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I've tried changing channels, re-logging, shutting down the game and rebooting.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? Or am I just bugged?
What time do you gather it from? The trees seem to reset at 12am PST.
That would be because it is from 2010(I think??). It's the Terra Gothic Full Dress.
well actually all homestead items look like a small plant in our inventory so you probably just plant it in some soil add a little water and boom you have grown a cow or a sheep. who can fit a full sized cow or greenhouse in a bag small enough to be carried by a person? this is how I imagine all homestead furniture works cause it is the only way that makes sense. as for the Deku Princess she is a princess and a plant so maybe she is skilled enough to shrink herself so she can fit in a bottle.
That's probably the most logical explanation I've heard for that one XDD Congrats
And that is also true, though the idea of watering a greenhouse and not getting thrown back by the explosion of its growth....
That image is going to stick with me now for the rest of my homesteading days XDD
OMG like seriously?!? I didn't even do the math until I read your post and now I'm mad too!! If I had known that even without missing a single day that I wouldn't have been able to get the bonnet AND the pony I wouldn't have gotten the bonnet! Now I actually feel cheated.
I got Huge Lucky bonus yesterday, but then forgot to open the jars and they expired
Sounds like Chia pets to me.
We don't even get the entire outfit just the damn hat. I am really upset that I didn't do the math, sure wish I had. Besides why let us get all but one freaking coupon for the event . They can't extend it one day to lest us get them?
Just a hat? LMFAO. This is funny af.
Gotta give them hat's off for this.
You can't count Thursday because the event ends before you can collect for that day. So only 21 total possible if don't miss any days.