we never hear comforting words from KR like Nintendo does from JP.
(Them Nintendo Directs, everyone loves those because of one thing: communication.)
It's like Nexon is admitting defeat, and renouncing all the innovation and motivation that KR first intended to have in the motto in the first place.
If your wheels have stopped turning, replace them. It's that simple.
(Dusty old cogs break, that's why they're replaced. Toss out old ideas! Get thinking!)
This is the image that Nexon constantly presents itself with as a company, especially when they continuously rely heavily on selling gachapons.
Be it players or actual investors, no one invests in, or helps broken records.
They change the tune, and toss the broken one aside with other rejects.
The golden days of full severs are over, it's time for Nexon to move on, and comply with modern Loot Box laws and expectations.
Get rid of the RNG, get rid of the 5 new items out of a 100 item loot box, listen to the players, and add stuff to the Cash Shop like any other normal company.
It's time to bait in those Fornite players with new and innovative
scamsways. Otherwise, Nexon will lose to Fornite like everyone else.