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St. Patrick's Day is almost here, and Alexina needs your help! The Expeditionary Force members are running low on supplies. Head to Qilla Base Camp to help deliver supplies in return for some clovers. Drop the clovers in Rabbie Dungeon for a chance at cool rewards, like the Lucky Clover 2nd Title, Super Shamrock Hat, St. Patrick's Day Suit, and more! Check out the full details here.
So what's the "better chance to get better prizes the more clovers you drop to enter the dungeon" about?
Is it actually worth it to drop more than one to enter?
Also the NPCs mention that you get a better chance of clothing prizes if you run with more people at once, what's that about?
I drop 12 to test it. I got Stamina 500 SE.
How do you even drop more than 2? It tells me I can't with stacks of 2 or more.
It is event item, named Lucky Four-Leaf Clover. You can get them from event npc.
They can be stacked and dropped to dungeon in stack. Max stack is 100.
Never saw any information or anything if anyone else got such thing before.
@Katherz Maybe you can confirm if it's still possible to get such thing? I swear i'm not bluffing that i got that pet from here lol.
If that's actually possible then I am spamming that dungeon no end XD
Searched through wiki and all kinds of forums, but no luck. The pet wasn't listed and mentioned anywhere. Told some people about this and one guy said: "Huh, so this is not just a rumor. Someone also claimed getting that pet from there."
It got me wondering for a while that time...
Event npcs give more clovers about once every 5 minutes.
You can drop 1 to 100. If you drop more you have better luck, maybe.
My luck as far(list of what I have got)
I drop 100. I got enchant scroll 'Rich'
I drop 1, I got:
enchant scroll 'posh'
elite pass - stones of sliab cuilin
elite pass - stones of sliab cuilin
elite pass - other alchemist
hp 100 x 1
I drop 4, I got:
stamina 500 SE
I drop 2, I got:
wound remedy 500 se x3
I drop 20, I got:
elite pass - battle for tailteann 2
I drop 50, I got:
hp 500 se x3